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I have a really bad elbow pain when I throw it's been going on for about 2 years it hurts to throw the more that I do it. I have been to the doctor about it and they took x-rays and found nothing. When I started to do weight training and push ups it makes a cracking noise and becomes sore. Is there anything that I can do changing the ways that I lift weights or has any one had this problem before. Thank you
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Obviously it's important to treat the symptoms with some for of rehab etc. However, it's just as important to find the cause of the pain (ie. mechanical issue). Otherwise, you have a high likelyhood that the pain will return when you start throwing again. Unfortunately, I've found very few Ortho's or rehab specialist that are able to diagnose the actual cause of the problem. They generally just treat the symptoms.
Stop throwing and all activities until after you have seen a Dr., received a referral for an MRI, had it read and diagnosed by a Dr. REHAB is something you will do once you know what is wrong and maybe learn what caused the problem. Any further workouts can only cause further harm. Try to seek out a sports medicine Dr. in your area that has experience with baseball injuries.

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