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Baseball's version of Empty Nest.

My nest is only half empty but with my older son playing in his third Fall scrimmage this afternoon, I am seriously missing watching him play.

I didn't miss too many games when he was at home and now that he's 5.5 hours away. I know I can watch most of the Spring games online but that is soooooo far away!

Anyone have a private plane that can fly me around?
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I know the feeling too. The field my boys practiced on after Little League is right where I pass by it everyday, standing alone and unkept up. In my imagination I see my two guys and their travel team buddies still out there, but I know those days are gone forever. My oldest is 582 miles away and my youngest elected to do track and field over baseball in college. I sometimes go watch Little League in our little town even though I don't know the young players.
Here's another angle...
I am going to the HS football game tonight... largely to watch and support the boys I coach... and somehow thinking that my being there watching will prevent them from getting hurt before baseball season starts up again.
I don't even want to talk about the parent angle. My last senior will be roaming the stands as well and you folks have me far too aware of how quickly it all ends. At least we get to drive 3 hours to scout ball together tomorrow.
Originally posted by BaseballmomandCEP:
Guys, thats what our kids call 'creepers'. Middle aged men hanging around the baseball field....

(Just kidding!1 I will do the same thing in 20131)

I resemble that remark.

Only 582 miles ….

Mine is 1,400 away. On the positive side, my shoulder is healing up quite nicely. (no BP) Ooccasionally I have an urge to drive to the HS field. My neighbor up the street offered to rent his son to me for the weekend.
You light weight! Cool 5 1/2 hours away is nothing. We were going to drive 11 hours each way this wek-end for the alumni game but common sense prevailed- plus our son is still rehabbing from an injury so he won't be playing.

It is a tough transition when we have to get our own lives. I think it's getting easier the older he gets? Can't wait for spring!
Ten years ago my son played his first travel tournament of the season in st louis, around a 5 hour drive. I wasn't going to go but became fired up for the start of the season and decided to drive down to watch his first game. So I drive 5 plus hours, watch him K 3 times and drive 5 plus hours home.

It came down to 3.5 hrs of driving per K. Currently son is at college 900 miles away and I'm ready to gas up again for fall world series. I'll do a follow up on miles/ K.
Last edited by igball
Originally posted by biggerpapi:
Originally posted by 55mom:
Going to watch coworker's 8 year old play. Smile

Know exactly how you feel!

That's really pushing it! Unless, of course, he's on an elite, top tier, showcase team.

LOL!! Think I'd better call Boras? I saw a couple he might like in 10 years!

It was interesting. Son played three seasons on the field, it used to look soooo big! :-) The kids were cute.

My neighbor up the street offered to rent his son to me for the weekend.

Be careful, he's probably going to ask you to pay for the boy's new bat or mitt as long as you're renting.

I remember when my oldest son went off to college (7 years ago!), and the long, impatient, expectant drives to watch games. The ONLY two speeding tickets I have gotten in my life were on the way to college baseball games!

Last edited by MN-Mom
It is a tough transition when we have to get our own lives. I think it's getting easier the older he gets? Can't wait for spring!

That about says it all CaBB! It's a little easier this year than last. My wife is wanting to drive over to EastSide (the old park he play at before age 12) or to East Cobb (Travel ball days) and watch some Fall games.

Last edited by Prime9
Originally posted by Prime9:
It is a tough transition when we have to get our own lives. I think it's getting easier the older he gets? Can't wait for spring!

That about says it all CaBB! It's a little easier this year than last. My wife is wanting to drive over to EastSide (the old park he play at before age 12) or to East Cobb (Travel ball days) and watch some Fall games.


Just yesterday three 20 something girls, who work in the office of a vendor I do business with, were explaining to me what a "creeper" is.

I think it would apply! Wink

Best of luck getting through the fall. I'm having big time withdrawal too!
Last edited by birdman14
My dd is 34 miles away but it might as well be 400. She needs to be on her own and figure things out for herself. However, today she is coming home since she dropped her phone and left it in the rain. No matter, I'm like a kid in the candy store because I get to see her today. Imagine, she never missed a day of practice since she started playing unless she had a game since she was approximately 8. She hit every day/night and we planned everything around that. Now, she's gone. I'm so lost! She plays her first fall game on Oct. 1. Naturally, parents can't watch practice and so I can't wait for Oct. 1.
Last edited by CoachB25
I am much more comfortable knowing that he is in a great school and a great program and he is adjusting very well to Texas. He has gone out and bought some cowboy boots, a belt buckle, a shirt. I can't say enough about how the warm and loving folks of Texas have embraced the poor lonely kid from California....

Last edited by BOF
Woody...I think he needs to fix the rig before he cranks it over for a spin around the's hard to fly when your rotor blades are all bent up...Just saying...

igball...900 miles? Since you have even further to drive I hope he can keep the K's to a minimum otherwise it could prove to be an even longer home.

Awesome looks like your son is doing just fine in Texas...however, I can see there are a few distractions off the field...LOL!!!
Last edited by Coach Waltrip
Why not do something productive, like volunteer to keep score, do field maintenances work, announce games, run the scoreboard, or take care of one of the local HS team’s web page? Believe me, other than in a very few programs, any and all help will very likely be snapped up, and it will really benefit kids.

I keep score for a team that wasn’t even built when my kids went to school, but I love every second of it, and know I’m providing a service for the coaches, the layers, and the parents. Low pay but great rewards! Wink
Last edited by Stats4Gnats
MN Mom, you're right. I will be chomping at the bit.

Stats4Gnats, I do already coach. Currently I'm in golf season. I have always coached a sport or two or three. However, I never had an empty house to go home to since we'd load up and go hit. I do seem to be getting a lot of "honey dos" done lately. Today, power raked the yard, seeded the yard with a power seeder and then watered it all. Did two loads of laundry. Boy do I miss taking the kid to hit. I'm TIRED! Cool
Originally posted by 55mom:
Coach - you have laundry!? My husband and I are down to one about load every 3 days or so. and We have something called "leftovers". and the milk soured. Confused

Interesting phenomena.

Big Grin

yes, yes.....

In four days time, our household shrank from 4 kids to 1.....the cooking is different, the shopping is different, and the noise and activity level is different...and I miss it terribly! Even the fighting!

My youngest child, a softball player, used to complain that I never go to her games. Well.....that is different, too. All of the undivided attention..... She didn't know that she had it so good! Big Grin

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