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I think SBK has it right --- the story is in San Fransisco. Why did the Washington Post have the Watergate contacts? Because that where the story was.

IF the Chronicle "has it in" for Bond, that's just icing on their cake. (Gee, and most coastal newspapers are just plain fawning about their local super stars... noidea....that's so weird that the SF paper would be nasty... Roll Eyes)
You have to know the history of Bonds and the SF Press to understand what's going on here.

No one is pure or absolutely clean and Bonds certainly is not. But neither are the goons at the SF Chronicle.

Bonds I'm sure has transgressed but at this point you're not going to get him...why, because he's to important to the game. That has already been decided, if it hadn' he would already have suffered sanctions by the league office. Plus the MLBPA would never allow any of their players of Bond's stature to suffer the consequences of something that is more innuendo and accusation than substance.

But this animosity for Bonds goes all the way back to when his godfather Mays played and then it continued with his Dad, Bobby. The n you have to calculate the fact that Bonds is a Catholic conservative and the SF Chronicle is a flaming liberal paper and you can see that the fuel for the fire by Victor Conte of Balco has given the SF Chronicle all the ammunition to finally get him.
Last edited by PiC
PiC - Mlb is not going to get Bonds because MLB all but encouraged steroids while they knew it was a major problem, not because he is important to the game. It was good for gate receipts and tv to have juiced bombers going deep.
There is no innuendo or accusation, he admitted using steroids with the same type of lying garbage Slick Willie used a few years back after he was caught.
Bonds a Catholic conservative. If a criminal (steroids are illegal outside of baseball) who treats most people like garbage and dated **** stars falls under that label I'll look to redefine myself.
Bond's problems with the media are self induced. Maybe he can blame the "cream and the clear" (which he had no idea what they were for) for his hostile attitude for media and their willingness to try and nail him.
Great hitter, end it there.
Originally posted by denisr400:
PiC - Mlb is not going to get Bonds because MLB all but encouraged steroids while they knew it was a major problem, not because he is important to the game. It was good for gate receipts and tv to have juiced bombers going deep.
There is no innuendo or accusation, he admitted using steroids with the same type of lying garbage Slick Willie used a few years back after he was caught.
Bonds a Catholic conservative. If a criminal (steroids are illegal outside of baseball) who treats most people like garbage and dated **** stars falls under that label I'll look to redefine myself.
Bond's problems with the media are self induced. Maybe he can blame the "cream and the clear" (which he had no idea what they were for) for his hostile attitude for media and their willingness to try and nail him.
Great hitter, end it there.


After reviewing your post I see that you make all the same accusations that the news media does by inference, not by substantive and confirmed hard evidence.

And until someone brings and indictment that can stick with a guilty verdict and sentence, Bonds is not a criminal.

Now that being said it does seem that Bonds placed himself in a very "suspicious" circumstance by associating with Balco and accepting gratuities of the "Clear" and "cream". But let me tell you this Bonds never tried to hide that he used the stuff, as he use to apply it in front of the other players. Bonds says he didn't knwo that the stuff was "dirty".

In my athletic career I used the creams and balms the other guys used, never asked what it was, so I can say that it is not beyond belief that Bonds could have been using and didn't consciously know that the stuff was "dirty".

BTW - The fact that Bonds is a Catholic should not have an impact on why the SF Chronicle is after him, but with the newsmedia being totally in support of a completely secular society, bringing down the icons of the religious members in the Catholic Church gives them the "gotcha" positions to continue on there high horse of hypocrisy.
Last edited by PiC
Originally posted by infielddad:
One more time and this is as loud as I can type!!!!!!!!!! The search was not about Bonds. The search was trying to find out who leaked the information from the grand jury. Can anyone hear this? walk


Yeh, and I believe in the tooth fairy...we all know it's about getting Bonds, it has been and will be until they bring him down.

Why, because he is a proud black man and they can't stand that.

History repeats itself, can anyone remember the Jack Johnson story?
Last edited by PiC
Everyone could read what that search was about. At some point I'm sure he had some wonderful evidence stored at his house but it is now gone or will be inadmissable in court since that is not intent of search (fingering steroid users).
Regarding Bonds and usage the search should have been done at Conte's house long time ago.
I and many others don't care if Bonds is black and I don't mind if he is proud. Giambi is white. He is a criminal and a liar. Can I type that loud enough. A criminal and a liar.
Bonds didnt know is as ludicrous as Slick Willie's antics. Did he wonder why his body changed so much or did after 16 or so years of working out his body finally started to respond.
I won't waste any more of my time arguing with the Bond's apologists. They like many of the Sammy-cork lovers can't see past lots of homers and into the real world. I'm guessing many in this crowd are also still convinced OJ was innocent because he scored lots of td's.
In answer to post I collectively offer the following:

The MLBPA has had many players who are suspected of having used. Even now the litany of names is lengthy and currently represents some of the most well known players of note.

Names starting with McGuire, his records should be expunged but there is no focus on him.

Caminiti an admitted user but his all-Star records remain intact.

Canseco an admitted user but no one cry's for him that he gave it all up to please the crowd's desire to see him hit it out. Now they boo his name.

Gary Sheffield a Yankee, but no one is calling for his head, cause he's one of Steinbrenner's guys now.

Giambi who gave all the crowd's thrill after thrill and they ate it up...and now he is sick from going all out to see how far he could take they boo him too.

I suspect Eric Gagne of the Dodgers, but noone is calling for him to be tested.

And Sammy Sosa dared the writers to test him, but noone showed up with a urine test kit to take him up on it...they weren't interested in the results of the test, just sullying the guys name.

Nah the focus is Bonds, and only Bonds....hmmmm, I wonder why???
Last edited by PiC
I'm not sure what you're trying to say PiC, by asking why the focus is on Bonds. Perhaps it is because he broke the HR record after an incredible increase in musculature after the age of 35, and admits to being one of Victor Conte's clients.

And TRHit wonders why it is always the San Fran paper that has the scoops on Conte's troubles - gee, I don't know TR - maybe because Conte is from San Fran?

In my athletic career I used the creams and balms the other guys used, never asked what it was, so I can say that it is not beyond belief that Bonds could have been using and didn't consciously know that the stuff was "dirty".

Pic, did the Bengay or Atomic Bomb cream you bummed off of your teammates make your head swell up like the Great Pumpkin, or change your body size from being the kid on the beach that gets sand kicked in his face to Charles Atlas?

I didn't think so.

While admirable from afar, MLB's steroid testing won't accomplish as much as some think. "Designer" pharmicists will just change the mix to make it harder to pickup, or players will just change to HCG, which can't be picked up in a urine test, only a blood test.

What a coincidence.... MLB isn't allowed to perform blood testing, only urine. noidea

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