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Welcome to the HSBBW...a website devoted to baseball and apparently inhabited by folks without the affliction of flat feet.

I'm responding to your post not only to welcome you, but to also bump your post back to the top.

Does anyone have information on flat feet and the relationship to baseball abilities?

I'm sorry to say that I don't have an answer for you...hopefully someone out there does!
I have recently had my son complain of lower back pain when swinging at the age of 16. Following numerous Dr. visits, xray and MRI he was diagnosed with 3 bulging discs. No apparent injury or accident was the cause, just over use was the thought.
Lucky enough to go for rehad with the head PT for the AZ Diamondbacks, Derek Stevenson and he studied Chris' walk, run, balance ect....Examined his spine, legs and feet and come to this conclusion. Most atheletes are running around with bulging discs of some degree. That in itself is not a major problem, however you need to take as much of the stress off the back and it will be fine. Flat feet can cause this problem. He said Chris' feet needed orthodics (arch supports, just like almost ALL the Diamondbacks wear). Also his right leg was a little shorter then his left, not that uncommon. He has made these orthodics for everyone from Luis Gonzalez to Matt Williams to Randy Johnson. That, along with a strenthening program for his glutes and leg muscles, (his back and abs were already sufficiant) should solve the problem and even make him more agile and quick, an extra benefit as he is a SS.

These are not the hard things you get from a podiatrist(sp?) or the rubber kind at Walgreens, they are full insoles with a very comfortale fit. They make a custom mold to your foot and it will cost about $400 for the best ones and $125 for a cheaper (wears out faster, just as effective) model plus of course the fitting and consultation. I put the less expensive ones in his stinky cleats and the good ones in his everyday shoes.
I suggest you try and find a similar outfit, and take care of the problem before you have to miss half a season with pain, it's no fun.
Again, not a podiatrist, but someone who works with athelets on a regular basis.
Good Luck,

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