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I have spent numerous hours during the past 4 months, since taking over the website on June 1, dealing with Trolls and Flames.

No, I am not playing a medieval game like Dungeons and Dragons, but addressing the issues that pop up fairly often on our forums and probably on all Internet forums. I recently found some interesting articles about the topics, and thought that our members might be interested to read these, and even pick up a few tips for reacting to ... Trolls and Flames. (You will probably get a chuckle out of a few of the similarities you notice.)

Internet Trolls:

Flame Wars:

Of course I'm posting these links for your reading pleasure and perhaps the education of some members - not to start a battle! Wink As always, if you have specific concerns, you can contact me directly at, as well as the usual public or private posts.

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I read that and learned a lot. To a small extent I feel some what guilty about certain posts!... A small extent!

I think everyone should read those links. Old timers and new comers alike might think twice about certain things that are said/written. Then again there are likely to be people who don't really care!. They probably won't bother to read the message because they think they are above that.

It would be interesting to see/read everyone's opinion. Some people will not be capable of understanding their ego can have a negative impact.

By the way, I think everyone knows you are doing a great job MN-Mom. Thanks again for saving this great web site. Bob is a very wise man!
Last edited by PGStaff
TPM and AK, thank you.

PG, you of all people have nothing to feel guilty about! There are several members of this forum who make my li'l volunteer job easier, and you're one of them. There are a bunch of members who make my participation here much more enjoyable - way too many to name, but some of their initials are LL. And there are a few who make my duties more difficult - I won't name names on the grounds that it might incinerate* me! Wink

*See above reference to Flames
Last edited by MN-Mom
MN-Mom | PGStaff

I've read these links before and others about "trolls". Trolls come in several flavors,


A modified compilation originally gathered from usenet by Blue Troll

Blue Troll - A relatively benign species of troll, interested primarily in the gathering and dissemination of useful and interesting trolling related information. Also referred to as a "troll scholar."

Bee Troll - These trolls are very annoying. A species much like the above, but unfortunately, has an irresistible streak inside them that will not let them idly pass up a spelling mistake without correcting it.

Grey Troll - One who posts an inflammatory comment, and then falsely claims later that they were asking a legitimate question.

Viva-Troll - Who subsists on a diet of straight caffein, and sugar injections. These trolls usually embroil themselves in a flame war, then post a "comeback" after every post by other users, any time of day, or night.

Math Troll - These Trolls are strictly lawful, believing victory can only be obtained through the sheer number of posts they've made. To ensure their victory in a battle, they will often post singular sentences over numerous posts, to counter one persons idea. These trolls are extremely annoying, and dangerous, seeing as how they continue to attack at every turn, but say very little at what it is they are attacking. These trolls are always desperate for the "last word."

Rip Van Troll - Who wakes up in time to be in the middle of a flamewar, and decides to repost the first message on his/her newsreader with a nasty comment, while the world has already moved beyond the first post (whatever it may be) and delved into the deep psychology of Gary Gygax.

High Cleric Troll - These trolls are fully capable of resurrecting old flamewars and starting them fresh, simply by laying on hands, and a few words of wisdom. Unfortunately for us, their following is extremely large.

Anti-Troll (AKA Troll Hunter) - A special type of hunter that has Trolls as their species enemy and will fixate on flaming a specific Troll and being rude to all other Trolls sometimes alienating friends and allies in his quest to rid the world of Trolls, or die trying.

Doppleganger Troll - This troll is really a regular in the newsgroup he's posting in, but in times when he wishes to troll, he enlist a proxy and assumes another email address and takes upon a separate identity. He sometimes enters the thread as his old self to try to confuse other posters into not believing it's really him 8)

Cowardly Troll - This type of troll is quite obvious, but when a poster calls him a troll and points it out to him, this troll vehemently denies trolling and insists that he's enlightening the masses.

Ego Troll - Who seems to reply to his own comments or question under another personality. He starts a flamewar against himself hoping some people will hate and insult one of the two. He also likes waffles.

Noble Troll - This troll does his best to make an entire newsgroup into one huge flamewar. But, what separates this troll from the others is that this troll takes pride in being a troll and even starts to brag on a newsgroup that he gets fan mail. These trolls think their actions are works of art much like a Michaelangelo.

Impotent Troll - An ineffective troll who is genuinely malicious and malevolent, but the newsgroup readers regard him as comical in its monotonous rantings. He is usually highly susceptible to counter-trolling.

Pseudo-Troll - That's the type who after getting brutally trolled and caught hook line and sinker, posting response after response to trolling, claims that, in actuality, THEY are the troll, trolling the original troll by pretending to be really worked up and upset at the troll.

Trolling can be part of any conversation as happens here quite often. Also called baiting or taunting.

Having a conversation that may have controversy in the discussion is not trolling.

Hope this helps.
Bee Troll - These trolls are very annoying. A species much like the above, but unfortunately, has an irresistible streak inside them that will not let them idly pass up a spelling mistake without correcting it.
btw RR
"Viva-Troll - Who subsists on a diet of straight caffein" - - it's "caffeine"

peace Smile
Last edited by Bee>

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