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@Consultant posted:


define residence one month, one year? Return to Country and back, passport? Visa?

As with a lot of things in MLB, it's whatever Manfred says it is.

Specifically, Major League Rule 3(a)(1)(A)(i) says:

A player shall be considered a “resident of the United
States or Canada” if the player enrolls in a United States or
Canadian high school, junior college, or college or establishes
a legal residence in the United States or Canada within one
year prior to the date of the player’s contract. In determining
residency, the Office of the Commissioner will consider all
relevant factors, including, but not limited to, how long the
player has lived at his current address, where the player
intends to live permanently in the future, where the player has
resided in the past, what passports the player holds, the
player’s citizenship, and the player’s place of birth.

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