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Eldest son starts season - 2 games - hits first collegiate homerun (on first pitch of game) - steals 4 bases - turns 3 doubleplays.

3rd game - sprains ankle hitting the 1b bag.

Probably out for at least a week.

Sometimes I feel like his bad luck is just never going to end.

You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time. ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970
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I sincerely appreciate the words of encouragement from my friends here.

Selfishly, I am expressing my feelings of frustration - but I am sure my son must feel alot worse. And that is that.

TPM - I am very glad to see that David is back at it.

Orlando - I know exactly what you mean - and hope that he doesnt "rush it".

Coach Merc - Thanks for the kind words - and would really like to hear how everyting is going with Joe.

Gotwood - Believe it or not - he is using the "Shea Bernaise" sauce as an anti-inflammatory on his ankle. Most people go to Shea and eat that stuff - but being experienced Mets fans - D and I know that it is better used for treating injuries. LOL

Last edited by itsinthegame

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