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Originally posted by HVbaseballDAD:
Having been to both the Yankee Stadium bleachers (many times) and also Fenway and taken in a game in the bleachers (incognito by the way) with my then 7 year-old son. I can say without hesitation that the people in the Fenway bleachers are the lowest form of life out there!

Slummin' in those $75 seats? Finally an objective analysis......... Smile

Last edited by Dad04
I've been to Fenway and walked around with a Yankees jersey. I heard things I've never heard before and will probably never hear again. I loved every minute of it.

Having said that, from a fan's point of view...go Orioles. I could appreciate the golf courses in Fort Myers getting busy sometime next week...Pedroia and Papelbon should make a good twosome.
Last edited by J H
Originally posted by J H:
And the magic number is one. Yanks pull tonight's game out and they clinch the division.

Here's to hoping the Rays and Angels beat the snot out of every one of their opponents for the remainder of the season

A.L. East Champs!!!!!!!

No more elimination numbers!!

Time to get pumped up for the second season!!!
Wow! This thread went the WRONG way!!!

All in fun my friends. Clearly, a guy who has to be served papers for child support isn't my hero.

And I know I'd love to wear my #9 jersey while serving A-Rod papers for whatever stupid thing he's done lately.

Go ahead, Yanks...enjoy your Division Championship. We're barely gonna squeak in but that's okay, remember the last time you had us on the ropes...2004!!!!!!!
As an Orioles fan, a pox on both their houses.

And to Tampa Bay, "you're welcome".

If we can't get into the playoffs, and we haven't in forever, the next best thing is perhaps knocking out the Dread Sox. Your know your team is bad when you TV announcers discuss the possibility of winning 70 games for the first time in a long time.

Orioles in 2012! (same thing I hoped for in 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010....................)
Last edited by hokieone
Zombywoof said....
Red Sox team & fans rooting for Yankees to win so they can back in to playoffs

Zombywoof - That is a really, really hard & bitter pill to swallow, but it is the truth and there is no denying it.

Starting pitching was supposed to be a Red Sox strength this year with Beckett, Lester, Buckholtz, Lackey, Dice-K, Wakefield, etc. Needless to say, it has not been a strength. I would trade a bucket of balls, cash and a couple sandwiches for Lackey, Carl Crawford and our right fielder du jour. Theo will have some work to do in the off season addressing catching, SS, RF and pitching.

Mike Aviles was a good pickup. Gonzalez, Ellsbury, Big Papi, Pedrioa and a couple guys in the bullpen can hold their heads high with terrific seasons despite what ever happens going forward. I call them like I see them. And frankly, I don't see the Yankees getting past Texas. Good luck Gentlemen!

Last edited by fenwaysouth
Originally posted by Thurm:
Mike Lupica wrote at the begining of the season:

"Do you know who has started the season 0-10 and made the playoffs?

No One, thats who"

This is why it bugs me when people don't stress winning every game. They'll act like a few losses in April are no big's a long season.

Well, you'll want every one of those wins when you get to September.
Growing up in Texas I thought I knew about sports rivalries, then I moved to a town just about halfway between Boston and New York. As we were touring a middle school with our son the principal told us that we would need to elect either Yankess or Red Sox. He then he proceeded to stop random kids in the hall and ask them "Yankees or Red Sox?". EVERY kid had an immediate, heartfelt answer. No one was noncommittal.
Originally posted by HVbaseballDAD:

This is looking more like '78 than '04!

They may outdo the Mets collapse of a few years ago.

You are correct about that. '78 was a complete collapse. '04 was sweet though....especially those long ALCS games at The Stadium. I can deal with this year, cuz we still have '04.

Last edited by Dad04
What's funny is 2004 not even a thought until someone brings it up. Yanks have been in the playoffs so many times that it would stand to reason they be the first team to lose after a 3-0 lead since they have the highest frequency of being in the playoffs, they have the most opportunity to be part of dubious history. Even if it was the Red Sox that did it. Heck, they've lost more world series than the next team on the all-time list won. At the time it happened it was tough to watch being it was the Red Sox but I swuppose that it's fitting being the rivalry and all, but so much time has passed and another world series title later makes it easy to move on. If the Yankees havent won in over 100 yrs like the Cubs, then 2004 would be fresh in the mind.
Last edited by zombywoof
Originally posted by birdman14:
Now that the Yankees the have knocked Tampa back a peg, the Red Sox need to take care of business this weekend. You know the Yanks won't be playing anyone the last 3 games.

You don't want to get swept! After a 5-16 September, nothing is guaranteed.

I don't see Tampa getting the WC. As bad as Boston has been, I can't see them throwing away the postseason. Winning the AL East was a surprise this year because the Yanks lost a lot of key players for much of the year, Boston & Tampa were favored ahead of the Yankees but a number of Scranton Yankees held up their end and took care of business in the East.
Bum said...
When I was a kid I used to root for the underdog. Still do somewhat, I guess. But the older I get I realize that the root of the word underdog is "dog".

Winners win by talent and hard work. Losers can choose to emulate or begrudge the winners.

Agreed. I guess I just need a few more years until I wise up, and no one has ever accused me of being smart. Wink So I got that going for me. I was bred into being a Sox fan, so no choice there. I choose to follow the Nats becasue there is just something about them that I like plus the stadium is 90 miles from my house. The Nats truly are "underdogs", and I can't help myself. My dream World Series in 20 years will be the Red Sox and Nats. I had a bet at the beginning of the season with a college buddy that the Nats would finish ahead of the Mets in the NL East. I will be collecting $$ in a matter of days!

All the AL playoff teams have talent, work hard and are well coached. I admit even Girardi has done a masterful job with his team this year. I have a lot more respect for the man now, because of what they have been able to do with injuries, a depleted pitching staff and managing egos this year. Francona did a similiar great job last year. However if you are a Red Sox/Tampa Bay or Yankees fan with half a have to be really, really worried about Detroit and Texas next week. I fully expect one of those two teams to win the AL pennant. They're hot, they got pitching, and they can hit. We'll see, it should be a great playoff season.
Last edited by fenwaysouth
Being a Yankees fan, I keep hoping this topic will drift off the board so I don't have to see it every time I go to hsbbweb! But it just keeps popping back up to the top...

You'll be happy to know I am trying very hard to teach my young boys how to be "good" Yankees fans. No trash talking, etc. Of course, I hope what's left of the Red Sox nation after this month will appreciate that. Big Grin GO YANKEES!!!!
Originally posted by fast:
Being a Yankees fan, I keep hoping this topic will drift off the board so I don't have to see it every time I go to hsbbweb! But it just keeps popping back up to the top...

You'll be happy to know I am trying very hard to teach my young boys how to be "good" Yankees fans. No trash talking, etc. Of course, I hope what's left of the Red Sox nation after this month will appreciate that. Big Grin GO YANKEES!!!!

Somehow, I don't think so... Big Grin

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