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Thanks to all who posted in last week's GAME CENTRAL thread:

Perfect Game has posted some updates to their Who's Hot list for high school players.

It really is fun to hear the reports of all these great performances. Who wants to start this week? Big Grin
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my son has been the closer all year, we had 2 huge conf games this week mon,fri won both by 1 run each. in the 2 games he went 5 innings no hits or runs 1 walk 11 Ks so far on the year somewhere around 24 or 25 innings and 50+ Ks he's a soph lhp and was up to 86 mph monday dont know today but had alot of movement.
I would like to say, The Team after not having a very good game yesterday.

That the the EH's son came back today, by going 3 for 4 with 2 line drive single's and the first HR of the Season.

I'm very proud of him, for not letting a bad game get you down, and coming back the next day with a positive attitude.

They won the Game with a runner on 2nd, the EH's son on 1st in the bottom of the 7th, with a Walk off HR, by the only Freshman on the Varsity team. with a clean shot over left center field fence. The freshman doesn't Weigh more than 145#. It just goes to show you don't have to be big to hit the ball hard. the EH
Big conference game tonight both teams undefeated in conf play. Jeff homers in his third ab a 2 run shot. Goes 2-3 on the night with 1 IBB. Most importantly we win 6-5 to go 4-0 in conference play. Through 14 games Jeff has now hit 8 hr's has 24 rbi's with a slugging percentage well over a thousand hitting .560. I am very proud of him. He has been so patient at the plate seeing cb after cb out of the zone and getting maybe one pitch to hit each ab. He is not missing it when he gets it. A great win for us tonight.
Proud of son and whole team. Had another double header today. First game, my son pitched his third shutout of the year. Struck out 14, hit a triple and a double in game one. So far has pitched 24 innings, 49 strikeouts, no runs scored and a zero ERA. Amazingly pitched well today as the weather was 42 degrees with a hefty wind chill factor on top of that. Team won game two 5 to 0. They were glad to get on a warm bus for the 3 1/2 hour trip home.
More like LAMENT rather than BRAG:

Team is 1-5, Junior is 0-3, with an ERA around 1.5, 2CG ['only' went 6.1 in the other start!! Big Grin ]18K, 2BB. Lost a 4 hitter the other day 6-4, with 0 earned runs, 6 Es in the first 2 innings, 7K, 1BB, 84 pitches, 1 baserunnner after the 2nd inning, 6 balls left the infield all game.

In his varsity 'career' he has lost a 3 hitter, 2 4hitters, a 5 hitter and 2 6 hitters - he's going nuts!! [runs in the family!]
Son threw 8 innings, gave up one ER. 116 pitches, no walks, 15 strikeouts. We lost game in 9th so he gets no decision. More proud of how he handled himself afterwards; hugging and talking to other players, instead of sulking. was pitching against 7 of his summer teammates - they surrounded him on the mound and as happy as they were to beat us and take over first place in district, they wanted him to know how good he had been. That's why we spend the money on baseball; to meet great kids and great families who teach our kids great lessons.
Great job Hintite! The emotional thing affects men too! We just like to pretend like it doesn't. You must be so proud of your son and rightly so! When our kids do well and make us proud and happy, AND become adults and we have to start letting go, they're almost done with HS and we're getting older! Thats a lot of stuff to get emotional about. When my kids do something to make me proud I have to wonder how I could have been so lucky in life, and sometimes I get so choked up it's hard to talk for a bit! Smile
Way to go!!! ole

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