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Originally posted by Rob Kremer:

Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant, regardless of what AlGore and the rest of the global warming alarmist crowd wants you to believe (and apparently you have drunk the kool-aid.)

Rather, carbon dioxide is necessary for life on Earth. Among other things, it is PLANT FOOD. You exhale it with every breath you release.

If you really have bought the fiction that we need to accept draconian controls on our lifestyle to limit CO2 emissions, I invite you to take the lead. Park your car and stop breathing.

Hey Rob Kremer-
You need to push yourself away from Rick Inhofe's commode and get yourself a good shower. Nobody said CO2 was toxic when present in the NORMAL RANGE. Read the data. I bet even you would agree that water is a pretty good thing, except when there's WAY TOO MUCH OF IT. Ask the folks in Iowa. Yes, even water can become a pollutant.
As far as the kool aid goes, I've had quite enough of your brand to last me for the rest of my life here. I hope your words stick around here long enough for you to choke on 'em. Peace.
I am simply asking that the focus of this topic - what has been the impact of gas prices on your baseball activities be respected - and that the general board manners rules of this board similarly be respected.

From the board manners (highlighting mine):

Message Board Rules
In order to facilitate the free and respectful exchange of opinions about all things baseball, the following rules must be observed. (stuff deleted)

We expressly reserve the right to deny authorization to any person at any time, for any reason, as well as to delete in its entirety any post or link to material which we, in our sole discretion, deem to be:

offensive to the sensibilities of ordinary persons,
contrary to the rules or purpose of this website,
or which might subject us to legal liability.
Posters will be expected to maintain basic courtesy toward the opinions of others. Please avoid flame wars or anything you KNOW will cause others to flame (aka "flame bait") .

Drifting off into the causes of high gas prices, the validity of global warming, political views, the difference between CO and CO2, etc. detracts from what was otherwise a very serious and important discussion on the impact of gas prices on all of our expensive habit - baseball.
Well put 08, and 'nuf said Wink

I myself would love to be in your neck of the woods right now. Monterey is is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Son is there with the Foresters this weekend for a 3 game set against the Bay Sox. That was actually one of the trips that I had planned for this summer that I had to cancel due to high travel costs. Frown Thank God for internet streaming.
With all due respects...This topic is Moot...Take a look at this.... Eek

From SF Chronicle today...

"Space scientists are scratching their heads, trying to explain why the sun remains eerily quiet despite being at a time when sunspots should be becoming more frequent...“It continues to be dead,” said Saku Tsuneta with Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory while attending a solar conference in Montana. Scientists there said they don’t believe the lack of sunspots means that an event known as the Maunder Minimum is beginning.

That phenomenon produced a lack of sunspots for 50 years in the 17th century, resulting in what is referred to as the "Little Ice Age."

Periods of inactivity are normal for the sun, but the current spot-free period has gone on much longer than usual.

This cycle is just simply “off to a slow start,” said NASA solar physicist David Hathaway.

But another solar scientist, Oleg Sorokhtin, of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, believes the solar drought is an indication that Earth will ender a period of cooling.

He makes that prediction based on past trends and early records. Sorokhtin points out that whatever influences human activity is having on the climate is a “drop in the bucket” compared to the rapid cooling that could occur due to an inactive solar period."

Get your coats out kiddies..

Cool 44
Originally posted by spizzlepop:

I myself would love to be in your neck of the woods right now. Monterey is is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. Son is there with the Foresters this weekend for a 3 game set against the Bay Sox. That was actually one of the trips that I had planned for this summer that I had to cancel due to high travel costs. Frown Thank God for internet streaming.

I was planning to make a run out to watch the games tonight - I'll root for the lil sizzlepop on your behalf!!!
OK 08 if you didn't like what the poster said gelete it and post something about BB,

o44 that is the case. We are a blip in time and a minimal influenc on polution. Our idiots said they were putting a carbon tax on gas prices and reducing other taxes to make it neutral to the tax payer. Ya sure just like the GST which is even on some food items and utilities.
Originally posted by observer44:
Hey Spizzle...

What is your son's #...watched the Forresters game last night...great game...pitching and defense dominated...2-0 Forresters in 11...

Going again today...

Cool 44

13. Not sure when he's pitching again, last start was Wed. Was that yours pitching in the 9th or 10th?
Foresters announcer had him as "The Mystery Pitcher." Not listed on the roster yet I guess. Mine either. Sure wish I were there. Frown
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." - HL Mencken

Mencken was a smart man. A couple more quotes for you to ponder. Razz

I believe that it is better to tell the truth than a lie. I believe it is better to be free than to be a slave. And I believe it is better to know than to be ignorant.
H. L. Mencken

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican.
H. L. Mencken
IMO the discussion has been right on topic the whys and wherefores of how all of us will deal with gas prices and their effect on baseball. What is causing all of this. This is an adult discussion I presume?

FYI about Carbon Dioxide:
an inert gas shows that human beings have little to no effect on so called global warming because as vast as the oceans are they simply do not produce enough enert CO2 to matter.

As someone said here "ignorance-is-bliss"...and the Al Gores of this world are counting on it.
Last edited by LLorton
Global cooling...what about Planet X??? In 2012, the only area in the US that will be safe is Wisconsin. Good thing they have cold beer and a baseball team. I always knew Laverne and Shirley had it right! Or was it Lenny and Squiggy? So as not to hyjack the post-I wont let gas prices keep me from travelling to watch my son play baseball. I can cut back on StarBucks, mow my own yard and cook instead of eating out, but Have Economy Car...Will Travel
Or, Spizzle, these ones:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - HL Mencken

We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic socialism and environmental policy."
- Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

"A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect."
- Richard Benedict, State Dept. employee working on assignment from the Conservation Foundation

"[We] have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Dr. Stephen Schneider, leading Kyoto treaty advocate and former leading global cooling advocate.
Last edited by Rob Kremer
1) Bobblehead - my summer project is to put a VW TDI in my Jeep Wrangler Smile

2) re pollution; California cannot be permitted to have both automobiles AND forest fires -
if fires continue they must give up the autos for the sake of ALL future children

3) re gas prices; relief is on the way ... our lawmakers will simply raise taxes on the oil companies until gas gets cheaper crazy

4) re the internet & Al Gore; actually George W must have invented it as evidenced by all addresses beginning with WWW.-
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Come to your own conclusions:

Fri May 23, 2008 11:34pm BST

NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Exxon Mobil Corp is pulling contributions to several groups that have downplayed the risks that greenhouse gas-emissions could lead to global warming, continuing a policy started in 2006 by Chief Executive Rex Tillerson.

Exxon will not contribute to some nine groups in 2008 that it funded in 2007. It said in its corporate citizenship report that the groups' "position on climate change could divert attention from the important discussion on how the world will secure the energy required for economic growth in an environmentally responsible manner."

The groups Exxon has stopped funding include the Capital Research Center, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, Frontiers of Freedom Institute, the George C. Marshall Institute, and the Institute for Energy Research, according to Exxon spokesman Gantt Walton.
Last edited by HaverDad
Come to your own conclusions:

Fri May 23, 2008 11:34pm BST

NEW YORK (Reuters) -
Exxon Mobil Corp is pulling contributions to several groups that have downplayed the risks that greenhouse gas-emissions could lead to global warming,
wow - that's some pretty convincing science Roll Eyes

say yes to nuclear power

a) re world carbon tax; China & India say NO THANKS
Last edited by Bee>
'originally' by Rob Kremer

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed - and hence clamorous to be led to safety - by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." - HL Mencken

Well, I guess you could put a picture of Dick Cheney next to that to really illustrate the quote.

We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing -- in terms of economic socialism and environmental policy."
- Timothy Wirth, former U.S. Senator (D-Colorado)

There is nothing anywhere to support that he actually made that statement, except a 1993 fiction piece by a wacko RW journalist named Michael Fumento who thinks everything is a government conspiracy. Check out his book on the 'myth' of heterosexual AIDS. BTW, Michael Chrichton wrote a pretty pathetic book of 'conspiracy' fiction on the subject of climate change too. He probably made a lot more than Al Gore.
To bring this back to baseball, albeit temporarily, Wirth was also an instrumental figure in getting Denver an MLB expansion team. Yes, the Rockies Smile

"A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect."
- Richard Benedict, State Dept. employee working on assignment from the Conservation Foundation
You mean THE Richard Benedict? The producer? That's the only Richard Benedict I could find worth a Google. BTW he produced some good ones, Hawai'i Five-0, Get Smart.
Or could you just be talking about this Conservation Foundation? They could only be scary if you were a pesticide salesman in NE Illinois.
Looks like a real propaganda mill, eh Rob?

"[We] have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements and make little mention of any doubts we may have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." - Dr. Stephen Schneider, leading Kyoto treaty advocate and former leading global cooling advocate.

LOL, no he probably didn't glean that from the present administration, but at least it's plausible . Scneider's actually got tons of very pertinent (and factual) information on his web site if you care to check it out.

Give it a good look Rob. You might learn something useful. Wink
Last edited by spizzlepop
by Puma: So as not to hyjack the post-I wont let gas prices keep me from travelling to watch my son play baseball. I can cut back on StarBucks, mow my own yard and cook instead of eating out
kudos on your efforts, however you will soon need to purchase "carbon credits" from the UN in order to mow or bbq under penalty of imprisonment Eek

AND if ya want to be earth friendly & NOT MOW ... well, you will go to jail here for that too Frown Canton passes high grass law
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Rob Kremer:
You really are one big liberal aren't you?

I'm sorry Sizzle, you've been outted. The dreaded L-word is now rubber stamped, in BIG RED LETTERS, to the each front cover of those 3x double-wide manila folders that hold your suspicious permanent record.

URGENT NOTE: Please purge all my data from your personal electronic files, especially the Blackberry contact info.

(Gee, it was on flag day too.)
Last edited by HaverDad
Why the problem with being conservative (see, it's not a bad word) with energy usage? I don't mind cutting back on excess in order to do the fun things. It's what my mom did, it's what her parents did - especially during the depression years. Of course mom grew up less than a mile from a couple of fields that hosted semi-pro teams of the 1930's. Instead of a nickel for a movie, she often went to watch them play. I guess I see that generation's difficulty and feel we are so much better off - even gluttonous - it might be good to reexamine our lifestyle. just a thought.
by BBHDL: they are going to stop you from using a motor on your fishing boat and give you a set of paddles ... they just keep raising the price until you stop driving. I knew they were good people
1) they can have my outboard motor when they pry it from my cold .. dead .. hands Wink

2) the government will be picking a fight they can't ever win when they mess with hardworking common folk who cling to guns, religion, outboard motors, bbq grills & nascar to give our wretched lives a bit of meaning.

3) not to worry tho, our government WILL fix the gas situation - gas WILL be CHEAPER, ya just won't be able to get any...
I met alot of nice people in Jimmy Carter's gas lines .. in certain areas they resembled "slow-moving" tailgate parties Smile

you then, could still travel to weekend baseball tourneys, but might not be able to return home til mid-week (or so)
(odd/even daily gas sales with NO GAS AT ALL on SUNDAYS!)
(spizzel too young to remember )
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