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And I, along with others, feel very sad to hear that!

Another thread today made me think about posting a question on this issue, but I haven't really had time to sort out all of my thoughts yet.

This site belongs to all of us, but especially those who have contributed their wisdom about baseball and life for several years or more, some from the very beginning. We can't make everyone happy with decisions about how much free speech is allowed, but that is sometimes the issue or problem that gets called to my attention.

I appreciate member comments in this thread, but I would also invite members to contact me directly with their thoughts, through a Private Message or an e-mail at And anyone who has a concern about a particular post or thread should feel free to click the Report This Post button in the lower right corner of the post, and make their comment or concern which will send an immediate notification to me as well.

PA...(or anyone for that matter)

Where was this thread?....

"My concern is that many of our most distinguished members are losing interest in the site and have started to back-off from

Interesting...I'd like to read some of these posts...where were they?


- Growth and change can be a difficult thing for some...I have noticed this through the years in baseball as well...the players/parents/coaches just aint what they used to be Cool. Back in MY day....

- I know this is hard to believe but players and parents move on with their lives.

- I'll go out on a real limb here and predict that a new crop of quality posters with some excellent contributions and a new and perhaps challenging perspective will continue to arrive daily...

- IMO, MNMom has carried the tourch exceptionally well, expanding the venue into new areas, and offering a broader view of the youth baseball world. Part of the consquence of this expansion is a temporary thinning of the individual threads by spreading out the posters into a wider range of venues. While this may be difficult for some, it gives the site both a broader perspective and a broader base of support, both of which are aruguably good things.

As for those who have personally made the choice to back off some? They know that they are valued and loved...and they know where we are. I am sure they will continue to contribute when they feel the need or the desire...

Cool 44
Last edited by observer44
Site is fine.

A bit testy at times. A bit "too personal" at times.

Otherwise...A great site!

Went back and checked the thread...I thought it was great, i.e., the banter back and forth.

Just like baseball...We see life and history through different sets of eyes.

Kids and parents should read such threads and they will understand how we learn about adults who shape the world in which we live.

Grew up in the '50's; Viet Nam; Ronnie's 2 terms; Clinton and his frumpy friend; Confederate flag controversy; and, now Georgie Porgie and his vp that can't shoot straight.

This is life, folks.
Last edited by BeenthereIL
And, of course, a great many distinguished posters are doubtlessly immersed in the World Cup! Wink

I mean, Hislop's performance in goal for Trinidad was inflippingcredible, that appalling call for Japan and the subsequent scoring frenzy by Australia in like the last 10 minutes, England winning on an own goal, and will someone please tell the US squad the tournament has begun? Not to mention the wonderful story with the Ivory Coast team --- hey, has any other sport ever halted a civil war?

Ooops, forgot where I was......I'll be quiet now.....

You are right on the mark about new members joining us, and our overall level of forum activity continually increasing. For our May 2006 forum report, our forums received about 1.8 million page views (that's about 60,000 per day, with millions more page views for the non-forum pages of our site!).

Over 1,000 new threads were started in May, and over 1,000 of our 7,000+ members participated by posting. Thousands more members and non-members visit the forums and read without posting (just look at the "Online Now" report at the top of the main forum page at any time of day - usually about twice as many Guests as Members online).

Recently it has been common to see 300+ people viewing our forums at a time. And we average between 250 and 300 new members registering per month (almost 10 per day).

I receive a forum activity report like this every month and thought it might be interesting to some of you. But even before receiving the report, I could tell you that activity was up, because the monthly hosting bill I paid on June 1 was our largest ever - $354.00. Wink

Last edited by MN-Mom

I don't know about others - but I thought the stats you just presented were really interesting. If others agree, perhaps you could post occasionally?

As for the "downturn" in HSBBW - I think this is just a busy time of year for many of us - and this is one place that can be set aside for a few days while the real world demands our attention.
My dear Orlando:

Originally posted by Orlando:
And, of course, a great many distinguished posters are doubtlessly immersed in the World Cup! Wink

I sure hope they have their life jackets can get really choppy in there!

I mean, Hislop's performance in goal for Trinidad was inflippingcredible...

Hislop? Isn't he Pythagoras' little brother?

...that appalling call for Japan and the subsequent scoring frenzy by Australia in like the last 10 minutes...

The battleship U.S.S. Missouri wasn't in the harbor was it? And those Australians...what ruffians they are! Of course I suppose they are extraordinarily motivated...they not only represent their country but an entire continent! And just a thought...which way does a kicked ball in the air travel for them down under? Is the Coriolis Effect for them the same as it is for us? And this guy Coriolis? Is he related to Hislop and Pythagoras?

England winning on an own goal...

Well...I've heard that they're really into that sort of thing!

...and will someone please tell the US squad the tournament has begun?

I've been trying to call them all of yesterday and this morning...I think they all turned their cell phones off to conserve their minutes...or maybe the roaming charges are too steep.

Not to mention the wonderful story with the Ivory Coast team --- hey, has any other sport ever halted a civil war?

You're probably right about that. I have heard of the reverse nearly happening the councilmen in Crystal Lake,IL...they got into a row over some sporting events scheduled for their city later this summer! One clue..."Now we don our rowing apparel!

Ooops, forgot where I was......I'll be quiet now.....

No need to be were on a roll...or if you prefer...

... a loaf of Coconut Sweet bread
... a Sushi roll
... a CHIKO roll
... an English muffin
... a Sourdough roll
... a croissant...considering the Ivory Coast's history with France!

And speaking of roll...
Last edited by gotwood4sale
My two cents, from all of the years most of you have been posting you have covered allot of topics. Iv'e acually went through a ton of old posts that covered different topics. What I'm trying to say is that if new posters have some type of question, their was probably a post covering that same question and if you look you will find your answer. Done this several times myself already. You could take allot of the older posts on this site and make several types of books ranging from basic baseball tips to more indepth psychology medical books. Everything you need to get your kids ready for just about anything..can't ask for much more.

Originally posted by observer44:
...many times I think it's JUST the woodman... weren't at EH's ballpark watching the Inner Demons slugging it out against the Troubled Souls were you?...if so I'm very sorry...I hope those three large orders of Nacho Cheez chips with jalapeno peppers weren't yours.

Thanks so much for sharing and beyond that....Thanks Julie, for all that you do.

Cool 44

And with that, I couldn't agree more!

Last edited by gotwood4sale
- I'll go out on a real limb here and predict that a new crop of quality posters with some excellent contributions and a new and perhaps challenging perspective will continue to arrive daily...

Also would like to add....Julie, those stats were quite interesting and impressive! Of course, I have always thought this, but would like to again say.....thanks for the great job and service you provide to all of us!
Last edited by luvbb
I think Julie has done an amazing job of nurturing the vision that Bob Howdeshell created. Those viewership numbers are incredble.

It is funny how after all this time I still gravitate towards a whole bunch of posters immediately. They could be talking about "how to make chicken soup" - and I would read what they have to write.

In addition to being alot of fun - there is so much to learn from the site and the special message board community we have here IMO.

Posters like Fungo, TrHit, Beenthere, HHH, infielddad, Orlando ,ClevelandDad, PG, BBscout and so many more.

When I think about why I always read their posts it becomes clear to me that its their honesty and their unique experiences (all different in many ways) that are the primary reasons.

I guess everyone gets frustrated once in a while - and takes a break from posting. I know I have.
But I cant ever remember taking a break from reading.

It is a special place - with special people - IMO.

Keep up the great work Julie!

Last edited by itsinthegame

First you have to select just the right chicken...I would avoid any of the ones cowering over in the corner of the coop...they know what's up and because of their nervousness and stress they'll be tough and have an off taste.

If you're fortunate, you'll find a fat, lazy one resting it's silly little head on the chopping block...that's the one!

Last edited by gotwood4sale ClevelandDad I think there is an obvious absence of some long time posters.....and I'm concerned too......don't know the reasons or solutions....appreciate the numbers Julie put out.....but if they are not staying, or posting.....what is the advantage? What are they are they helping this young players?

I sometimes sense that there is a fraction....just a few.....that have been around for a long time....they, with the administrator's approval....moderate/delete/control&share "inside" information......and that's all well and good.....provided they do so with consistency, objectivity, and an eye to the overall objective of this set down by Bob H........

If I were new here.....I would not post.....I might lurk....but that's really isn't "user friendly" anymore.....and on that note....I wait to be deleted....or...worse.....called to task for posting an opinion.....

Need to add IMHO.......very most humble opinion.
.....Added 6/15: To the moderator who added their comments to this post.....I deleted them....start your own post....take ownership for your comments.....not cheap shots.....incognito
Last edited by LadyNmom
We noticed a long time ago that each year there is a new group of baseball people.

I think everything is just fine here. There are many who get very busy at certain times of the year, for one reason or other, and return later. I know I have trouble keeping up from June through August.

Still think this is the best baseball site going for parents of baseball players.
Sometimes I think we feel like Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry when he said: “We have met the enemy and he is us!” Let me reassure you this is not the case of the HSBBW. Having been here for many years and have experience many changes, trust me when I say the HSBBW is alive and well. I also know the “old posters” are NOT the cornerstone of the HSBBW, the cornerstone of the HSBBW will always be the new posters coming in and breathing new life and new opinions to the HSBBW. I can remember when my son was pre-high school, I would “log on” to the HSBBW every morning and every evening just to try to visualize what he (and the family) might possible be in for as he prepared for high school and could sense the slight possibility of playing college baseball. If only he had the chance. But how do you go about getting into a college baseball program? I didn’t know and who would I ask? The HSBBW would know! Those were exciting times. The people on the HSBBW really stepped up and helped. Sure I got criticized and ridiculed by some of the posters but I could hold my own. I remember asking the stupidest questions and making the dumbest comments but I never claimed to have the answers. If I had all the answers --- I wouldn’t need to ask the questions --- that started the threads --- that stared the discussions --- that generated the answers. My ignorance and my desire to help my son will always be my greatest contributions to the HSBBW.
I almost get emotional when I think back and remember how perfect strangers would take the time to help my son. Like most of your sons and you, my son was dependent on me to give him advice about what he should do to realize his dream. At the time I felt helpless because I didn’t have a clue about where to start. I know I’ve been here for many years, my son has entered and graduated from high school, played his college baseball, was drafted and is still chasing that dream in the pros --- but when it comes to the HSBBW I will always consider myself just dad of a young baseball player that just stumbled on this website and nervously asked that first stupid question ----- and got more support than I could ever imagine!
Thanks HSBBW,
Fungo make a lot of good points, and I agree with many....

When I first posted in June of '04, I explained about my son, he was entering his senior year of high school. Immediately I received 3 responses, informing me, in the the most bluntest of terms that if my son had not had any recruiting activity at this point.....give it up...he would not be playing college ball. If I were not as cranky and stubborn as I am.....I would have moved on, and not posted again. Instead I sent each of those 3 posters a private message telling them they were son would play....and then I learned all I could from this site...but...I think that for everyone who stays....several leave.....

I have always praised this site, and repeatedly offered thanks for all the great information and assistance we received here.....but I'm still concerned.....think we need less moderator subjectivity,and more consistency..... and more of a welcoming tone, so that when all those new people sign up....they stay.

That's not a perfect world....hear that ClevelandDad.....not perfect. There will be threads that get combative....but so what? If civility prevails....what is the harm? We can continue to argue about long as we remember to welcome the newbies, and answer their questions.....

Fungo, you may not remember, but you were one of the three posters who responded to my first then answered my PM offering such helped us of the best things about this Fungo.....again, IMHO!
Last edited by LadyNmom
Same hear. Fungo, TRHit, and infielddad all gave me great advice last fall and winter. On one of the January chats, one of the guys basically told me "you are what you are," and to gauge "what you are" by the schools that are (and are NOT) showing interest in my son. ALL of those who responded to my posts on such topics as "over recruiting at D-III" were most helpful in our eventual choice of school. Good stuff. Very good stuff.
I haven't been as involved as in other years ... we've been dealing with a lot of stuff. And sometimes it's better not to say too much.

But I echo the sentiments of many others. Answers, information, opinion and even your American Idol stuff (when my daughter competes in three years, we'll get back to you there) ... it's all here.

And yes, we should to thank Julie for her leadership in running with that which Bob created.

And when my now switch-hitting 8-year-old gets a little older, I will begin my re-education in earnest.
MN Mom, others, I believe that the lack of posting by several members can be due to the nature of the sport we love. I can't speak for everyone else but I know my posting is down. I am running camps for my program as well as being a "guest speaker" at other camps. (The whole idea of me being asked to be a "Guest Speaker" at another baseball camp simply disturbs me! LOL!) I believe most posters are on the run so much now that it is harder to post. I know that posters such as Just_Learning has multiple kids playing and so, he doesn't have a free second. My daughter has played 9 games this past week. BTW, they won 8 of the 9. Then, factor in that personally, I don't have the internet at home and am not at my desk much and you can easily tell why I haven't posted much.

If I could, I would also mention that many of our quality posters might not contribute as often as in the past due to their children getting older. As always, we have a few select posters that really add substance when they post and all of us wish that they would post more often. JMHO!

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