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I am a new person on this website, I found it yesterday and thought it was great. I read everything I could find on the site before I came to the message board. I noticed that the only rules were keep it rated G and don't be hateful.

So, I decided to start a topic 06 and all I got was negative comments from people. One person did help but the majority of them attacked me for no reason.

Has any new posters had this problem? How were you able to post without all the negative comments? Is their a special way to post without unknowingly offending?

Original Post

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Your first post was a question in the "Texas Forum", your second post was:

"thank you to the 50 who looked at my post but didn't respond. Thanks to all for making me feel so welcome on this thread.


Your second post in that forum may have fired a few folks up. I have had a few spirited conversations with folks on here, but never took it personal. Some folks have a "style" of writing that you will like others you will not.

I was one of those folks that looked but chose not to respond because I had nothing I could offer. I can tell you I wanted to respond to your 2nd post but did not. Sometimes the fault is not with the other guy.

You will find many great folks on this site that will go out of there way to help. Just be a bit more patient Wink

I have alway found the best way to let your feeling be known is to post an emoticon along with the information. Smile On the top of the tool bar you will find many different emoticons that will help you express your feelings. Hope this helps Smile.

I know you just found this website yesterday
I found it yesterday and thought it was great.
so no one expects you to understand everything. Wink

As a moderator I took it upon myself to close the thread so the "attacks" would cease. I suggest you take more than one day to read the vast amount of information on the HSBBW and please follow the message board for a few days to get a feel for things.
Best of luck,
Last edited by Fungo
May I say this--others can be nice but I wont

I have been on this site a bit so perhaps this will help you

You make a post, dont get an immediate response and the you get "nasty" with the second post

I won't be as genteel as others

I read you profile as did Fungo and you give "wise' a s s " info --

You know what I think--- you are a rabble rouser, a trouble maker on this site to disrupt and disturb

Perhaps you need another site for you nonsense--it is one thing to not give info on a profile but to be a wise guy is another thing

Wise guys live in Brooklyn not "look behind you"== thats a total cop out and a tip off to a trouble maker--
you only thought-
I also was one of the 50 who looked at your post. I'm not from the Metroplex area and don't have ANY idea who their top players are. so , of course, I didn't respond. Please don't take it personally if no one answers for awhile. Smile

There are many times that I check the new posts in between patients just to catch up on whats happening on the website. That doesn't mean that I would have time to post a response, even if I did have an answer. Smile

Stick with it awhile. This site is a gift and is full of very generous people. I've seen questions on here that don't get an answer for days. Then all of a sudden, someone responds and it can bump a slow topic up to the top, and generate a lot of response. Smile

You will learn that Fungo is one of the most good hearted, caring posters that frequents these boards. clap

Last edited by amom
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