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Can't say that we ever did. Just not in son's personality to participate himself in any kind of heckling. Watching him on the mound, while he is getting heckled,  and you could almost see his Poker Face appear & then he just goes to work, with his teammates backing him, and they let their play do their talking.
And they were coached from very young, and all the way thru school, that Athletes from this school, are representing their school, on & off the field, and had better act accordingly, or there would be repercussions. And if it happened during a game, you wouldn't be surprised seeing the Coach walk out with his clip board, announcing a switch, as the player made his way to the bench. And there'd be some pole running, immediately following a game, home or away.
Our son's school won State in 3 of the last 8 yrs., this Head Coach coached, and that's the way he ran his ship! Just the way it was.
Last edited by Shelby

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