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And ps my number of posts on here is taking a
jab at the heart are you kidding me is this
eBay do I get a different colored star for each 100
posts. You guys are pathetic take it from
someone who doesn't have to
get on the Internet to show their balls Ken Guthrie is not even a
has been he was a never was. And for longballs and the assosiate scout you guys can take a walk. Any idiot
can goto scouting school and get that position because god knows no cross checker is
going to waste his time on this dick
measuring board. I'm retiring to spankwire for the night. Longballs you keep living the dream off of mommy
and daddy hopefully they aren't promoting the things going onover there in flower mounds locker rooms
Look, I have no personal agenda here. We've never met, and I am sure you know and teach the game quite well. Some of your statements give me the impression that you attribute the success of Dbat teams to Dbat coaches and dbat itself, not to the kids who you get to hand-pick.
As a former HS coach, you really should get a HS job and deal with all the bs that goes with it.
I know your role has its own kind of bull, but it is different.

Just an honest opinion from an innocent bystander.
Originally posted by handyrandy:
Look, I have no personal agenda here. We've never met, and I am sure you know and teach the game quite well. Some of your statements give me the impression that you attribute the success of Dbat teams to Dbat coaches and dbat itself, not to the kids who you get to hand-pick.
As a former HS coach, you really should get a HS job and deal with all the bs that goes with it.
I know your role has its own kind of bull, but it is different.

Just an honest opinion from an innocent bystander.

Well again.

I would challenge you to find any quote by me that suggests that I, or any coach, is trying to take credit for any achievement.

I don't want to coach HS baseball. If I did I would.

This isn't about me.

Well, really it is. Seriously, I'm trying to rack up the W's in the win column so I can be selected in the summer ball H.O.F.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by handyrandy:
Like I said, just the impression I got. Perhaps I was mistaken. You did take a few shots at HS baseball-since I imagine most of your guys play HS ball, is it wise to take shots at it and at the coaches who send kids your way?

In case you, or anyone else for that matter, is wondering...

My shots are tongue and cheek.

Do you really think I have it out for HS baseball?

I hope Art has 9 All District players and wins state.

But what I really hope is someone on here laughed tonight.

You guys are way too easy.

It's like fishing with a treble hook.

Once your hooked, there is no catch and release.
Originally posted by handyrandy:
Some of it's funny, no doubt. Some got a bit pointed. The other clowns, got way out of whack. wow..

Ok, the part about the mom's ringing the cow bells may have been a little overboard.

But seriously, I hope my wife never wears a button with my kids face on it at his chess tournaments.

But I'm for sure getting my kids HS hat with his number on it.

Oh, and maybe a radar gun too.
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by Chief Nocahoma:
I would like to thank all involved for letting me be part of your Pow Wow, it was fun. The squaw is calling so I must go.


I would be heading to bed...

But I'm staying up late trying to buy a ticket to the FM vs. Coppell game.

I hear it's standing room only and tickets are hard to get.

Any parents got a box seat I can scalp of ya?
Have Seen several of the teams play in Some of the Major Fall Ball tourney's one team that really stood out was the Dallas bombers, They Had many of the marcus team on this club, and this team really dominated. There are several boys who should make a tremendous contribution. I look for Marcus and coach senato to make another run at state
Originally posted by Summerfun:
Have Seen several of the teams play in Some of the Major Fall Ball tourney's one team that really stood out was the Dallas bombers, They Had many of the marcus team on this club, and this team really dominated. There are several boys who should make a tremendous contribution. I look for Marcus and coach senato to make another run at state

So what is it about having a Brand. Spankin'. New. screen name that makes people want to give glowing third-party Marcus HS reviews?
Might want to keep your eyes out for an outstanding underclassman in the district who goes by wA jr. Fantastic SS and LHP, and flat-out flies on the base paths. I'd never heard of this kid until I caught him at a game, and he dominated everyone, including the umpires and the coaches. Also, I overheard his Mom telling a probable scout who was wearing an LSU hat that he had a sub 1.7 pop time. Rumor has it that he knows "lots of people at Marcus" and one time he went to a really good camp there.
Originally posted by wraggArm:
Might want to keep your eyes out for an outstanding underclassman in the district who goes by wA jr. Fantastic SS and LHP, and flat-out flies on the base paths. I'd never heard of this kid until I caught him at a game, and he dominated everyone, including the umpires and the coaches. Also, I overheard his Mom telling a probable scout who was wearing an LSU hat that he had a sub 1.7 pop time. Rumor has it that he knows "lots of people at Marcus" and one time he went to a really good camp there.

But can he handle the pressure under the lights of Tues./Fri. night district games?
Last edited by Ken Guthrie
Originally posted by Ken Guthrie:
But can he handle the pressure under the lights of Tues./Fri. night district games?

Hello...I told you he went to a Marcus camp didn't I? Plus, I don't think his coaches have ever appreciated how much poise he has. He bats in the 8-hole right now, but I think that's going to change at the Varsity level. Plus, he's been going to a really good Mental Prep coach.
Last edited by wraggArm

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