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11 seniors graduating this year

Wow! Your older son is one of them, right? So definitely someone else needs to work concessions!

What sort of program do you do for senior night?

We recognize each senior and his parents, then read a short bio, a statement from the player, and one from the parents. Then we have photos taken and get on to the game. Last year I announced all of the statements for five seniors, and it took forever! (we had some...uh...loquacious...parents and players last year. Smile I can't imagine doing that for 11!

Someone else will read the statements this year while I'm on the field with 2B. I'm afraid I'll be too choked up afterward to announce the lineup!
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
I'm a little worried because he has prom on the brain. That's tomorrow night. We'll see what happens.

Yeah, Cabbage has curly hair and is currently working on a 3 month grow that will culminate with corn rows for Prom. Mom doesn't know... can't wait 'till she gets set to take her beloved pics.

On a brighter note, during on-field team meeting, the Head Coach was compelled to share a comment from a community member that was in a local burger joint when a few of the players showed up after a game, still in uni's. They were accompanied by a female classmate who was spewing some foul language. The boys quickly corrected the girl, pointing out that there were some kids within earshot. Turns out Cabbage was one of the boys. Simple common sense but I'm still very proud.

Hmmm, the makings of a new thread!
corn rows and chin straps...hmmm sounds like something you southerners would cook up for fried bologna...just kidding..

Well, just got in from the ER. 1B had a hard hit back to the pitcher his 2nd at bat, deflected to first baseman, and 1B dives headfirst to the bag. Safe, but ump said out.
1B motions me from the dugout, thinks he broke his thumb....tapes it and continues to play the rest of the game. Tells coach the tape is a fashion statement, till they get on the bus!

Good news, doc says no broken bones, bad sprain, rest it a couple days and it should feel better.

Could have been a devistating senior year,instead the day ended with a W 15-2!

Till the next one, Enjoy everybody!
Thanks, Coach. It was. Smile

Forgot to mention, this was an away game at a district rival that we beat at home a couple of weeks ago. They are starting to do what we do with music - making it fun and a little provocative - and lineups - announcing the home team with a little flair! Imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? Big Grin
Great game for 2B! Our senior night program is a little shorter than yours. The parents go out on the field with their son and they introduce each player and give the mothers' roses. Each boy is limited to a paragraph about their baseball experiences and then they announce where they will be continuing their education. It definitely will be longer than last year, but no more than 15 minutes.
Originally posted by sammylover:
sammy ... I've read your posts. You're looking a lot like a trouble making troll. I'm not sure what other sites you've been on. But it doesn't fly here. As far as this thread goes, many of the participants on this board have seen the posts over the years of each other's kids ups and downs. This thread is a celebration of the game.

Reluctantly I'll welcome you to the site and hope you can do better.
You're right, RJM. Folks, let's not let this troll ruin this thread. sammylover, this is the one place where it's safe to celebrate our players' challenges and accomplisments. "Brag." If you don't want to contribute in a positive way, then do us all a favor and go away. If you post in this thread again, my hope is that you will be completely ignored.

Way to go 2013!

Who's got games today?
Last edited by 2Bmom
We played last night. After having lost 3 out of our last 4 (2 of the losses non-region games over spring break), we had a game against a region rival for 1st place in the region. They were leading the region at 4-1, we were in 2nd place at 3-1. We won 4-3 in 8 innings. Big win.

Bball son got the start. Went 6 2/3 giving up 3 runs, 1 earned. Had 2 outs in the 7th with a 3-2 lead, 3-2 count on lead off hitter. Threw an inside fastball that I am positive was a strike, but ump called ball 4. Next batter, ground ball single to right. Right fielder throws the ball away allowing runner to advance to 3rd. Next batter, ground ball single to left to score the tying run. Bball son comes out and relief pitcher gets the last out.

Top of the 8th with runners on 1st & 3rd and 2 outs, Bballson comes up and singles in the go ahead run. We hold on in bottom of 8th for the win. Very nerve wracking game. Lot of work on the mound for him for a no decision, but we won the game - which was HUGE. Team is 7-1 for his 8 starts. He is 5-0. Team is 14-5 for the season with 7 region games left. Hoping for a strong finish. Two more games this week. Go Knights!!
Last edited by bballman
Season has started here, team is 3-0 right know. 1B sprained his L thunb 1st game so he went 0-4...yuck. He didn't play game 2 and DHed game 3 and went 2-3 with 2 rbi's and scored 3 times.
Team has a game Th and Fri, and Fri is against state champs from last year, so the teams will be tougher as we go thru the season.

Boys are off having their weekly pasta dinner as a team, getting their carbs and bonding goin' on.
We were handed our first loss of the season last night by a team that simply outplayed us with aggressive baserunning and taking advantage of our errors. It was a good lesson for the boys and the young coaches! The'll be better for it. 20-1 is not bad, not bad at all.

Senior night tonight. I'm a little bummed that 2B isn't on the mound since he's our only senior P. But we play a stronger team tomorrow, so I understand the big picture. But still. It's senior night and he's the ace. Tomorrow is a tougher team, but out of the district. Oh well.

Here they are. Such fierce looking ballplayers. Big Grin
Last edited by 2Bmom
The team is in first. Jr hit the ball 403 feet and 373 feet today. Both were a foot from being homers. Extra base hits are ok. He's hitting .476 so far. After the second ball off the fence one of his teammates ragged him (in fun) for not lifting weights. If he could have lifted this offseason I think he'd have four or five homers this year. But, he's playing.
Last edited by RJM
RJM, good to see your son is still mashing. Nice job!

Congrats to bball on the comeback go-ahead hit!

After my son's team battled back from a second inning 5-0 deficit to tie the game at 6 heading into the 7th, with one out, he got down 2 strikes, then drove this outside pitch (cutter/slider?) for a triple down the RF line! Next hitter drove him in with a double, and our ace shut them down in the bottom of the 7th for the "W"! BIG comeback win to put them at 2-2 in Div. 1.

Other videos at:
Last edited by Sandman
Congratulations, jdawg and Sandman! RJM, so glad to see your son doing so well.

Y'all, I have never been more proud of my son, the introvert, than I was yesterday. We have spent the season pounding weaker teams. To his credit, our coach set up some out-of-district away games with stronger teams to prepare for regionals. The assumption is that we'll sail through districts. We'll see. Some of our guys (and parents) don't quite know how to handle losing. But it's a great test.

Anyway, we're down 5-0. I see some of the guys hanging their heads. 2B is having a good day, but it's about the team. He's intense. At the end of the bottom of the 6th, our team gathers in front of the dugout. I hear a voice: "WHO WANTS TO WIN THIS GAME?!" I've honestly never heard 2B shout before. I look over and he is leading the discussion. The coaches stay away. He is first up to bat. He's been foiled by emotion before. This time, he focuses, stays back, and sends the first pitch on a line 400 feet to the CF wall and ends up at second base. Other players step up. We lose 5-3, but they went down fighting. It was huge.

Today, he and the other captains are going to talk with the coaches about the lineup. There is a JV player (moved up to varsity after the end of the JV season) who is on the bench, and they want him to DH. He's a tremendous athlete - I think it's a great idea. We'll see what happens.
Last edited by 2Bmom
Things are winding down.

Last week hawk19jr had his worst outing of the year in an important conference game. Gave up two runs in the top of the first but got them back in the bottom with a BOOMING HR to straight away center. Four hole hitter followed with another HR....Jr then gave up three more runs in the third to fall behind again but another three-run shot by our four-hole hitter put us ahead to stay and we won 11-7. Jr threw a complete game but he just didn't have much. Plus, this was the third time this year and second time in a week they've seen him....They average .460 as a team and 15 runs a game and have only lost in conference to us....they're 13-4 with three losses to Jr. Hopefully we won't catch them at state... Wink

Thursday was an easy 11-0 win. Jr walked three times. Now hitting .604 with a 1.204 slugging pct and is 8-0 on the mound.
Hawk, that reads like a fun game, even though Jr didn't have his best stuff! webethea13, I hope you had a good game last night and that your boy's hand is OK.

It's hard to believe - we have our last regular season game tomorrow. It'll be a good one - out of district, away at a HS in our county that has some boys on 2B's travel team. Whatever happens, it'll be fun. Our record is now 22-2. What a great season it's been.

District tournament starts next week!
2Bmom...good luck tomorrow. Sounds like a good game brewing.

We're on the road tomorrow with a chance to wrap up the conference. We're 11-0 and playing the second place 10-1 team. Their only loss is to us...They beat us last year in the State Championship game so it should be a good battle. We're still looking for revenge. Wink
We played our last regular season game last night, and what a game it was. We lost 1-0, but what a great performance by all the guys.

This was a bigger school which had beaten some good teams pretty badly. The were confident - had their ace on the mound and some big hitters in the lineup. It was their senior night, and their pre-game attitude seemed to indicate that they thought they would put us away early.

It was not to be so.

Their pitcher was probably the best in the area, a sophomore lefty who has already verbally committed to the University of Florida. He was very impressive and no-hit us. 2B was on the mound for us, and pitched a complete game, allowing only one run. It was enough for them. But our boys played their tightest defense of the year, and hustled on every ground ball that was hit.

While our boys gutted it out on every play, their announcer took great pleasure from saying "no-no-no" after every strikeout, and at the end of every inning. I thought it was completely bush. I thought about going to the press box and telling the announcer as much, but figured if he had that attitude, he would probably have taken it as a compliment. To add potential injury to insult, they sent 2B to the bus with no ice on his arm. I thought that was pretty bush, too. I'm sure their ace got ice from his head to his pinky toes.

But it's all water under the bridge. The boys gave it all they had and I was so proud of them all.

District tournament starts Monday.
Originally posted by 2Bmom:
their announcer took great pleasure from saying "no-no-no" after every strikeout, and at the end of every inning. I thought it was completely bush. I thought about going to the press box and telling the announcer as much, but (wimped out)

Just "no-no-no", or "no runs, no hits, no errors"? No-no-no sounds dumb. Does ESPN do that or something?

Are your playoffs one and done? You guys will be a high seed. Don't look past the first game!! Good luck.
Last edited by AntzDad
It was no-no-no, and you're right, it did sound dumb. Call me a wimp if you like, but sometimes you just know it's not going to do any good to start something. I didn't sleep well last night, though.

Yes, it's one and done. They will definitely not look past the first game! I think the boys are ready to pound somebody.
I honestly couldn't tell you my son's JV teams record for sure. 6-3 maybe? I know 2 of the losses were to "rival" teams but only one of them is in District. Both loses were AWAY games and lost in the bottom of the last inning, both times with key errors getting runners on base. What can I say it's JV.

The kid may get a chance to pitch against a good team this coming week. He pitched in a blow out and the Coach made the comment to my son, rather loudly.. "You never told me your threw that hard? What's up with holding out on me?"

I kind of secretly hope he doesn't have a perfect outing or anything. I could care less if he gets pitching time as 8th grader on JV.

I'll admit I'm amused by some of the parents though.

I was excited for my son. He was 1 of 2 8th graders that started on Opening day. Granted he was the DH. So actually he was the only 8th grader in the batting line up. 1 Game later he won the starting 3B position from a SO. So he was excited about that, and I'm excited for him. But in reality we have a weak is what it is.

It did ruffle some feathers when the kid was batting 5th in the lineup ahead of several 10th graders. The 10th grader who hits 4th made the comment to another 10th grader (griping about the line up) "he's hitting better than you..simple as that." I think my son was more proud of that than anything.

It helps him I guess that he's as big or bigger than most of the starting 10th graders and FR...LOL.

My son is starting to notice parents reactions. They had practice the other day (Spring Break). When I got home from work he asked me...

" come you act the same whether I have a bad day or a good day? I mean you tell me good game every time, but some parents seem to not talk and get weird if their kid doesn't do good."

I was more proud of the question and him noticing this than anything I think. My answer?

"Your my son regardless of what you do or don't do on a baseball field. I'm always proud of you. Will I get on you when you do wrong or I KNOW you are capable of more than you are doing? Yes. Doesn't mean I'm not any less proud of you or love you less. It's YOUR baseball. I'm just along for the ride. I don't worry what people think of me based on how well you play or don't play ball."

This was spurred on by the fact he said a kid hit one out in BP. He said the Dad was really quiet, sitting on the bleachers watching practice, not talking to anyone. After the kid hit it over, he was going around talking to everyone. LOL.
Last edited by ctandc
I thought it was completely bush.

Ahh, road games, don't you love 'um?? Razz

Hawk19jr led off the fifth with a double and tagged up and moved to third on a fly ball to right. However, the home team's HC complained he left early (he didn't) and, on appeal, the ump called him out...Just made him mad and he came out and struck out the side in the bottom of the inning. Revenge is sweet... Cool

We ended up winning 9-1 yesterday to clinch the conference title (two games up with two to go, we own the tiebreaker). Jr pitched a complete game 4 hitter (three by their D1 committed catcher).

According to who you ask, their only run came on either a wind-blown, opposite field, fly ball over a short fence or a towering blast, deep to right. Wink

We finish the regular season with two games next week....

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