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Thanks 2BMom. Wow what a week! Come off a 3 game losing streak and win 16-5 wed night. Son went 0-2 but had 3 rbi's. Then the big game in Turner Field. They win 4-1, son goes 2-3 with an rbi. He said he felt as if he was in a video Team is now 12-5 in district, win tonight and secure playoff spot. Good luck to everyone this week.

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Wow, that must have been awesome to play at Turner Field! Years ago my boys treated me to a Mother's Day tour of Tuner Field. And back when they let the hoi-polloi go to practice rounds at the Master's, I walked that course. I can tell you that the infield grass is almost as nice as the greens at the Augusta National. What a thrilling experience for 13!

Tonight begins the first district game. If the boys have their heads on right, it should be an easy win. After playing some tough out-of-district games, they are ready to get back to familiar territory.

Also, I learned something over the weekend. I'm having some issues with pain ( foraminal stenosis), and I am beginning to realize that some of my perceptions have been a little off (more than usual Big Grin) . I took the fact that 2B left Thursday's game without ice as a slight, but truthfully it was just a difference in culture.

This is the first year he has been a starting pitcher, and during our district games, even against our two most intense rivals, every time he pitched away, he was always cared for right away by the home team's trainer. He has never stepped off the field after pitching without ice on his arm.

I thought this was just the way it was done. But apparently not. So here's to you, Mr. District 5-2A Coaches and trainers, for making sure that the away team gets just the same care as the home team. You have my gratitude.
I'm hoping someone can help explain this situation. We were actually on the winning team, but we know the parents of this opposing pitcher.

Important conference game . . . 40 degrees and spitting rain/snow in 20 mph winds. Sophomore on varsity pitched pretty well against our stronger team and they were up 3-1 going into the bottom of the 7th. Our team comes up to bat and pitcher walks the first two batters on 10 pitches. Coach walks out to the mound, so we all assume he's going to pull the kid. He had thrown 100 pitches at that point in the freezing cold, had already walked a few and hit two, now walked the first two (our #8 and #9 batters). Time for him to go, right?!

Nope, for some reason that completely escapes all of us, coach left the kid in to face the top of our lineup. So, our next batter bunts and the 3rd baseman for some reason doesn't charge so everybody's safe. Long story short, a couple stolen bases and wild pitches/passed balls later (no hits) and we win 4-3.

There was no reason to leave in a very tired pitcher in lousy conditions, ESPECIALLY when he walks the first two batters. We all had rainouts all week so the coach had pitchers available. He essentially handed us the game and probably demoralized his young pitcher.

Any thoughts?
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I agree with Sultan. If the score was 3-1, the pitcher must have been effective against the top of the lineup earlier in the game. He probably wanted to stay in and try for the CG win.

My son got pulled after 6 1/3 after tying the school record for Ks at 15. Bottom 7, the first batter strikes out for #15, second batter hits a HR. Then he walks the next two. Coach yanks him (rightfully) and 2B was pi$$ed. Said "My arm felt great. I felt like I could have pitched four more innings!" Big Grin
Long night...waiting for the boy to get home.

We won our first district tourney game tonight, 11-1 in 5 after a rain delay. Son of Mr. Intensity Guy hit the walk-off HR. Mr. Intensity Guy has become Mr. Mellow Dude, which is a welcome change. He told me that the last time his son hit a walk-off was when he was 9 and 2B was 11. They were playing for different teams in the same organization at the same tournament.

Apparently, I watched the little guy hit his walk-off, and afterwards I said something nice to him. I didn't know them from Adam at the time. I remember the tournament but not the incident. But I'm glad they do. Smile

2B pitches Thursday in the semi-final. I can't wait!
34's team is 8-2, having beaten our three biggest rivals in the past week before spring break. Down 5-1 to the best team in the county, came back to win 6-5. 34 started the winning rally and scored the winning run. We beat this same team last year 9-7 after being down 7-1, so they were not happy to say the least.

34 is batting .600. At 5'7" and 135 pounds, he is the smallest #4 hitter in our county. Has hits in all but one game this year so he has been steady.

Nice surprise today, first practice after spring break, coach told 34 he was named captain.

Good luck to all. Four more games and the JV season is goes so fast.
What a game.

They threw their best pitcher at us, and he did great...for a while. Big Grin

This is the story of the kid who gets benched not feeling sorry for himself and instead getting his chance and getting the job done.

It was a rough game for 2B. He allowed 2 hits, one earned run, and was down 3-1 through 6. First time I've ever stepped away from the field to keep my mouth shut.

But the story is this. Bottom 7, tie score, player who has been benched comes to the plate. Great defensive player, but in a slump. One that the seniors wanted on the field but were overruled. Does this player feel sorry for himself and mope? No. He is ready.

First pitch. Game winning home run!!!

Championship game is tomorrow. If this kid doesn't get the start tomorrow...well, all I can say is he earned it.

Congratulations, Ryanrod! Thanks, webethea. Laura, how did you do?

Y'all, we got our butts handed to us today. 14-2 in 5. We just flat ran out of pitching. That's what did us in. But, with all due respect to the umpires on this board, what a horrible performance by the umps in the tourney.

Last night, 2B hit a shot over the left field fence that trailed to the left after it left the field and hit the buildng that houses the batting cage. Everyone saw it. It was called a foul ball. He ended up walking.

Today, he's a HR away from the cycle. He hits one to right that deflects off the RF's glove and goes over the fence. E9, he touches 'em all. It doesn't go in the book as an HR, but he scores just the same. Right?


They called it a ground rule double! Unbelievable. Who hasn't seen that play where the ball hits Jose Canseco in the head and the ball bounces out for a HR? That wasn't the only terrible call. But the good news is this. I mentioned earlier that I have some pain issues these days. I'm telling you, yelling at umps, now that's therapy! I didn't even feel it! Big Grin

Next we go to a really good private school, 2B will pitch on 3 days rest, and I'm not confident. No matter what happens, it's been a great season!

I couldn't find the specific Canseco clip on youtube, but I'm linking this because it's funny. MLB Bloopers

Good luck, everyone!
Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like 2B was a hitting machine.

We took a loss and we had pitching and hitting. We had five errors in the field. Our pitchers had to go out and earn five outs for a few innings. The other team deserved the win. I was proud of our boys for not giving up. They kept fighting to the bottom of the 7th.

We play Tuesday night against a team that we are 1-1 against this year. So, needless to say, it's anyones's game.
RR23 Jr's team Won the regional championship and won 1st game of Playoffs at home. That's always a key in double elimination tournaments. He had a good game and helped the team. For some reason more scouts present notably USC,NYY, Pima CC, Central AZ CC, Arizona. Probably it's the playoffs and maybe performing under pressure is a trait they want to see. Can't ask for more. Smile
Good luck in Regionals, Marlins! Way to go Ryanrod!

Laura, sorry about your loss. Good luck tomorrow. 2B did have a great district tournament. He hit .667 for the tournament and pitched and played defense like he always does.

A tradition is that the head coach of the team that hosts the tournament (they had been eliminated) gives a ball to each player on each team at the end of the the championship game. After he gave them out to the winning team, he walked over and gave the last one to 2B and said something to him. Then he went back and got the rest of balls for our team. I thought it was a nice gesture.

Here's the article in the paper about the game:
Indians pound Blue Wave

I'll be surprised if we aren't done tomorrow night, but stranger things have happened!

Continued good luck to everyone!
Last edited by 2Bmom
I am glad so many of your sons have had a great year and are headed to the playoffs, congrats, well deserved! I love reading the success stories. I rarely post any more, outside of an occasional PM, but I had to share this story. Irony (and a little stupidity) at its best.

Let me set the stage. Last Friday night, final game of the year, last HS game for GUN, who's starting his 108th Texas 5A Varsity game, against our cross-town rival. We are the home team, a 7:30 pm start. They are a solid #3 seed playoff team and we've won ONLY 1 district game all year, with an overall record of 3-22. Yep, you guessed it, our only district win is against them. We are donecakes for the year, the game has ZERO consequence for them, they are clearly in the area playoffs. We are throwing a freshman, they are throwing their #1 senior RHP. I should mention in our last game with them on 04/12/11, GUN smoked an 0-0 curveball for a huge 2-run homerun, igniting a big comeback from a 1-9 deficit.

Here's the pic....

They go down in order in the top half of the first inning. We are up, with GUN in the 3-hole. A lead-off walk and the second batter bunts, a pop-up to the pitcher. GUN walks to the plate with 1 out, runner at firstbase. At this point I notice a large SUV outside the centerfield fence - directly opposite home plate (behind the pitcher). Turns out, its a black H2, the dad of one of the other players. Prior to GUN at the plate, nobody notices the SUV, it was getting dark.

As soon as the pitcher comes set, the headlights flash on. Before anyone could react, it was 1-1, but credit the HP umpire for stopping the game, sending the base umpire out to the fence and the LISD police for making the dad move before they continued the AB. It didn't really help their startegy, either way, they ended up walking him the rest of the night.

Really? Are you kidding me, a high school game?? You stay classy, (edit)!! GED10DaD
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My son played his last HS game on Saturday.

After four wonderful years, it is now over. His team tied for the 4th (final) state play off spot from our region for the second year in a row, and for the second year in a row, lost out on the tie breaker.

He had a very nice year and he'll get a chance to play some ball at the next level, but it just wont quite be the same. Watching him play with teammates he has grown up with and getting to know all of them and their families through the years has really made these past four years special for all of us. It was truly a unique time in our lives.

Along with all the great memories, I will never forget watching him walk from the dugout to the field house after the game. He absolutely loved playing for and representing his high school, and he didn't want to go. He said taking off his uniform for the last time was one of the hardest and saddest things he has had to do.

I have told him this many times, but I just have to say it again: I couldn't be more proud of a young man than I am of him!
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I have told him this many times, but I just have to say it again: I couldn't be more proud of a young man than I am of him!

2Bmom - nice article. Should have been an HR...

We played last Friday at what I feel is our toughest away venue. In the past, fans would line up their cars along the fence and honk horns during the game, chant from the dugout and the stands, and the umpires were, should I say, somewhat partisan. Wink

However, this year they are a sub-.500 team (they were State Champions in 2008) and a lot of the swagger is gone...I actually miss it, even though at the time I thought they were annoying...

We won on Friday to finish the conference season 14-0. It's the first time since 1995 that a team has gone undefeated in conference play. State tournament starts Friday...Hope we're ready.
dw8man, what a nice story. Congratulations to your son. This is just the beginning of the next stage of the game for him! Best of luck next year.

Congratulations on a great season, Hawk! Good luck at State.

Ryanrod, good luck tonight! We play Goliath tonight in our regional game. A slingshot - that's a good idea!
If we'd won the district championship, we'd be playing at home. I would have to be neutral, but you know we would still rock! We play at the other team's home field tonight. They're supposed to try to be neutral, but if they aren't, I know how hard it is!

Last year when we played our first (and only - we lost) regional game at home, I even did their lineup like I do ours because I wanted to keep announcing our boys with a little hot sauce, like I always do Big Grin . I always have Sirius playing in the background while I announce our boys. Just like they do at the Gator games. For the visiting team last year, I played The Final Countdown while I read theirs. It must have fired them up a little too much. Razz
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It will be us(David) vs #1 or #2 team in state tomorrow (Goliath)...We will carry our biggest rock and slingshot handy in case.

RR23 - Good luck at state. Just give Joe the slingshot and stand back...Saw him on the news last night and then covering half of the sports front page this morning. He's having an incredible year....

Jr's team was preparing for state yesterday by running a simulated game. With two outs the pitcher issued a walk (coach starts to lecture about walks), then the 2B makes an error to put two runners on. Coach calls Hawk19jr off the field and has him grab a bat. While he is putting on a helmet coach lectures on how walks and errors always seem to bring up the other team's best hitter. Jr then hits the first pitch out for a homerun which puts a big exclamation point on the 'lesson of the day' Wink
Last night the boys fought a good fight, but lost to a superior team. It's over. Jax Providence has a beautiful facility, and I did covet their sound system and press box!

As 2B stood at the plate with two outs in the top of the 7th, I thought to myself...if he makes the last out of his last game, it's going to be a loooong ride home.

Down 10-5 with the count 2-2, he sent a breaking pitch deep to left center. It did not tail away, it did not hit anyone's glove. It just flew in the loveliest arc way over the fence. Final score: 10-6.

His last high school at bat was a home run. A win would have been better, but what a way to go out!

A dad on the team got it on video. I'll post it as soon as I get it.

I'm going to hang up the mic, too. 2B is still numb, but I'm ready for summer ball, and I can't wait to see him wear Saints colors this fall!

How did your team do, Ryanrod? Hawk, good luck on Friday!

The majority of our son's last at bats are going to be in a losing occasion for their respective teams, as there is only one champion...but from an individual perspective, you can't beat what your son did...a HR in his last high school at bat, that's awesome.

I enjoyed reading your posts, good luck to your son in college next season...It will be fun to hear how he progresses on the college season thread in the coming seasons.
We also lost in our Region game last night. My son was very sad he didn't get to pitch in his last game. He was supposed to be the first reliever as he has been all season long, coming in at tough times when players on bases. Unfortunately, they chose not to go with him. I felt really bad for him because he was miffed when he got home. I just let him talk and I listened. We ended the discussion with off to bigger and better things next year. The great thing was we both kept it positive.

We ended up losing again because errors continued to plague us. Six last night. ugh.

2Bmom, I am so happy 2B ended up his career with a HR. What a way to go out. Good luck with Santa Fe next year. Is he playing this summer?
bsbl247, thank you so much. I will keep reading this thread every day to keep up with all the players here! I'm following everyone's players and hoping they all have fantastic seasons!

Laura, I'm so sorry your son didn't get to play! And the errors...very frustrating! I know he was very lucky to have you listen to him, even though he might not even realize it right now.

Yes, Josh will be with the Florida Hardballers. The Scorpions usually beat us. Big Grin I'm sure we'll face each other this summer! I'll PM you my contact info. I'd love to meet you and your boys if we ever cross paths!

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