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Great umpire story I was told today.

This home plate umpire was terrible. He'd call pitches right down the middle balls and pitches in the eyes, he'd call strikes.

Then he'd change and call strikes strikes and balls balls.

Finally, in the middle of the game one of the managers got the nerve to go talk to this guy. He just had to ask the umpire where he strike zone was so the pitchers and batters knew what to do.

The manager was just able to get the first sentence out..."Mr. Umpire, can I please ask you about your strike zone."

The umpire interrupted him, "Coach, let me stop you right there."

The manager thought for sure he was going to be in an argument or even tossed for questioning the strike zone.

The umpire continued..."I suck today. I'm terrible. I have no idea what's going on but I know I'm killing you and the other team. I don't know what to do other than ask you to please bear with me."

The manager turned right around and went back to his dugout. How the heck are you supposed to argue with honesty like that???!!!!
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LOL I bet both coaches and the fans probably didn't say another word or complaint

I doubt that.... Big Grin

One of the things we dont teach umpires well is when to book off of a game.....the shortage of umpires and the fact that for 99% of us umpiring is a second job cause umpires to work when they may not should have done so.......

I was working a game with a friend and sometimes partner when I noticed much the same results as in the OP. He was missing pitches badly.....and he is a veteran umpire with years of experience....he was hearing it from both dugouts.......

At the end of the inning I came in uncalled and asked if he was ok......the words poured out of him like a waterfall.......he had a horrible week at work, they might close his job down, his wife was sick and needs maintenence medicines that he cant afford without the health insurance he was apt to lose.......he couldnt book off the game as the game fee was important to them financially..........

He was a bundle of nerves and cold not focus on the job of UIC........

There is no set rule for this, but I asked him if it would help if I would take over the plate.....of course it would but how to do it mid game.........

I called both coaches together and told thme we had a few issues and would it be ok with them if I took over the plate delaying the game a few minutes while we changed........of course they agreed.

Umpires are human, and have all the same issues all adults have.....sometimes because we are being paid, some participants and attendees at baseball games can lose sight of that fact..........

Umpiring is an avocation for most of us and not a vocation.....being clear on when the real world intrudes and interferes in your umpiring is a skill many umpires need to develop.......
Last edited by piaa_ump
I remember a story I read years ago about an MLB umpire who made a questionable call. The manager went out, loaded for bear, and the ump said something to the effect of "OK, I blew it. You know he was safe, and I know he was safe, but 30,000 in the stands have been told he was out." The manager allowed that he was then going to yell for a few minutes and go back to his dugout, buthe appreciated the honesty.

Stuff happens.
After watching my son play for years with good umpires and not so good umpires I have come to the conclusion that most of the time they do the best job they can and I sure can't do it any better. Also if we give them a bad enough time who will umpire our games?????????

As parents we owe them common courtesy at all times. I have seen some horrible parents that make me ashamed to be a parent. Maybe we're lucky but we've never really run into a terrible umpire. I'm just thankful there are people that want to do such a difficult job!

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