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Originally posted by Aleebaba:
Originally posted by coach2709:
First I don't agree with this coach and I feel he's doing a disservice to his kids. That being said what's wrong with a high school program wanting to have a year round development program? Why is that such a bad thing?

It is a "bad thing" coach because the kids are not playing against the best competition, and the current tradition of baseball is for colleges to go to major Summmer events with top Summer programs to locate talent. A couple of high school coaches will not change that. Bottom line, it is not better for a top-level ballplayer to keep him from playing with the best kids in his locale, against the best kids of another locale. You can still have them work on stuff during the week if you want, but don't deprive them of these great experiences.

I'm not sure if you read my entire post because I never said to keep kids from playing in the showcase events that gain exposure. I said there needs to be flexibility on both sides to ensure the kid gets great coaching, exposure and whatever else I said.

Not every single kid is good enough to play on a premier travel team. The premiere travel teams do it the right way for the most part but not every single kid who plays high school for me can play there. So why not be part of the high school year round program if they can't play at that level? You can still be a very good high school player, achieve success and win a ton of games without ever being good enough to get on a college radar. So why waste time playing on teams your barely good enough for at best when you can be part of the high school year round program where you can get better. Once you get away from the premiere travel teams it seems (to me) that is when you get into daddy ball more.

Now when a high school team has a player who can play on the premiere travel team then by all means do that in the summer. Go play for them and let me know how you're doing so I can tell you good job. The games you don't play for me in the summer can go to another kid who now has an opportunity to get better that he wouldn't if the stud was there. Now in the winter when we're working out I expect the stud to show up to demonstrate he's part of the program and is bought into the idea of winning. That doesn't mean he can't go work out with a private coach during the winter - he can but he can still be part of the high school program as well.

Both high school and travel baseball can co-exist IF all parties are willing to be flexible and communicate. When one side of the triangle (HS coach, TB coach, family) stops the communication then that's when we get situations like this.
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
..The sad reality is we will be doing a travel team during the Spring this year because of coaches like this who give their players no other option. My goal isn't to do a Spring team because I believe that HS Baseball is awesome and something that guys should do and experience. There should be a way for players to play both HS and travel baseball. ... I don't want to do a team, but have numerous players and parents asking me to do one.

Ohhhh, boy. OK, now I get it.

So, if you think HS baseball is awesome and something that should be experienced, what is the effect you think you are having on HS baseball by joining the Spring Travel movement? "Sad reality"? "I don't want to do a team, but.."? Who are you trying to convince? Us or yourself?

Look, it seems that, based on some other comments here, you have a good reputation and do good things in the travel ball/exposure arena. Is this really the next direction you want to take? I know that there are already other options in your area for those who, for whatever reason, don't wish to or cannot play on their HS team.

High School sports are not without problems. But in general, I agree with your comment and think that HS sports are awesome and should be experienced. Do we work to improve the problem spots or take actions that will eventually lead toward replacing it all together?

"There should be a way for players to play both HS and travel baseball."
There is. The vast majority are doing so now. The two things that will prevent that are...
1.) the few bad HS coaches who don't allow their kids to participate at all in travel ball, and
2.) the few travel and other organizations who use those few bad coaches as an excuse to venture into the Spring season as a non-HS entity, thus diluting HS baseball, just as we are seeing in a few other sports now.

The players and parents you speak of can't make you do this. If you choose to join group #2, that decision is yours.
Last edited by cabbagedad
This thread has potential to go down a long dark road...

TR - I get what you are saying and yes, that is what is happening to many players, they don’t care about the team and only look out for themselves (a few anyway). Like I mentioned in previous posts and like you said, both HS and TB can be beneficial to each other. But when little Johnnie doesn’t like his playing time, or his position, or his coach, or his school, or his teammates... well they go running to any other team that will play them (and take Dad's $$). Not the kind of player that a HS wants or needs anyway.

There is a local senior that played varsity as a backup catcher at our neighboring school last year. Over the summer there was a drastic change in coaching staff at his school, so he decided he is not going to play for his HS this spring. I asked him why and he said he doesn’t want to play for the current coaching staff. I asked him if he thought it was a smart decision to give up the starting catcher position in his senior year. He said it was fine because he is just going to play for ABD in the spring anyway. This is a good player, nice kid, good family. But I think he is making the wrong decision. Even if he attracts attention at this point, how will he ever explain to any college coach why he didn’t play for his HS in his senior year?
Originally posted by Buckeye 2015:
A good friend of mine, who played AAA baseball in the 80's and has a son who is on a full ride at an SEC school told me two years ago (when my son was a 7th grader) that "in 5 years, HS baseball will be gone...and club/travel teams will play from March thru July. I thought he was nuts....but hoped that he was right. It sure seems like he may have been on to something. I get the "kids wanting to represent their school" thing...but let's face most cases, especially in the midwest where it's typically 45 degrees on game days in April, nobody cares about the team anyway. Our HS team could go 30-0 and we still wouldn't get more than 20 people at the games who weren't related to the players. Kids play because they like baseball, and unfortunately it's the only option in March thru May. Gravel Baseball in Chicago is starting a spring team for HS aged kids next year. I can see that idea taking off fairly rapidly. Will it hurt some HS teams? Sure....but for the kids who aspire to play in college and want to play top level baseball it's at least giving them an option. I for one think there would be a lot of HS's who would welcome it. They get rid of a fairly expensive sport (field maintenance, uniforms, umpires,etc) that brings in no revenue...and the kids go away happy. Sounds like a win/win for everyone.

One of the most depressing posts I have ever read on this site.

How many SEC schools do you think will come watch your kid play either on a travel team or a high school team on some random weekend in April? The answer is zero. How can Missouri's Tim Jamieson come watch my son pitch when his team is playing in Arkansas at the same time? That right there is why I dont see travel taking over the high school season. Why would I pay extra money for tournaments in Feb-May when there are no scouts there?

And, one advantage to high school ball that I dont know if everyone can see is that it sure helps practicing with a team 5 days a week from March 1st to the end of May, or whenever the season ends. Throwing the ball everyday, taking bp everyday, defensive drills everyday. You dont get that from a travel team. At least not around here.

Travel and high school ball can co-exist. Sad that you hoped that high school ball would disapear before your kid went to one practice for his high school.
Your friend's notion is certainly not a new one. All HS sports have been threatened for quite some time, particulary the last 4-5 yrs with all the heavy school budget cuts.
Do you realize how many kids would be left out if they had to pay the fees of private organizations to be involved in sports at the HS age level? Sure, there are advantages for those who aspire to play in college AND can afford the higher fees but those are the minority.
You say you get the whole "kids wanting to represent their school" thing. I'm not so sure. Most of the kids would not "go away happy", they would just go away. Do you have any idea what would happen if most kids did not have any school sports, music or other organized extra-curricular activities to be involved in?
I hate to get too heavy here, but seriously, what do you think would happen to our already problematic drug, alcohol, obesity and suicide issues these kids face. So many would lose out on learning things like work ethic, teamwork, discipline, community pride, etc, that come with being a part of HS sports.
Sorry, I respectfully and emphatically disagree.

Also, sorry for taking up so much of this post. I'll step aside for a while.
I ran a HS program for several years. I had a fall program and a summer program. The fall program focused on specific baseball instruction. The summer program focused on strength and conditioning, long toss and hitting. The only thing I felt I should "Demand" of my players was to show up on March 15 for the first day of practice and everything we did during the hs season. The fall was for the players that wanted to take advantage of the instruction. The summer program was for the players that wanted to take advantage of the opportunities.

I encouraged my players to play other sports. I encouraged those that didn't want to play other sports to play baseball. Work at the things that would make them better players. By the 5th year of my time as the HC I had every player either playing another sport or playing on a fall or summer team. And most of these guys attended work outs during the week and played on the weekends. It helped our program have a lot of success but more importantly it really helped our players have success and move on in the game.

HS coaches such as the one in this thread was started about just don't get it imo. They think they are helping their program. They think they are getting ahead of the competition. In some cases they are simply making money of their own players. In some cases they are trying to shield their players from other coaches. In every case they are putting a burden on the players and parents that doesn't need to be put on them. They are creating stress and worry that should not be put on players and parents.

Players need to be coached by other coaches in their off season. They need other opportunities. They need a fresh set of eyes on them. They need to hear it from someone else. They need to branch out. They need a break from you. They need to grow as players. They need to have the opportunity that these situations provide.

What needs to happen in this situation and situations like this is the parents to get come together and simply say no. We are not going to be told where our sons can play in the off season. You do not own the rights to our kids outside of the hs season. You do not have the right to tell us where our kids can play outside of the hs season. If the coach can't live with that then as a group you need to go to the school admin. If that doesn't work then you need to pull all the kids out of the program. I have a hard time thinking that a hs coach can get away with telling his players where they can play outside of the hs season. But I do know some that have told players they had to play on his fall or summer team in the past. The studs were allowed to play on the showcase teams. The other players were not allowed to play on other teams. Or at least they were told there place on the team would be in jeopardy if they did not play on the hs team in the off season. Many felt intimidated or felt like they could use this situation to their advantage.

HS coaches with this mentality are hurting hs sports. They are hurting their players. They are ultimately hurting their hs program. They somehow think if they can keep all of their players together for the entire year they will build a powerhouse program. It simply doesn't work that way. The players become stagnant. They get the same old coaching and the same old eyes on them 12 months out of the year. The players are stuck in the same place for four years. By the time the hs season rolls around the players are sick of the coaches, the coaching and already know where they stand on the team. There is no real competition because its already been set. The program suffers, the players suffer and the coach can't understand why they didn't win the state title since they have been together for 12 months.

Steve the parents need to stand up. They need to raise you know what. And if that doesn't work they need to be prepared to walk. Thats the only thing that is going to stop this coach and others like him.
Buckeye, I get you. Your post did come off a little hard, but I'm with you.

I guess we are lucky here in the St Louis area. (I am sure other areas are better.) My son's school is about 1800 and they had 70 kids try out for freshmen ball. And talking to other parents, it was the same at their school. All school around here have freshmen teams. I've never heard of a situation around here as the OP has.

There are three major summer organizations here, with a bunch of smaller competing groups. The high school coaches know what a benefit it is to have these summer teams, and a lot of them help coach them. My son's high school coach is helping a competing summer team and he always razzes my son to play for him in the summer.

High school and summer ball work out great here. Too bad other places dont have the same situation. I just hate hearing of things like this, that can keep a kid from playing ball.
Why are you creating spring teams? If you really believed and felt strongly about HS baseball, then this wouldn't happen.

While TB organizers want the respect of the HS coaches, why aren't you all giving the HS coaches respect by allowing them the 4 months out of the year they deserve to be with their players and not create games in spring?

Are players allowed to play in tournaments and games during their HS season in CA?

There seems to be a lot more going on perhaps that we are aware of.

I'd like to hear his side.
Last edited by TPM
Coach May, right on. If you are forced to play with the same kids for the same coach for 4 years, that's stupid. You will not have the benefit of different coaching, a new start, the ability to improve away from a coach who may have pigeoned holed a kid.

It's my belief that we should always challenge ourselves to improve and if you aren't surrounded by guys with similar goals, say playing ball in college you won't be pushed. The high school stud is a stud at his school but he's surrounded by studs on good travel teams...a little more like college competition. Someone made a comment about don't go play club and be a number 8 hitter....well, number 8 on a good travel team translates to the fact that you are on a good travel team and shows you where you really stand. My opinion is the #8 guy on that club team is going to improve more by being surrounded by talent then he will by batting 4th on an extension of a high school team. Which is a great thing for most kids but no coach should ever try to force a kid to be average when they don't want that.

This is about a High School coach out of control hurting the kids, not travel coaches trying to stop high school baseball. Most I know are grateful for the time to focus on their younger players not yet in high school. Their jobs get crazy when all ages are playing.
My son played with a friend on his travel team whos high school coach demanded that he play in summer high school tournament. The player told the coach that he plays in the spring for his high school team and in the summer for himself.

End result was he transferred to a different high school for his senior year. He met his old school in state finals and pitched his new team to championship.

Bottom line most hs coaches get it but some are just too stubborn (arrogant?) to ever get it.
Does he "allow" them to play other sports at the HS? What is the HS team like? I would let my kid play for the team where he plays the most and gets the most visibility to college coaches. If he looses his best players then he'll have to explain to his fiend the AD why the program is failing. Problem is it's difficult to get everyone to agree. I have a question about college recruiters talking to HS coaches-we have coaches around here that don't seem to stay at a school for very long(they move to coach or teach elsewhere) What happens when the coaches leave and they call the new guy who really doesn't know players well.
We do very few events in the spring outside the state of Iowa and parts of Wisconsin where they don't play HS baseball in the spring.

If all of a sudden the whole country started playing club/travel ball it would be great for our business. I hope that never happens! If it does it will be because of the small minority of HS coaches that just don't get it.

I love HS baseball. Nearly every major league player who has ever played has played HS baseball. I see no reason why that should ever change.

Most every travel coach I know of, loves HS baseball and wants to work with rather than against HS baseball. However, we do know of several HS coaches who are very much against their players playing somewhere else even during the summer or fall.
Let me ask someone from the Georgia area: My understanding in the Marietta / East Cobb region, Club teams are the primary baseball participation. High School teams are assembled in February and play through end of May. Club teams operate the rest of year.

That's true. E.C. Baseball fields teams for Summer & Fall play. To my knowledge, thus far haven't infringed upon the H.S. Baseball schedule.

However, My son's H.S. Team won a State Championship in 2009 and played for it in 2010. His Coach, at the time, demanded that ALL players; Freshmen, J.V. & Varsity Teams participate in the local H.S. Summer League (he couldn't Coach it but J.V. Coach did).

He did so for the many benefits, for him and the program, discussed by many. In the end, it took most of his star players, and their parents, basically ignoring him and continuing play with their E.Cobb Summer Teams. They did so because all realized they the ECB was where they would be tested most, in summer competition, and where recruiting opportunities would come.

He modified his requirement later for Varsity age
players, realizing that he really couldn't require it nor stop them.
So it seems that most are making the HS coach out to be the bad guy in this situation.

Why? What encouraged the HS coach to do that?

Are these HS coaches losing players because the travel clubs are forming teams during HS season and because they are better (as many are) and they feel threatened? Are these club teams over using players and then they can't perform during the HS season.

What is really going on?
Are these HS coaches losing players because the travel clubs are forming teams during HS season

Sounds to me like baseball is headed in the direction that s****r took this year. Going to year-round schedules which will force the kid to make a decision. And it's all about money... money always dominates. And that's too bad.
File a lawsuit!!! Against the coach, AD, school, school district, county and state... name them all. Don't forget the principal. Get together with other parents and organize it. Nobody has the right to tell a student what they can do or not do in the off season on their own time. They can't tell them who to associate with, what and where they want to play and can't make it a factor in weather or not they participate in a school sponsored activity. If it's a financial risk to all those named they will not let a coach make policies that could cost them money. Then the coach becomes a liability to the school, school district, county etc...
In my experience when you get a renegade high school coach it's someone who does love baseball but perhaps is frustrated that he doesn't earn his living that way and is hostile towards the individuals in his area that have concentrated and sacrificed to do so. I don't think most men that run clubs are getting rich, I think they are happy to pay the bills and make ends meet doing something they love. Some are meet the needs of aspiring college athletes better then others.

Then comes a high school coach who feels he has the power and attempts to step in somewhere where he is simply over matched. You can't run a team that doesn't even require tryouts and expect to provide the same opportunity for development or face the highest competition. There is however a place for that type of community based team it's just there should never be punishment for those that choose a different path.

Just as some club coaches are bad and motivated simply for cash, some high school coaches are too. However, in a club environment it's simple, if you don't like what you are getting, don't join again next year. If you are being forced to play for a high school coach the ramifications are pay me fees, play for me or suffer in high school. Not a lot of kids can stand up to that but parents can and should teach their kids.

I think club Spring leagues have popped up due to circumstances like this when a local coach is out of control.
Last edited by calisportsfan
My son played for Trombly Baseball and San Diego SHOW his last couple years of high school. Steve Trombly and Brian Cain (Show) have tremendous programs and they care about their players. They're dedicated men that run very successful travel programs. I don't consider them a success due to their "National Championships". No, I consider them a success because their players go on to the next level. Fortunately, in addition, my son had a high school coach that realized these travel programs were giving him and other players added exposure that the HS team could not bring in at the time.

Hey Steve, I hope you're doing well? I just skimmed through the thread, so forgive me if I ask something that's already been addressed. Is the HS coach denying his players from travel ball all together? Or, is it just for the remainder of the Winter going into Spring Season? I sincerely hope the travel ball ban isn't year round. KD's former high school has been playing a pretty decent Winter Schedule the past 3-4 years. They play invitational tournaments at SDSU and USD versus some of the more talented HS programs in So Cal. In addition, they go out to Palm Desert every year and play in that competitive tournament. I mention this because looking back, I don't think I'd mind if KD was asked to skip travel ball in November/December/January. In fact, I wish my son didn't throw so much between his Junior & Senior HS seasons...BUT I understand that it was somewhat required to help generate college interest due to his lack of time on the bump early on. Unfortunately, all of those innings logged in the Summer/Fall/Winter prior to his senior year and the 67 innings in the HS season ultimately led to more arm troubles and his recent TJ surgery. So...if this HS coach is sincerely looking out for the Best Interest of his players (especially pitchers) in the Winter, I'm with him. However, if he's only looking out for himself and not taking consideration of the possible exposure that Trombly Baseball and other successful programs in our area can do for players...Well, that's not right. Good luck...please keep us posted!
Last edited by bsbl247
BUT I understand that it was somewhat required to help generate college interest due to his lack of time on the bump early on.

This one you can place on college coaches and on the showcase administrators who have sold them as being "required."

There's reason that youth injuries have increased substantially in the last several years....
Originally posted by Bulldog 19:
BUT I understand that it was somewhat required to help generate college interest due to his lack of time on the bump early on.

This one you can place on college coaches and on the showcase administrators who have sold them as being "required."

There's reason that youth injuries have increased substantially in the last several years....

Perhaps I should have said "somewhat needed" rather than "required"?

I appreciate how passionate you are on this subject Bulldog 19, but I have to disagree with you. I never felt the pressure to send my son to showcases in the HS offseason from coaches/recruiters. However, I knew that this was the best opportunity to receive exposure due to the fact that college staffs are busy with their own programs once baseball season starts in February here in Southern California.

Also, you stated earlier in another post that Club Sports have ruined high school sports. Well, I wholeheartedly disagree with you. While I can only speak on a baseball and basketball perspective with my kids. As for baseball, my son and his teammates faced better pitching and pitched against more formidable lineups while playing regional & national tournaments with their travel teams compared to their HS league opponents, and BTW, he played in a pretty strong HS division.

I will agree that Club/Travel sports played year round have increased injuries for young athletes, and you're absolutely correct..."Every Athlete Deserves an Athletic Trainer". Wink
Originally posted by calisportsfan:
I think club Spring leagues have popped up due to circumstances like this when a local coach is out of control.

I think that like others you have made an assumption.

I am still waiting for the other half of the story.

If you have any inside info, please share.
Last edited by TPM
TPM, if the coach is saying No Club ball then that's all the information I need to form my opinion. He doesn't have that right, he is a high school coach not a dictator. That stance is poison.

If your club coach said no high school ball you could simply join another club however the same is not true about playing for another high school. It's not so simple.

I have NEVER heard (although I am sure it may happen,) about a club coach demanding his baseball players don't play high school ball but it is an increasingly common occurrence that in the west we hear of these things. One of my boys had a similar experience so I am speaking first hand. Sadly, we did not have the same high school experience most of you did and it was due to a coach who was out of control.

Last to address the club s****r thing....there are coaches who advise their college bound players not to play in high school if a scholarship is on the line because the rate of injuries such as ACL tears increases dramatically during the school season when a lesser talented high school player gets frustrated by her opponents foot skills or is understandably a step late and a kick aimed at a ball hits a knee which is now where the ball was! It is something to consider in s****r.
Last to address the club s****r thing....there are coaches who advise their college bound players not to play in high school if a scholarship is on the line because the rate of injuries such as ACL tears increases dramatically during the school season when a lesser talented high school player gets frustrated by her opponents foot skills or is understandably a step late and a kick aimed at a ball hits a knee which is now where the ball was! It is something to consider in s****r.

The so-called "elite" players who play in this "Academy" cannot play high school s****r. This club schedule runs 10 months out of the year and they play through the high school season.
Originally posted by calisportsfan:
TPM, if the coach is saying No Club ball then that's all the information I need to form my opinion.

I am not signaling your comment out, just that I do believe that this post was intended to get that response from us.

The OP doesn't post here often, except to inform us about his business, it's expansions,his teams successes and looking for players, etc.

He doesn't appear to be the type that needs to post for our advice. In fact I would think he could care less. He gave us half a story, yeah the HS coach may be a jerk, a control freak, but the post was intended to make you feel that way. And FWIW, for any HS coach that truly does care about their players, they should be concerned about where they play and with who in the off season.

Let's hear the rest of the story, but he doesn't want to tell to cause further damage or bad feelings. Is he using this site to further reach out to the coach? If that is the intention, that's not right.

Last edited by TPM
The OP doesn't post here often, except to inform us about his business, it's expansions,his teams successes and looking for players, etc.

That has been my thought all along as well. This guy wants his name to be seen while tearing apart another coach because he disagrees.

This is a struggle between two programs and this coach is going on the attack. This high school coach is going to cost him money and he's going to fight this hard. "for the good of the kids" LOL
Funny how we all take different reads on things. I was impressed by the fact that he did not hide who he was but rather expressed his problem. Additionally, he didn't attack anyone else by name but described a situation. If you are the coach of that high school team and reading this and it embarrasses you, it should.

Bulldog, let's just assume the worst and all he wants is money, doesn't he deserve to keep the players he has in his program who are satisfied with his product? Not sure what you do for a living but nobody deserve to act as bully to high school kids. I don't blame the man. By the way, I don't know him my kids have just had an excellent travel coach and a bully high school coach so I understand the damage that can be done to a kid who is forced into that situation. It shouldn't be allowed to happen.
Originally posted by calisportsfan:
Funny how we all take different reads on things.

I agree, it is funny how we read into different things.
However, sometimes it's just good to go back and read past posts, and kind of makes you wonder what really is the issue here.

You have heard one side, how do you know that coach is a bully? And what's with the get a lawyer, for what? Because this coach prefers it that way?

I am sorry that you have had a bad experience, but just so you know, there are travel coaches out there that are bullies too. In fact, I know of one who used to tell their players if they left the team they would be black balled. And he did it. In fact I could tell you lots of stuff about travel ball coaches that would make your head hurt.

I did not draw the same conclusion as Bulldog did, that is his right just as others can draw their conclusions.

I am not standing up for anyone, I am just sayin I would like to know what is REALLY going on. I won't pass judgement on any coach, travel or HS because one person has posted his side of the story.
That is a perfect example of not hearing both sides of the story. And how harmful it is to someone who is innocent.

Perfect example of how one group of influential parents (or people) can convince a superintendent to fire his own employee without a hearing first.

Welcome to Broward County, FL!
The OP doesn't post here often, except to inform us about his business, it's expansions,his teams successes and looking for players, etc.

I'm sorry I don't "post here often" and only have a little over 500 posts which doesn't even come close to your almost 17,500 posts! I guess you win because you can sit on here all day and post about anything and everything.

I have been a member of this site for many years and unlike you I value the input of each and every person who participates on these message boards. It doesn't matter if someone has 1 post or 1 million posts, these boards are a great way for the baseball community from across the country to communicate with each other. There are many uses of these message boards including but not limited to: entertainment to pass the time, to find answers, get opinions, brag about kids, vent about frustrations, talk about events, etc, etc, etc. There are so many people to come to these boards and whether they post all day long every day or just read without posting they serve a purpose.

Once again, I appreciate all that have responded here as your thoughts have been very helpful.
How are you!? Thanks for the kind words. You are right, the SD Show is a great organization and Brian does a good job. I'm glad that Kyle was also able to play for us. I wish him continued success as he continues his journey and I will be there each step of the way supporting him.

Unfortunately, this is a year round ban for the players!

Originally he wasn't going to allow the players to play travel ball this past June which would have meant that 2 of these guys would not have been able to go to the USA Baseball 17U Championships. Not only would our team have not won the event without these 2 guys, but more importantly they wouldn't have been there to experience the incredible journey our team had. No questions the memories our players had from that week will last them a lifetime!
Originally posted by TromblyBaseball:
The OP doesn't post here often, except to inform us about his business, it's expansions,his teams successes and looking for players, etc.

I'm sorry I don't "post here often" and only have a little over 500 posts which doesn't even come close to your almost 17,500 posts! I guess you win because you can sit on here all day and post about anything and everything.

I have been a member of this site for many years and unlike you I value the input of each and every person who participates on these message boards. It doesn't matter if someone has 1 post or 1 million posts, these boards are a great way for the baseball community from across the country to communicate with each other. There are many uses of these message boards including but not limited to: entertainment to pass the time, to find answers, get opinions, brag about kids, vent about frustrations, talk about events, etc, etc, etc. There are so many people to come to these boards and whether they post all day long every day or just read without posting they serve a purpose.

Once again, I appreciate all that have responded here as your thoughts have been very helpful.

I had rememebered this topic started by you a while back.

I think that you knew that bringing up this topic would bring about negative responses towards the coach.

My point was that I thought that it was unfair to judge the circumstance not knowing the entire situation. I would feel the same way if a HS coach came and complained about a travel coach.

What's fair is fair. Would you not agree?

BTW, I really thought that infielddad's post to ABD was right on. This was just another example of how successful travel clubs like to cut down the HS coaches.

My sincere apology if you took offense to someone who was just wondering what really caused this coach to give out such an order.
Last edited by TPM
That is awesome you found that! It was 3 1/2 years ago that I posted that and my feelings and comments are still the same!

Thanks for offering an apology. I don't expect everyone to agree with me and I stand behind my comments which is why I post as myself and not by a secret screen name. I just felt you and another poster were making comments directly at me that were unwarranted and off topic. I wish I could post more details but doing so wouldn't be fair to others involved. At this point I don't want to bring specific people other then myself to the limelight.

I love coaching baseball and have enjoyed my experiences as a HS coach, college coach and travel coach. I love HS baseball and feel that players should be able to do both.

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