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It's a day before July 4th and I feel as a group, every member of the HSBBW should show the support of our troops and America in general with an or to this post. Sounds corny? I don't think so. After reading HSBBW posts for years I can only think that we, and our kids, have had the opportunity to experience this great life because of those who have lead us through good/bad times, and those soldiers, alive, or who have fallen to keep those American values a priority in our lives.

Peace and Happy 4th of July everyone!
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We worry about how hard our kids are throwing. We worry about their batting average. The list goes on and on. Parents of children in the military worry about wether or not they will ever come home alive. I told my guys this year "You play a game. You work hard and you try your best to win. But it is not life and death. In the end it is still just a game. Have fun and enjoy being a part of a team. If you want to worry , then say a prayer and worry for all those young men out there making sure you have the freedom to play a game".

Thank you vets all of you. Young and old , dead and alive. You are the reason we can celebrate July 4th anyone darn way we want to. I will be on a baseball field at WWBA in Georgia tomorrow celebrating the 4th on the baseball field.
Independence Day is my favorite holiday of the year. I just love it.

I love the fireworks and can't help but sing in my head "and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air" when the show goes on.

Between the "oohs and ahs" I think of the "rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air" and the Revolutionary War. And the other wars. And then I flash forward to the "shock and awe" of the Iraq Wars, wondering if the really loud and brilliant white explosions are anything close to bombs really going off.

And I am humbled by those who are serving now--voluntarily. They volunteered to serve US, to keep us safe and free, knowing what may be in store for them.

And I am humbled by those who served in our nation's past.

How can we ever thank them?

Maybe by keeping them tucked in our prayers and in our hearts.

Happy Birthday, America! And many happy returns of the day!!!!!
Last edited by play baseball
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the men and women who bravely serve to keep us free.

In the past year I have often thought about how fortunate I am as a parent, to merely be worrying about my son's college grades or a baseball injury, rather than whether he will come home alive.

To all of the parents whose sons and daughters serve in our armed forces, my thanks to you and my prayers that you will be strengthened during your child's absence. God bless them and bring them home safely.

As a veteran, I really appreciate this post. I served 4 years and I can tell you that even though there are many Americans who don't give much thought to our troops, I know those serving would want it that way. It is their job and they are proud to do it. And God Bless the fallen ones. May they rest in heaven.

Many in foreign countries complain about America and our willingness to fight for what is right. We are called bullies and worse. So interesting.. who do they call when they're in a spot? Yup. America.
It's all good. That is the job of America and in the end I believe what is right is more important than any popularity contest.

Happy Birthday, America!
Last edited by Bum
Originally posted by Bum:
As a veteran, I really appreciate this post. I served 4 years and I can tell you that even though there are many Americans who don't give much thought to our troops, I know those serving would want it that way. It is their job and they are proud to do it. And God Bless the fallen ones. May they rest in heaven.

Many in foreign countries complain about America and our willingness to fight for what is right. We are called bullies and worse. So interesting.. who do they call when they're in a spot? Yup. America.
It's all good. That is the job of America and in the end I believe what is right is more important than any popularity contest.

Happy Birthday, America!

Very well stated, Bum. Pretty much my sentiments, too. Thank you.

I'm also a 4-year vet, now a contractor and work with our young men and women. I am amazed at the skill and dedication they bring even though they are far from home. Although their efforts are presented as futile back home, believe me, they are not.

I'd also like to thank the performers who come over here to entertain the troops. Last night I enjoyed a great show by Brian Stace, the Blue Eyed Bad Boy of country music. He has a new song coming out this fall that I really enjoyed, "Daddy's Comin Home".

Again, a big thanks to all our men and women who have worn the uniform of the US military.
Like some of you who have served our Country in the Armed Forces, this really choked me up when I opened and read this post.

What really hit home to me was that my son's best friend in high school that he played ball with since they were 6yrs old just got home from Marine boot camp and is headed out for Advanced Infantry training, and then will most likely ship out to Afghanistan not shortly after. How it hit home how some things come full circle. When I was 18 I had just finished Marine boot camp and had the world by the tail. The only difference was that were no wars ongoing then. I was safe.

I am SO proud of this young man that words cannot describe it. Just like my sons early dream was to play college ball, his was to be a Marine and protect our freedoms.

Thank you RZ for remembering our young men and women during this time. And thank you to everyone else. I truly am proud to be an American and even prouder to be a part of this HSBBW family.

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