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Why would a player that is no longer in baseball make up a story like this?

TR, what you need to do is sit down with someone anyone that has been around a MLB clubhouse over the past 20 years and hear what has gone on. In fact many teams are making this part of their milb induction, that was then, this is now. You work hard through training and conditioning, leave the bad stuff out of this. It may be a little late for all of this to come out, but if this all changes the culture and the steroid era is coming to an end, I am real happy about it.

Not everyone is lying, making assumptions.
This player spoke up that it went on, he obviously knew about something. And 11 players tested positive? Something WAS going on.

The object of this lesson is that it doesn't work and when you do speak up, there will always be those who will cut you down, to save their own hides.

I hate to tell you this but the last thing in my life that I need is direction from you--- again you assume I have not done something---without knowing facts---I love your phrase "IMO"---fine but don't push it on me---your opinion does not always ring true to me---how in the world do you know who I have sat down with in the past 20 years ? I know more than you think I do and perhaps , just perhaps, I know more than you do.

And steriods/PEDS can be taken by players without others knowing about it---who says they did it in the clubhouse/locker room ?---why not at home before coming to the park
I don't know what was going on in that club house, but Jamie Moyer is a pretty stand-up guy and if he says it wasn't prevalent I believe him. Perhaps it is some of the guys who moved up and down quickly, maybe trying to get an "edge". I don't know. I'm kind of with TR on this one. I have a real problem with this almost witch-hunt mentality. How do you prove a negative? I don't know.

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