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Springfield college plays in the NEWMAC and is always in the hunt for the conference title. Excellent baseball program and good academics. Other schools in the conference: Wheaton(perenial D3 top 25), MIT, Coast Guard Academy, WPI, Babson and Clark. All great academic schools with good baseball.

Springfield, Babson, and Wheaton are the top programs in the conference right now, but watch out for WPI. The coach is recruiting alot in Florida and Texas, and he is bent on winning the conference in the next year or two.
While I agree that Trinity is a good school I do have a problem with the location as with Springfield...we are friendly with a youngman who attends school there and according to his parents they can not venture off campus...I would not want the palpitations asociated with my son going to the local Mall or store because of the general area...and, yes, I know anything can happen at any time but why tempt the hand of fate...the general perception in these cities is that a bunch of rich kids attend these schools and have pockets full of money hence they are easy targets
Colby-Sawyer College
Southern Maine
Springfield College
Merrimack College

Interesting mix.
Maybe we should add Florida Southern? Eek LOL

I agree about Springfield area.
We made a stop with our daughter at Vassar on the way back from Princeton and there are little maps for visitors which actually tell you which side of the street to walk on at night to be safe?
Cross it off!

The thread question was about baseball programs not about city life. And yes I've been to Springfield. My son attends WPI. If you're worried about your son getting into trouble outside the campus then maybe you should keep him at home so you can watch over him.

These kids are 18 years old and hopefully they learned good things from us as parents but we have to let them grow up. Problems and dangerous neigborhoods are everywhere, in every city. This is not a reason to not let them go to a good college with a good baseball program.
I have no problem with my son..he has been raised correctly and he is 20 not 18...the issue I have is with the area the school is located in and the type of things he would need to beware can make generalizations about the area...but I live here....I am a native to Massachusetts...I grew up in the City of Boston...I know where the good and bad areas are and I would never allow my child to attend school in that type of an is not my child who has the is those he would come in contact asking about schools I do believe that where each school is located has an impact on decision making...afterall going to college is not just about playing baseball there is a social life as well and much of that can include off campus travel...and BTW I have been to WPI, as well as Holy Cross, Assumption and Clark (where he was recruited by all)...the area it is located in (WPI) is hugely different than Springfield
Slam; I have a son who graduated from Springfield and another at Trinity. In both cases the schools are in urban areas. In both cases the kids were made well aware of the territory surrounding them and learned where and where not to go. No problems. If they decide to live off campus, then you may want to pay attention to where it is. Springfield has a very competitive BB team, and it's graduate placement is very good. Son was a full-time phys.ed teacher in a public school the fall after he graduated.
I have personally been to Springfield a couple of times as a visitor and never had a problem. But I do realize that there is a difference from visiting and living there.

I tend to rate schools based on what players we have sent there tell me about the program. We have a player at Springfield who absolutely loves the school, area, and program. He is very happy. This player also played for College Select.

I saw the team play last year and was impressed with the kids both on and off the field. They seemed like great kids who played the game the right way.

Based on my impressions if Springfield is recruiting your son I'd check them out.
Slam; If a HS student is looking for a college that offers the sports curiculum that you want ,then Springfield is a top choice. It has been for many decades. The BB program is very good,icing for the cake. Yes Springfield is a rough town, so are most mid-size Northeast cities. Even the Ivies are situated in rough areas. Just trust or understand the judgement capability of the future student. Trust that the school administration makes the incoming class fully aware of the neighborhood.
Besides my son there have been many area kids that attended Springfield and enjoyed a good " college experience" and left with a degree that is means alot to employers in the field they studied.
Last edited by rt

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