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I pulled my hamstring about 8 weeks ago, I am supposed to go to the PG national Underclass at the end of December. I am wondering if I should go and not run or not go at all. I am only about 85% right now and can not run a 60 yard dash full speed yet. I can do anything else with no pain just cannot run at top speed. My speed is one of my top tools and I was wondering if not running will hurt me. Any thoughts or advice?
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Thats a tough call matt - and not a fun one to make.

The talent level will be top notch - and not being able to run certainly wont help you.

On top of that - you may also get the urge to push yourself a bit - and wind up doing more damage to the healing area.

Maybe you can go to the next PG event later in the spring - when you are 100% and have a bunch of playing time under your belt.

Good luck to you.

Last edited by itsinthegame
If I'm correct I'm pretty sure that PG encourages you to contact them if you are indeed not 100% so that you and PG can work something out to ensure that you are able to give your best performance when you do attend one of their showcases. I think it's even on their website or was on their site for sometime.

Considering the amount of money you or your parents have spent and the impact that these reports can have, I'd call and talk to them about rescheduling.
Young man, listen to everyone of these good folks who have suggested you reschedule when you are 100%. It is the absolute gospel!

My son had attended 2 different ones over the past 6 months and for various reasons wasn't 100% both times and some of the comments weeks after was maybe not that he didn't look good but they would like to see him again in the future, etc.

You NEVER have a 2nd chance to make a great 1st impression! That holds true when trying to impress these scouts. Leave them with a good taste in their mouth about you and your talents.

Good luck!
since you have a few weeks, let your hamstring rest and see what happens. If you still hurt at the time of the showcase, dont run the 60 yard and do the rest of the drills. Keep in mind if speed is your only tool, not gonna do your much good to go and not run. There is about 60 PG showcases out htere a year, you can always attend another one when your healthy.

Good example a player attended two pre draft right before the draft. Best tool was his speed. Was hurt and for some unknown reason ran the 60 yard, time was .4 slower than normal. Was hurt more, next pre draft did not run the 60 yd, looked bad at all other skills. MLB scouts were like why are you even here if you cant run, your only tool.
Surprisely was still drafted, but did not sign.
Last edited by Frank Martin
Thanks to everyone,

I appreciate all of the advice. I ran a 6.61 at this event last year and would certainly like to do as well or better. I was runnning in the 6.5 range when I injured my hammie. I have been working on rehab and strengthing my leg. I ran a 6.75 this morning not at 100% but pain free.

I think I will wait another couple of weeks and see where I am at.

thanks again for the advice.
Originally posted by mattm:
Thanks to everyone,

I appreciate all of the advice. I ran a 6.61 at this event last year and would certainly like to do as well or better. I was runnning in the 6.5 range when I injured my hammie. I have been working on rehab and strengthing my leg. I ran a 6.75 this morning not at 100% but pain free.

I think I will wait another couple of weeks and see where I am at.

thanks again for the advice.

You really don't want to go to an event and not do as well as previous times. One of the worst things that those who go to a lot of showcases and being labeled as a "showcase rat".

When coaches see you several times and the player does not progress, it really could hurt you more than a coach trying to project that you will get better.
Justin Upton
BJ Upton
Delmon Young
Scott Kazmir
Chris Lubanski
Lastings Milledge
Chad Billingsley
Ryan Sweeney
David Wright
Prince Fielder
Brian McCann
Andrew Miller
Jarrod Saltalamacchia

I could go on forever with first round picks and MLB players who would have been classified as “showcase rats”! In fact, in most cases the very best players are the ones most likely to attend the most events. They just are more selective as to which events they choose to attend.

One of the most appealing traits a baseball player can have is showing absolutely no fear of failure, or taking chances or playing against highest level competition. However, there are times when it’s best to use your head and not take unnecessary risks regarding your physical condition.


We would be glad to talk to you regarding your situation. Personally IMO the number one reason to not attend would be if you’re at risk of further injury. If we have already timed you in the 6.6s, we already know you have that tool. I would have a serious discussion with your doctor about any risk that might be involved, before making a decision to attend or wait until later. Those hamstring problems can hang on for a long time. You do not want to lose your spring high school season. Either way you go, best of luck.

If you have any questions… You can reach me at –

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