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Here we are 10 or 11 games into the 162 game MLB season and you hear all the discussion regarding who is hot and who is not, should we be worried about this player or not on our favorite team

Hey it is very early-- they had the WBC, they also return from warm weather to cold weather

Cannot the people involved talking about baseball have a bit of common sense or is this the ESPN Senationalism Syndrome?

You tell me
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What I like is MLBTV every nite cutting into games and discussing---their panel is all pro and they discuss a mulitiude of things, especially with John Hart on the Panel---they cut to the quick with no nonsense

Funny thing they talk hitting but I have yet to hear the terms "rotational" or "linear"---they talk like baseball players not
"supposed gurus"
Last edited by TRhit
I don't think it's too early to be talking about it.
Isn't this what we wait 5 months for?

It's really nice to see teams that regularly live at the bottom of the food chain get off to a good start. It's nice to see the game played without everyone taking junk.
And I agree every game counts. There doesn't seem to be much of a warm up period anymore.

I do agree that we shouldn't worry about it, too many other important things in life for that.

Baseball is entertainment and I like the ESPN drama.
Originally posted by TRhit:

What the heck is happening? Are you the new G O D on this site?

I do not think Coach and I are on a Mountain---perhaps you are---we try to start disuciion and you step in and do "your thing"

Isnt this site about offering opinions ??? Or am I on the wrong site?

You started another discussion, not on anything about baseball, but about pointing fingers at other peoples discussions and offering negative opinions about that. Then CM chimes in with "they" this, and "they" that in support of you, as though there are different factions on this site, those that are enlightened, and everyone else.

Who are you to ridicule others for their topics of discussion? Your title for the topic is about how you are laughing at other people for their enthusiasm.

That pretty much defines the word, jerk.

Last edited by CPLZ
While watching the Padre, Phillie game, I'd thought I try a measured response to the come from behind down 7-1 victory over the world champion Phillies.

In my attempt to be emotionally detached. I'am certainly not as tired from all the suspense from watching the team come back. And I gotta tell ya this new approach served me well in the top of the 9th, bases loaded, no outs clinging to a 1 run lead and nobody scoring would(in the past) have me spinning on the ground like Curly from the Three Stooges. Watching Bell, paint a called 3rd strike on a 3-2 count to close it out for his league leading 6th save on 6 attempts was "fine" I know I have allot more energy from not getting caught up in all that high fiving. and pointless celebrating. And I know I'am defenitly going sleep better not antcipating reading the box score in the morning.

In retorspect. I came away with the feeling I just watched a s****r game.
I read TR's post and assumed he was talking about the broadcasters and sports talk shows. I referenced that in my original post. I never assumed he was talking about the posters on this site when I made my post. If you read his original post I still do not see where he says anything about posters on this site.

Maybe he was I have no way of reading his mind or anyone else's. You obviously believe you can read other peoples minds though. Nice post. Very classy.
Originally posted by 20dad:
I wouldn't be laughing if I were a yankee fan, what were they thinking when they built that park?
I think the Yankees need to draft a couple of corners in the NFL draft next weekend. They can't give up two quick touchdowns in the second inning and expect to win.

Final 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E

Cleveland 0 14 1 1 4 0 0 1 1 22 25 1

NY Yankees 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 7 1

Here's a MLB debut to remember:

A. Claggett 1.2 9 8 8 2 2 2 43.20
Last edited by RJM
Originally posted by RJM:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 20dad:
I wouldn't be laughing if I were a yankee fan, what were they thinking when they built that park?

That was my quote. Razz

I feel so badly for that young man. Frown Not his fault there is no long relief.
I don't think that Girardi believes in it, this happened when he was in Miami, everyone thought it was because management wouldn't give him what he wanted to get to the playoffs, but I think that was what he wanted (none).
I read somewhere they built the park with Arod in mind (more HR), but maybe they forgot about everyone else.

Buit let's not take away from the Indians, they were hot today.

Marlins 10-1 Smile

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