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Well despite the fact that there is about a foot of snow on the ground here in Ohio, it seems like spring time because high school baseball tryouts start today with pitchers and catchers reporting.

All I can say is that I hope we thaw out before the first game on 3/17! Best of luck to everyone (and their sons) during tryouts!
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Yes it is here. Tryouts finished up on Wednesday the 14th and my sons team played their first two scrimmage games this weekend (on the 17th) a three team round robin. It was cold (low 40's for a high) and we had a few snowflakes in the final game, but it was fun to see the boys on the field again. Now they get a weeks practice and go at it again this coming weekend in another 3 team round robin. Right now it looks to be mid-60's for this time around and should be fun.
Son’s high school team has played 2 jamborees and 1 scrimmage with a record of 5 and 1. Saturday was really cold, started off the morning at 36 degrees, then the wind picked up, man was it cold. Played the first regular season game yesterday; won 9 to 1. Team is off to a great start, hopefully it will continue. Should be in the sixties and seventies the rest of the week, I can only hope it is the end of winter here. Happy Mardi Gras!!!!!!!!

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