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I admit I have been lurking a little bit over the past few months..... I haven't posted or been involved on the boards for awhile for a couple of reasons.

1. Without a son playing the game anymore and a son whose HS experience wasn't what he/we dreamed it would be it just seemed a bit unsettling to me to be inparting wisdom on these boards for fear that I
had lost some value and had lost some passion for the boards/game.

2. But, the most important reason of all for why I haven't been posting is that I have been a caregiver for the past 3 months for my mother. In Sept. after back surgery she was diagnosed w/stage 4 cancer at the young age of 71 and was told she had months to live. From that point on I was with her daily and anything baseball was put on the back burner. Two weeks ago I lost my mother and my friend.

I have missed you guys, I think about you often and read/lurk every now and again.

I wish you all well this upcoming season!!!! I know I will miss the smell of the game and I hope to be back on here soon............

I appreciate all of friends are the best!
OBN im sorry about your loss and like you I am the care taker of my 77 yr old mother. She moved in with me about a year ago and in July she also had back surgery. So I know how busy you have been.

But im not sure you realize how many people you touched with your kind words of wisdom. And I know of one baseball player that you can root for and im sure there are several others on here that feel the same way as I. Matter of fact you better be at the Lake Cities Toury rooting us on. Big Grin
I will be thinking about you 11sdad as I know what you are going through..

The Beast: THANK YOU!

11sdad Send me your Lake Cities game times and I will try to make it. of course I no longer have Press Passes so I will have to endure the cold......

Kellerdad would respond that the cold couldn't hurt me I have enough Hot Air to keep me warm and the stands warm Big Grin

11sdad PM your way
Last edited by oldbat-never
Teresa, my deepest condolences for your loss. You have been through so much these past few months. I only wish we had known so we could have encouraged you just as you have encouraged us so often in the past.

May the Lord grant you His abundant comfort and peace as you grieve. I will try to touch base soon and see how you're doing.

Lots and lots of love from not only me but everyone here on the Texas forum
Originally posted by 11sdad:
But im not sure you realize how many people you touched with your kind words of wisdom.

True that! OBN is one of those rare souls that never hesitated to give out praise to players. Even when her own son was not experiencing the best of situations, she was always quick to sincerely encourage or commend others. OBN has been of great support to myself and to my son over the years.

I am proud to call her my friend and I, too, pray that happy moments and memories will eventually take the place of the grief she is experiencing now.
Momandcpa: Hey, who's your son? (ongoing joke).

I would be "Lost" without your friendship and today's phone call gave me back a piece of myself that has been put on hold....You laugh at my jokes, you get me, you are a unique one... thanks.

Why does the Phrase "Play Ball" seem like the thing to say right about now!

BTW: I really wasn't gone.... I was just in the shower with Patrick Duffy.
Last edited by oldbat-never
OBN: Good to have you back here. Prayers go out to you and your family on the loss. Lots of thoughts and emotions going through my head right now as I am reminded of just how special a mom can be. I'm glad you got to spend some very special time with her.

Tell "Scoop" Drown I said hello. Wish I was headed your way this spring, but the Marcus coaches were too intimidated to play the might Mustangs of MCA.

Take care and God bless.
I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's untimely passing. Moms define who we are. Knowing that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree tells us all what an incredible woman and mom she was. For through your kindness and thoughtfulness, we will always carry a piece of your mother with us. Thank you for sharing.

May God's comforting presence be with you.
Last edited by collikar

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