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Today my very good friend's (Bob Miller aka jerseydad),  wife passed away from a long battle with breast cancer.  Although I have never met Cindy, I have met Bob a few times and our friendship actually began  many, many years ago.


jerseydad, justbaseball and I share a very special HSBBW relationship, not going to get into the details, but FWIW its been a great support group for all of us and not just always about baseball stuff.


I have thought about what to say all day, I know that some folks have seen it posted on Facebook, I know that many of you know him and it is very hard to find the words when you know your very good friend and his family are in pain.


The one thing that I have admired about Bob so much through the years, is that he always came here offering great advice, always upbeat, never complained about anything, (yeah his son like many of ours have had bad breaks too) and yet for the past few years he has been dealing with his wife's serious illness and not so great prognosis and never let on that he had some stuff going on in his life.


I do realize that the reason we are all here is because baseball is a very important part of our lives.

My advice, try to enjoy the good times in your life and don't be miserable over the little stuff  (most know what I am talking about)  and as long as you have your family to come home to every night and hug them and kiss them,  nothing else really matters.










Last edited by TPM
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I woke up this morning with a bad feeling about Bob's wife and went to our private message room to find out the sad, sad news.  Bob had shared with TPM and me her illness a couple of years ago…and we had talked often about the painful journey and his love for his wife and kids...and while the whole thing has been truly heartbreaking, I can tell you that we should all wish that we had a marriage like Bob's and Cindy's and we should all wish we had a spouse and father like Bob.


Bob is one of the genuinely good people on planet Earth and I am immensely privileged to know him on a personal level.


I love Bob Miller…even though I've never met him him in person (I aim to correct that sometime soon)…and by extension his whole family including his wife Cindy.


Today/tonight I will continue to pray for Bob and his family.  In whatever way is comfortable for you, I hope you will too.


Hug your spouse and kids tonight.  God bless the Miller family.

Last edited by justbaseball

Bob, I am so very sorry. Your presence here has always been so encouraging, so heartwarming, to me and so many of our members. I did not know Cindy, but from following you and your posts about your beautiful family, I know she must have been a wonderful, kind, very special person.  Praying for comfort for you and your family.



What an incredible place this is...


After the most difficult day of my life I found myself almost unconsciously doing what I do every day…logging onto the HSBBW.  I guess I was hoping to find something to lift my spirits or at least take my mind off things.  To be honest when I saw the topic “jerseydad” at the top of the board, a deep sense of dread fell over me.  For those that know me I typically shy away from sharing much about our life outside of baseball however after reading Barb (TPM) and Tom’s (JBB) tribute to my wife of almost 30 years I found my dread melt away and I started to take great comfort in their words.  Yes, I consider both of them to be two of my very best friends and that probably wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the HSBBW.


I am also grateful to the rest of our HSBBW family, your kind words and prayers over the last two days have meant the world to me. I showed this thread to my children and we all had a good cry together.  Truth be told my kids always made fun of me for my love of this website but I think for the first time they got why this place is so special to me.  We are a community with a love for baseball however just as importantly, for some of us we have created bonds that can lift us up even in our darkest hour…for that I am forever grateful.


While I would typically never ask for anything…tonight if you are so inclined to honor the memory of my wife and her love of baseball…perhaps you might make a small donation to the HSBBW.  This place has given me so much and I would love to think that in some small way your good will towards my wife and family might somehow help support this place that I love so much.


Sorry for the long post…I will finish by simply saying thank you and please keep my family in your prayers.  



Last edited by jerseydad

I haven't been around in a very long time, but had to come "home" and share my condolences, thoughts, and prayers for Bob and family.  While I've always felt a Kentucky and baseball connection to the family, it was beyond that as they're good people.  The sadness for a family like this just seems very wrong and so extremely sad.  To the Jerseydad family, my thoughts and prayers from the Bluegrass.  God bless all of you!

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