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Years ago for Christmas my son got a gift, "Klutz book of Juggling" or something like that. He took to it and has become quite a Juggler, although still limited to 3 objects, he has juggled a baseball bat, glove and ball and gotten really good with 3 balls.

Anyway, I just wonder if juggling is a good drill for a baseball player. It seems to get him very comfortable with where a ball is and how it moves.

I do feel as though this developed skill translates into much better hand/eye coordination and helps out with both his fielding and hitting.

Any other jugglers out there? And, does anyone think there may be something to this and possibly worthy of ones time to improve a players ball skills?

The Journey Continues!

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Juggling is an excellent drill for baseball players or any athlete.

And, for the reasons you described. I can bounce a tennis ball off the frame (side) of my racket endlessly.

My son can foot juggle a hacky sack "on the fence" for hours. He can also bounce a baseball from the end of the bat, off his elbow, to the end of his bat, to his elbow, to his knee, to his bat... etc... forever.

They can do this because playing baseball has taught them hand eye coordination. Everything else come easy and is fun.
My son has been able to juggle since he was a little boy. He could do unusual objects and juggle between his legs and behind his back. They did a nice story on him in his first season of pro ball in New York where they talked about the different items he liked to juggle. Unfortunately, I am unable to locate the article. Here is a picture of him juggling 3 bats from the respective article. IMHO, I can see where ballplayers can juggle but I don't see turning a juggler into a ballplayer

It was mandatory for us to learn juggling our freshmen year of baseball. We learned to juggle off a wall as well. Coach said it would improve our hand eye coordination. The practice of juggling was continued through high school off season and we had a juggling station as part of our offseason workout/weights program.

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