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Since my son has moved on from the game and is almost finished with college, I get lots of pleasure from watching the young men I coach and instruct.
1 young man that I have been working with for the past 3 years has just recently received news that he is one of the final 36 players to be invited to the Junior Olympic camp. The team will then be cut to 18 players. He is a 16U, a catcher, a fantastic player and an even better person. He was selected from the J O tournament in Jupiter a few weeks back.
I will post about him again if he makes the final cut in august. With his parents permission I will post his name.
I take no credit for this kids talent, work ethic or passion for the game, I only hope that I helped him understand the game a little more.
Sometimes I sits and I thinks, sometimes I just sits. Coachric
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Congratulations to the young man and his family. He is about to embark on an experience he'll never forget.

I've had the good fortune to be able to sit in on the talk that the USA Baseball coaches give to the young men who are selected for the youth national team trials, and it'll give you goosebumps to listen to them talk, and bring tears to your eyes to feel the pride they carry and express in talking about what it means to play for Team USA. If you haven't had the chance to listen to them, you should pull one of the coaches aside one day and talk to them about it. It's pretty incedible to listen to them talk about it. It might be the most motivational speech I've heard.

I've had the privilege of knowing several ball players who've tried out for the USA teams, and I'll never forget an email I received from a player who made the Jr. National Team that played in the fall of 2005. He wrote "Coach, you can't begin to imagine what it feels like to be playing in Mexico vs. the Cuban team, in a stadium with 20,000 screaming fans, and to be wearing USA on your jersey. It's the GREATEST feeling in the world! It makes you proud to be an American." I'll never forget that kid's email, that's an ultimate reward from coaching.

I hope you get to enjoy this incredible journey along with him.
Last edited by 06catcherdad
TPM makes a great point about this putting him in the spotlight for a time going forward. Please remind this young man that this opportunity will place him on plenty of college recruiters radar screens. What he does in the classroom will have much to do with which school's recruiting lists he stays on. There is a reason the word "student" comes first in student-athlete.
The Student part is actually more important to his family than the ball. The kid is a solid 3.8 gpa and former UF coach and present UM coach have seen him and already talked to him. They asked him if he'd like to play at their schools. Of course they knew he was only a soph, so thats all that was said. He really likes Stanford, would like to be a doctor. I believe the draft may change his mind along the way, but either way, he's an outstanding young individual.

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