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Kyle Hancock CANNOT play for anyone but the ROCKIES. PERIOD. He is under contract to the Rockies. WHY, is everyone not understanding that he SIGNED a CONTRACT with the Rockies? He has not been released but HAS BEEN put on the RESTRICTED LIST. Kyle is exclusive property to the Rockies. He HAS NOT been compensated because it states in the contract that if you do not honor the contract you sign then you forgo your signing bonus. HOWEVER, that doesn;t release him from his contractual agreement with the Rockies. Kyle is and will remain property to the Rockies for a period of 6 Years! He has but ONE to the Rockies and get busy with trying to become a big leaguer. What everyone must remember is that the Rockies HAVE NOT released Kyle. He just walked away from the organization. BUT, that doesn't carry any water with his CONTRATUAL AGREEMENT that he signed.....UNLESS the Rockies release him, which they are NOT going to do.
If Kyle reports he will have to negotiate his bonus. The club can elect to not pay him ANY bonus at all.

HIS BONUS as you put it, of what he orignally signed for, is HISTORY. It so says that in the contract and KYLE was aware of that when he signed the contract. The club can however elect to pay him the original amount or could agree to pay him more or less.

It doesn't mater if he signs a bonus or not he will still be paid a 1st year player salary and like all players who sign, that salary is just for the months he is playing.

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