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requests prayer for her younger son who has enlisted and is starting his basic training at Ft Sill, OK; and we also ask for prayer for lafmom and her family as they deal with this new experience.
tigermom requests prayer for the Finley family of Lebanon, Missouri who lost their son while he served our country (and the world) in Afghanistan.
FutureBack.Mom sends praises for improvement in her fibromyalgia, a safe cross-country car trip with daughter-in-love Katie to meet AJ in Tucson, and continued improvement for Katie's dad as he goes in for his 3rd of 12 chemo treatments.

desires prayer for Justin McAfee, a 13-year old little league player who actually suffered cardiac arrest during a game, as reported 5/7/08.

reports that hubby's surgery went well

reguests prayer for all sons going through finals while still playing ball. (I would suggest we include their physical well being as well as their mental well being as these guys often get run down with all the demands on their time.)

requests a prayer for special intention for her and her family

requests ongoing prayer for her friend Kenneth who is battling lung cancer

requests prayer for her family as they approach the 2nd anniversary of the death of their precious Zoe, with some special prayer for her 2 surviving children.

requests prayer for one of her hs sons who has a herniated disk; request for healing, pain relief, and a return to his sport of choice (not baseball)

requests prayer for her mother-in-law who was very recently widowed after 61 years of marriage
mikamom requests prayer for her brother who lost is wife of 30 years to breast cancer and now is living alone
Mary Ann * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [i]"The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 [8/21/08][/i]
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I'd like to add my husband to the list. I'd posted a while back under a different screen name asking for advice on how to tell my out-of-state son about his father's illness and upcoming surgery. My son lurks on these boards and I didn't want him "accidently" finding out. Follow-up tests at this point show his prognosis is good which is a relief. His surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning and if everything goes well he should be home by next weekend.
Thanks so much-
Last edited by ORmom
Originally posted by Krakatoa:
lafmom, I can tell you from personal experience that there is NO extended family better than the military family. Your son is in the best of hands. If all of society functioned socially like the military men and women of our country, the world would be a much more unified place indeed.

Thanks Krakatoa! Even though down deep, I know that, I appreciate hearing those thoughts!! Smile
Please continue prayers for baby Lane (General Items forum a while back). He had open heart surgery to replace holes over Memorial Day Weekend and now he is having some complications and has to go back to the hospital.

Also, we just got word that a woman (younger gal in her 40's) from our church has suffered an aneurysm and is not doing well. Her name is Sherry.
Prayers out to baby Lane and Sherry.

Please include my new brother in law of three weeks.
Has been diagnosed with a virus in his brain.
There is a treatment but odds are very long.
Please pray for David W. This is an illness that revealed itself one week before their wedding.
No previous symptoms. Just a ton of bricks falling on newlyweds. Things do not look good for David. Please spread far and wide, he needs us all.
Thank you and God bless us all, you just never know.....
Ladies...may I please put in a prayer request for our our own Futurebackmom (Mary Ann). She recently received some unsettling news from her doctors that she is now battling a form of lung cancer. I KNOW that Mary Ann is a strong woman who has faced a number of health challenges in the not too distant past....but I'm SURE she could use us all on her side as she battles her newest foe. God Bless Mary Ann! Smile Prayers being sent out on your behalf right now!
Mary Ann, I know it's weak, and a RedSox song, but it just struck me.....

Where it began
I can’t begin to knowin’
But then I know it’s growin’ strong (our love and prayers for Mary Ann)

Was in the spring
And spring became the summer
Who’d have believed you’d come along (to Marv , AJ, & family, and all of us)

Hands, touchin’ hands
Reachin out (to our heavenly father)
Touchin me
Touchin you…(with prayer and healing)

Sweet Mary Ann
Good times never seemed so good (as good as the ones with you)
I’ve been inclined
To believe they never would (but we know better now!)

But now I
Look at the night
And it don’t seem so lonely (‘cause you’re in it)
We fill it up with only two ( or more…..everyone who cares for you)
And when I hurt (‘cause you hurt)
Hurtin’ runs off my shoulders (away from you)
How can you hurt when (we are with you?)

Warm, touchin’ warm (the warmth of your heart)
Reachin out (to you with prayer)
Touchin me (with your thoughtfulness and kindness)
Touchin you (with hope for healing)

Sweet Mary Ann
Good times never seemed so good (with you in our lives)
Originally posted by Lefty34:
Thank you for the prayers. Just spoke to step daughter and they escaped with only minor roof damage and are pleased to have the electric back on already.

Thanks so much.

Praise God for His watchful eye and protective arms. Am glad to read that your extended family is safe after the storm. Will also continue to remember them following the miscarriage which is an emotionally painful experience and one which also leaves the 'mom' physically drained with the quick shift in hormones etc. May God bless them all and may they allow themselves to grieve this loss ... it is a tough one than many do not fully understand.
As I read through the forum and come across posts and especially this thread by Mary Ann, I'm reminded that we should all tuck her family into our prayers right now. Also, all those that have lost loved ones and will spend this holiday season feeling an empty space in their lives. May they all have someone to pray for them, hold them, and care about them during their difficult time this season.
I've been thinking about MaryAnn and her family.....

And all of us who have lost family members and special friends this year.....

As I am wrapping presents and lovingly placing them under the tree right now, I am traveling through time--to the magic time of Christmases past, and the joys of my babies and the joys of them as they became children....memories locked between the pages of my mind.....

And all I can think of are those families who have tragically lost a child...or children....I know that many who post here have....and my heart aches for them right now....and for those who have children who are very very ill.......

My Christmas prayer is for all of them. I have tucked them all in my heart.....and pray that they feel God's peace and love.....
Last edited by play baseball
Originally posted by play baseball:
I've been thinking about MaryAnn and her family.....

And all of us who have lost family members and special friends this year.....

As I am wrapping presents and lovingly placing them under the tree right now, I am traveling through time--to the magic time of Christmases past, and the joys of my babies and the joys of them as they became children....memories locked between the pages of my mind.....

And all I can think of are those families who have tragically lost a child...or children....I know that many who post here have....and my heart aches for them right now....and for those who have children who are very very ill.......

My Christmas prayer is for all of them. I have tucked them all in my heart.....and pray that they feel God's peace and love.....

A beautiful and meaningful prayer A. While Christmas brings happiness for so many of us, it can also bring great tears for so many. We should all stop and remember those that are not able to feel blessed today.
Originally posted by play baseball:
I've been thinking about MaryAnn and her family.....

And all of us who have lost family members and special friends this year.....

As I am wrapping presents and lovingly placing them under the tree right now, I am traveling through time--to the magic time of Christmases past, and the joys of my babies and the joys of them as they became children....memories locked between the pages of my mind.....

And all I can think of are those families who have tragically lost a child...or children....I know that many who post here have....and my heart aches for them right now....and for those who have children who are very very ill.......

My Christmas prayer is for all of them. I have tucked them all in my heart.....and pray that they feel God's peace and love.....

That was beautifully written. I contend that some of the best writers in America are right here on the hsbbweb
Originally posted by play baseball:
I'd like to ask for prayers for all the players of all sports who are traveling this spring.....there is some wild wacky weather out there and I sure don't want any of them to be caught driving in it.

Actually, I hope and pray that everyone travels safely. And that no one gets hurt.

Great reminder! We all have or know many players who travel several times a week on roads this time of year. May they all do so safely!

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