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Forgive my intrusion, yet Id like to place a name on your prayer list...

My dear friend, Michael S. Taylor, who is our other resident umpire moderator here on the HSBBW had a heart attack on Monday...

He has had a stent implanted and reports that he is recovering well...

He will be away recoviering for some time, yet hopes to check in now and then. I ask that you might keep MST and his family in your thoughts and prayers....

Many thanks....
Originally posted by 55mom:
Prayers for this community in light of the recent deaths. My heart is just breaking right now.

Senior night was last night and one dad was in the hospital - heart attack like symptoms but with unusual pains.

Prayers for the player's dad.

You're so right and it's appropriate to say a prayer for "our"community. I was attempting to find the address of a former HSBBW poster last night in my email who knew JT. As I was scrolling through looking for that, there was Mary Ann's email address. The friendships that are formed here are very real. The losses are also felt deeply and we mourn for all this sadness.
I am a relative newcomer to this site, only posting for about the last couple of years, having read for two years before that, getting up enough courage to write intelligently amongst all of the rest who are so well versed.

I did not know those very well who have left us recently - Mary Ann, "JT", Nick or his family or friends, or the other player Brandon. I do know that I have posted on issues that each of the above first three also posted, and that from time to time I chatted in the chat room with them or even PM'd them for advice.

I can say for a certainty that my heart gets heavier each time I hear of another, and this last one (JT) has really made it sink to my feet. Thus, I can honestly attest to the fact that "cyber" connection is real - and the pain and sympathy I feel for their families is no less for the fact that I did not know them personally, but rather only frequently through cyberspace.

I think of them all daily, I pray for them all and I pray that my list does not grow longer.
Last edited by MN-Mom
Please pray for a young pitcher at my son's JC whose jaw was broken today during intersquad. He had struck out his first two batters then was nailed with a line drive right back at him. My son and many from his team are at the hospital with him tonight - I will add more information when I get it. Thank God it wasn't a few inches lower or higher or I'd be writing a post similar to JT's.

Please also include a prayer for the young man who swung the bat. Even though we all know these things are accidental, and the risk is part of the game, the game is played by human beings. He has played ball with my son since 7th grade.

Thank you.

And just one more for a young man (2nd baseman) who broke his collarbone in a collision with a guy running to second during a play. Thank God this too wasn't more serious than that. Of course he is out 6 to 8 weeks, will miss his summer ball but he will be ok.
Hi Ladies. We are needing prayer for my husband, Scott. We just found out that he has colon cancer and will be requiring surgery on Tuesday. Obviously this is quite a shock especially as he is young (just turned 40) and has no history of cancer in his family. Also, if you could remember the boys (8, 10, 13, 15)they could use some comfort at this time. We are trying hard to keep things as normal as possible but it is really a crazy time right now. Thanks.
BBFam, all thoughts and prayers going your way. I know you have probably already been told this by your docs, but this is one of the cancers that responds well (and is treatable pretty well) by surgery. I am in no way knowledgable about medicine, not a doctor, but I can tell you that my grandmother had this type of cancer many, many years ago (she died in 1963), and she was treated for it by surgery - colostomy - did I spell that correctly, and lived for many years after her surgery. If she made it for a long time after surgery and up to 1963, then given the huge progress in medicine, I pray your husband reaps the benefits!
Hi Ladies-The surgery went well but unfortunately the cancer has spread outside the colon wall. They removed the tumor but there is still some "spots" that remain. He is looking at 6 months of chemo so far.

We appreciate all the prayers and well wishes. They are certainly needed. This has been difficult for us all and I am totally humbled by all the support we have received, especially from our baseball family. It has been truly amazing. Several of my son's old coaches, many who we have not heard from in a while, came by and prayed with us and have been a huge support system. Present coaches, managers, and even tournament directors working around our sons schedules has absolutely been amazing.

Again, thank you for your prayers and support. We are excited about getting home (had to travel for this surgery so haven't been home since Tuesday). Also, if any of you know any good oncologist in Northern California--we are needing one.
I just read this thread and am sorry I am responding late. BBFam, may the Lord grant complete and quick healing to your husband, and may He comfort you and your sons with His peace that passes all understanding. I pray that your entire family will draw near to Him at this time and draw all of your sustenance from the strength that only He can provide. Please keep us updated on how things proceed. Meanwhile, we are rooting for you and praying for you from afar!
Dear Ladies-thank you for your continued prayers. Scott begins chemo on Monday. He was diagnosed stage iv and has a huge battle in front of him, as does the whole family really. You never really think of it that way until it hits you or someone you know personally. It is kind of like the whole family has cancer.

I know that the boys could use prayer as well. They are trying to be strong and continue like it is business as usual but you know us mom's--the kids can't fool us, we know when they are hurting.
Thank You so much. My husband ended up in ICU this week. Found blood clots in both lungs. They finally moved him into a regular room today and he looks the best he has since he started chemo.

I really want to thank all of you who have been praying. As funny as it may sound to some, I really have felt the prayers and have felt amazing strength and comfort throughout all of this. We have had an outpouring of support that has truly been humbling. We have never felt so loved before.
How sweet that you and your family feel so loved and have support from many sources.
I have very happy for you that your husband looks so much better, and hopefully this will lead to him feeling better as well.
Know that you are in our thoughts and continued prayer for your husbands complete recovery.
Love to your family - hugs to your boys.

I somehow missed this thread.I am sorry to hear about your husbands cancer and the difficulties he has had. I will add all of you to m my prayer lists.I pray that you find comfort in Gods word and in prayer, and from being lifted in prayer.I will pray for you and your boys as well.God Bless each and every one of you, and continued prayer for recovery and strenght . el
Please continue to pray for my friend Kenneth.
He is living his last days.

My husband's aunt Karen has passed this last week.
She was the creative spirit of the family and her 97 year old mother his having quite a mess with things since she believes she should have gone long before her daughter....

Having lost my dad, and my sister's husband and our friend Troy from Pancreatic cancer, this last year, we could use some extra prayer from you all.
Thanks in advance.

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