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I recently took my 16 yr/5 month son for his sports physical. Doc told us he has no idea how tall he will end up as he is jumping growth curves. Three years in a row of 3 inches per year, and is now a bit under 6" 2'.

Docs comment was that even tall kids normally pick a growth line and follow it. 

I'm sure he isn't the first to do this... How did it play out with your own son if thats what happened.


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I'd say take a look at the growth patterns on both sides of the family. You should see some form of pattern. My husband was 6'3", grew at a steady Eddy pace as a teen. Some of his mom's brothers were over 6'. His grandma was any 5'9", tall for females born in early 1900's. On my side, I grew like a weed & topped out 5'7" by 12. My granny was 5' 10", skinny as a rail, I'm same. Her bro & uncles all 6'5-6'7". Growth spurt was 7" in a yr. Son followed that pattern of abt 11" in 2 yrs, during puberty. Then slowed to abt ½" a yr till 16-17, topped out at 6'2". So the combo of yours & moms' genetics will give you an idea on where your son will land.

for some reason my son seems to be following my side of the family,   im 6"2,   brother is 6'5,   father 6'4  grandfather 6'3  great grandfather 6'5.       My son is 6'2  is a freshman.    my wife is 5'2.         So far my son has always been one of the taller kids if not the tallest all along since pre-k   just steady.       I have a friend she is 5'2 her husband is 6'2  and they have a 6"7 son.   So Im not sure height is a combo of genetics personally.    I think they can get it from one side or the other.       In fact my son has a friend that is 6"3   and the dad is 5"7  but the mom is also 5'7 and she has a couple of brother who are 6"3.  


I'm only 5 10, my wife is 5 7. But my dad is 6 1, and my two brothers are 6 4 and 6 6. Sister is 5 9 or so. So there is some height in my family, but I didn't get it... I took after my mom who is 5 3 on a good day. Wife's family has one tall sister, dad was short.

We don't know the current status of his growth plates... He broke his arm last Fall and the orthopedist came in with "good news and bad news". Bad news is your throwing arm is broken, the good news is that your growth plates are wide open so buckle up. That was 3 inches ago...


My son, a quarter inch shy of 6' 5" grew at a very steady rate. He was always much bigger than his peers and never seemed to have any enormous growth spurts. My father-in-law, who is 6' 10" says it was the same for him, except that he graduated high school at 6' 6" and then grew a quick four inches between 18-20 years old.

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