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Jimmy count me in that 40 percent and darn proud of it.
I never forgot this from a movie .... "It doesn't matter if you don't get caught. YOU will always know. YOU will never forget. YOU will never be able to look your wife in the eyes with proper affection. If you have any sense of decency the guilt will eat you up your entire life."

My feeling is confessing cheating doesn't do anything for the partner. It only hurts them. For the confesser it's an attempt to ease a burden that never should have happened.
As a person - well, honestly - how can someone like him grow up and be even remotely normal? I wasn't all that surprised that his personal life was such a mess, and that he isn't a paragon of virtue.
I've said from the beginning this is a protected and managed child star gone awry. It's Michael Jackson on a less freaky scale. Maybe Jennifer Capriati (tennis) would be a better comparison. She went heavy into $ex and drugs.

I'm guessing yesterday's press conference/public admission of guilt was part of a step process required by his rehabilation.
Last edited by RJM

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