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Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I am trying to help young pitchers reach their dreams using a pitching program that has proven to work with myself and countless others.  Not sure how old you are but maybe I can help you too JH.  


You can continue your mission to stop distance running in baseball and I will continue to develop pitchers.


Parents and Players, any pitching questions?


I'm old enough to realize that your "program" isn't worth a penny of ANYONE'S money. You can continue to do whatever you'd like, but what you're doing is wrong. I don't need your help.


If anyone wants real advice from someone that's actually researched this topic, feel free to PM me and I will either help you myself (free of charge) or refer you to real experts in the field. I'm done wasting my time with close-minded people who don't listen.


STOP running distance. Everyone. It's pointless and it doesn't work. 




Last edited by J H
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I am trying to help young pitchers reach their dreams using a pitching program that has proven to work with myself and countless others.  Not sure how old you are but maybe I can help you too JH.  


You can continue your mission to stop distance running in baseball and I will continue to develop pitchers.


Parents and Players, any pitching questions?

Here's a question: What exactly are you flushing when you are flushing the body? Please provide exact terms so I can research your claims (i.e if soreness, what exactly are the things in your body that it is flushing to reduce soreness). Thanks.


Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I am trying to help young pitchers reach their dreams using a pitching program that has proven to work with myself and countless others.  Not sure how old you are but maybe I can help you too JH.  


You can continue your mission to stop distance running in baseball and I will continue to develop pitchers.


Parents and Players, any pitching questions?

JH without knowing it, did stop my son from doing distance running. Well worth the price of admission here

Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

Lets good some good pitching questions going.  

If you can't answer a basic question on why you do something, why should anyone ask for advice on anything else?


What exactly are you flushing when you are flushing the body? Please provide exact terms so I can research your claims (i.e if soreness, what exactly are the things in your body that it is flushing to reduce soreness). Thanks.

Last edited by OldSkool2
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:


Lactic acid build up.  Cardio workout gets the blood pumping.  Flushes out the soreness and allows pitchers to recover quicker.  



 Unbelievable. Every word here was disproven by more than a dozen examples of evidence previously cited right here in this thread. This is all 100% incorrect. It's astonishing that you aren't even willing to consider anyone else's thoughts on a topic, and then expect people to go to your website and pay for yours.



Last edited by J H
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I thought the question was answered.


Lactic acid build up.  Cardio workout gets the blood pumping.  Flushes out the soreness and allows pitchers to recover quicker.  


Any other good questions?  Thanks Oldskool.  Do you have any questions about mechanics? or mental approach?

If Lactic acid is bad and running flushes it, shouldn't you always be running? There is always lactic acid in your body.


"The reason trained athletes can perform so hard and so long is because their intense training causes their muscles to adapt so they more readily and efficiently absorb lactic acid."


Lactic acid isn't a bad thing any more than water is bad thing. Maybe you should tell your athletes not to drink any water.

Originally Posted by OldSkool2:
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I thought the question was answered.


Lactic acid build up.  Cardio workout gets the blood pumping.  Flushes out the soreness and allows pitchers to recover quicker.  


Any other good questions?  Thanks Oldskool.  Do you have any questions about mechanics? or mental approach?

If Lactic acid is bad and running flushes it, shouldn't you always be running? There is always lactic acid in your body.


"The reason trained athletes can perform so hard and so long is because their intense training causes their muscles to adapt so they more readily and efficiently absorb lactic acid."


Lactic acid isn't a bad thing any more than water is bad thing. Maybe you should tell your athletes not to drink any water.



Wow! A quote from a link I cited yesterday, explaining all of this! Evidence, amazing!



Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

I am not preaching distance running.  I am preaching a pitching program that includes distance running.  If you're not a fan of distance running then do some sort of cardio to flush the system.


I am proof that a program that includes distance running works.






Is it possible that you were successful IN SPITE of your training methods? 


Do you think P3 sports has their baseball athletes running distance?


Take a look at these guys, do you think that maybe if you trained with them you would have had more than a cup of coffee in the bigs?


Look at the stuff Kyle is doing at drivelinebaseball.


If I recall correctly Kyle did not play baseball in HS. 


Sometimes it is not what you have done but what you are doing that is more important.


Something to think about.....




Predictable responses. 


I'm not sure why your still wasting your time here.  Would love to hear your credentials other than reading "scientific facts".


I get it.  You don't like to run.  


I have an idea - Start a new thread all about not running in baseball, post all your links.  Talk each other into it more and more.  I will answer questions that parents and players have about pitching here on this thread.  




Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

Predictable responses. 


I'm not sure why your still wasting your time here.  Would love to hear your credentials other than reading "scientific facts".


I get it.  You don't like to run.  


I have an idea - Start a new thread all about not running in baseball, post all your links.  Talk each other into it more and more.  I will answer questions that parents and players have about pitching here on this thread.  





OK, fine. It can be personal. I really wanted to avoid this, but your obliviousness is truly remarkable. ________ - I've looked into a lot of your material you have on the Internet. You're absolutely clueless about how to teach pitching, and NO ONE should listen to anything you have to say. 


I vote to have this thread closed. If close-minded, ignorant, condescending, obnoxious people like ________ want to present themselves as "experts" on topics they literally know NOTHING about, let them do it somewhere else. No need to waste more bandwidth here.


Have a nice day. Let us know when you decide to actually research and learn how to do your job. Until you do, stop wasting people's time and posing like you know what you're talking about. Your talent took you far further than most people could have imagined in this game, and you're very fortunate for that. Your knowledge of the craft in which you excelled so much is shockingly neanderthalic. That makes you a terrible teacher. It's OK, not everyone that played can teach. But don't act like you can if you can't.


And for the record, my "credentials" (which are utterly meaningless, by the way), are plenty good. Even by your ridiculous standards. The "reading scientific facts" credential is more than you have, anyway.



Last edited by J H
Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

Predictable responses. 


I'm not sure why your still wasting your time here.  Would love to hear your credentials other than reading "scientific facts".


I get it.  You don't like to run.  


I have an idea - Start a new thread all about not running in baseball, post all your links.  Talk each other into it more and more.  I will answer questions that parents and players have about pitching here on this thread.  




Your answers can't be taken seriously at all, since you've proven that you can't answer basic questions about what you do and why you do it with any scientific reason, logic or anything other than an appeal to an authority you don't have. You clearly don't know about the human body and what makes it work and you clearly don't know what people should do to be a better pitcher.


No one on this board or anywhere should pay attention to what you have to say on how to make someone a better pitcher and no one should give you any money or treat any of your responses as anything more than toilet paper.

Originally Posted by BaseballInstructor50:

"scientific facts". 


This is really getting to me. If they are facts, then you are 100% wrong. Using quotation marks is you saying that all of these scientists and well meaning individuals are lying and duping people. Your accusations, sir, are highly offensive and you should reflect on what you actually just wrote and will no doubt write in the future.

I'm evoking a personal ban on responding for the remainder of this thread. Nothing good will come out of an emotional response from me, and I don't wish to be tempted to continue in such a way. Thanks to all that have been following and I apologize to those that didn't enjoy following. PMs are still welcomed, as I mentioned above.


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