I am trying to help young pitchers reach their dreams using a pitching program that has proven to work with myself and countless others. Not sure how old you are but maybe I can help you too JH.
You can continue your mission to stop distance running in baseball and I will continue to develop pitchers.
Parents and Players, any pitching questions?
I'm old enough to realize that your "program" isn't worth a penny of ANYONE'S money. You can continue to do whatever you'd like, but what you're doing is wrong. I don't need your help.
If anyone wants real advice from someone that's actually researched this topic, feel free to PM me and I will either help you myself (free of charge) or refer you to real experts in the field. I'm done wasting my time with close-minded people who don't listen.
STOP running distance. Everyone. It's pointless and it doesn't work.