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Son received interest after sending his intro. letter and followed up with a video--received responses from coaches asking for him to stay in touch over his spring season. Should he email those specific coaches with results from a recent game or should he wait until the season progresses? For example, he pitched 7 innings recently and did quite well. thank you
I might also suggest you consider sending your letter/profile via email as well.

We found email to be a great way to communicate with schools. In our experience almost every recruiting coordinator we dealt with had a blackberry or windows mobile style phone so they are able to to get emails while they are on the road.

Another benefit with sending emails is that you can request a delivery/read receipt so you will know when they open your email.
IMO and from meeting college coaches over the years I have found that E-mail is good medium now-a-days for the following reasons..

Except for the few old-school coaches most read email before regular mail.

Most email clients allow you to get a notification if the mail you sent was opened

You can address a head coach and copy the recruiting coordinator with the same mail.

You can create folders on the pc that will store your correspondences.

While not as "personal", email is easier to read than handwritten letters and spell checking is taken care of.

Postal mail can be lost or "misplaced" within the athletic department.

Easier for coaches to forward to others.

Coaches will get an idea of your academic proficiency by seeing you have computer literacy.

And the list goes on.
Should he email those specific coaches with results from a recent game or should he wait until the season progresses? For example, he pitched 7 innings recently and did quite well.

Email updates are good, but stay away from stats, just because they have very little relevance as to how you will preform in college. More than anything send them updates as to when and where you are playing, specifically if you are a pitcher you need to let coaches know when you will be throwing. The most important thing is to have those coaches watch you play.
Originally posted by bballlove:
Should he email those specific coaches with results from a recent game or should he wait until the season progresses? For example, he pitched 7 innings recently and did quite well. thank you

NO, I would not send details referenced in your question. As Coach Ope points out, stay away from providing specific stats. If your team post stats on a web site you might simply refer coaches to the web site for specific details.

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