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Originally posted by FrankF:
Fine on this end. More importantly, how are you doing? Where you been??

Still in Georgia, going to school at Columbus State (not playing). As it turns out I had partially torn my labrum at some point during my senior season, eventually having it diagnosed as a fully torn labrum in June of 2005. Opted against surgery at the time, but suffered subluxations for the month and half that forced me to shut down completely. Went through a long process of deciding whether to have the surgery right away and walk on at CSU, or shut down completely and figure out what I want to do. Decided to sit tight and buckle down on my classes, and eventually fell into a gift I wasn't aware I had, writing. I'm actually in the process of putting together a bunch of material for a couple publishers that have shown some interest, licensed a couple stories to various outlets and I'm making a decent chunk of change every month. Decent for a college student at least.

As it is now I'm still at CSU for another year, but I've gotten that "itch" again so I'm leaning towards having the surgery and rehabbing really strong, transfer elsewhere and give it a shot. I really want to end up at Univ of Florida for my degree, so it's a possibilty I might give Santa Fe CC a shot for a year when I move down there and see what happens with life, baseball, etc.

My dad is still in the middle east (since summer of 2001), that's a constant worry but I seem him more often than I used to so that's great too. All in all I've been great.
Had a quick moment at work, figured I would pop in here and see what was going on.

I left CSU and moved to Gainesville back in July, got the ball rolling on getting instate residency for tuition purposes (on my own now, need to scrap for every penny I can get). I found an incredible job opportunity that most college graduates would kill for and jumped all over it. I'll keep at it for awhile because they're going to pay for school, but I would be off base if I said it's what I want to be doing with my life right now. As soon as I get the time off from work I'll be enrolled in school and one step closer to the goal I set for myself all those years ago, a college degree. Gainesville is the first place that's actually felt like home to me, ever, and it's a good thing because it appears that when the girlfriend graduates medical school she'll be staying here for her residency (hopefully she'll ignore the modeling agencies long enough to get through that. I've gone and landed myself a knockout who's smart to boot!)

A little sage advice to anyone who is willing to listen, especially those of you with sons or daughters in college right now. It's been drilled into all our our (teenagers) heads time and time again that where there's a will there's a way. We all nod our heads and chalk it up to parents being parents and we go on our merry way. It took packing a single bag of clothes and moving hundreds of miles away from home with only $300 in my wallet to make me realize that this is true in the deepest sense. You can aspire to do great things with your life but if you never shed the excuses and enablers around you, you will never reach it. Wake up every day even more tenacious than the prior and stick it to'em. Times get rough but it's life and the sooner you can adapt and accept that,the sooner you can succeed. This applies to baseball, school, relationships, life, whatever. My life has never been better and it's because I stopped making excuses for why things didn't pan out the way I had intended, or why I was cut short from something I thought I deserved, or why life just isn't fair. I simply started living and that's the best thing a person can do for themselves (and something that very few people allow themselves to do).

All of this can be summed up very easily. See things the way they are, not the way you want them to be. If you don't like what you're looking at, fix it by any means neccessary. Happiness follows, trust me.

This could have been more coherant, but thoughts run through my head a mile a minute. I hope everyone here is well and things have been going great. There's too many of you all to name, but if any of you feel the need to let me mknow how you're doing, feel free to PM me.
Last edited by Tex
posted by Tex: ....and eventually fell into a gift I wasn't aware I had, writing.

Well your considerable abilities were fairly clear here awhile back. Smile

Continued good fortune Tex. You have learned early in life what many many never understand. Taking responsibility for your circumstances today is the only way to improve tomorrow.

See things the way they are, not the way you want them to be. If you don't like what you're looking at, fix it by any means neccessary. Happiness follows, trust me.

Remember that and you will be fine. Just remember the eligibility clock is ticking, if you were rostered at CSU. You get 4 years in 5 but can petition for a 6th year due to injury. Its a moot point if you weren't rostered though, I believe.
Last edited by Dad04

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