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My wife, two boys, and I always start our nightly prayers by praying for the safety of our service men and women home and abroad and also thank Him for their service. I would like to ask everyone to make this a priority over the holiday season!!

Just this week my sister-in-law's cousin was shot in Afghanistan. They flew him back to Germany and kept him alive until his parents arrived. His body was flown back to the states last night. His last request to family before going on what would become his last tour was this..."Mom, if something happens bury me in Arlington." That is what they will do just a few days before Christmas.

Please pray for this family and all military families.
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Will definetly be thinking and praying for their family this week....great post to remind everyone of those that serve and sacrifice for us and our country. As a mother to a soldier, my oldest(82nd Airborne, 2-504th,paratrooper)I certainly appreciate any and all prayers for our military guys and gals. Try a yellow ribbon on your Christmas Tree and light a candle for them too......

I love life. I love freedom. We all do. There is nothing more precious than life and freedom together. All of our bounty, however we may measure it, flows from the two. If they are threatened or diminished we all lose. And how do we prevent that from happening? By defending and fighting for the two. Always.

When I think of the sacrifice that certain individuals, along with their families, are willing to make in order to preserve our life and freedom it stirs me to my very core. The gift that our soldiers provide us each and every day is valuable beyond imagination. Think of how our lives would be if we were not being served by our brave soldiers.

You know that it isn't the pay, the living conditions, or the working conditions that motivate them to serve. Why do they lay their lives on the line for us? The answer is their unbridled and unselfish sense of duty to preserve both life and freedom and keep our great Republic alive. They know that their sacrifice is what allows each of us to embrace life and to cherish freedom. Their love of life and freedom exceeds mine for they are willing to give their life for me. The ultimate gift to all of us. Our family is grateful for all of our soldiers' service. Thank you...forever.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Originally posted by gotwood4sale:

I love life. I love freedom. We all do. There is nothing more precious than life and freedom together. All of our bounty, however we may measure it, flows from the two. If they are threatened or diminished we all lose. And how do we prevent that from happening? By defending and fighting for the two. Always.

When I think of the sacrifice that certain individuals, along with their families, are willing to make in order to preserve our life and freedom it stirs me to my very core. The gift that our soldiers provide us each and every day is valuable beyond imagination. Think of how our lives would be if we were not being served by our brave soldiers.

You know that it isn't the pay, the living conditions, or the working conditions that motivate them to serve. Why do they lay their lives on the line for us? The answer is their unbridled and unselfish sense of duty to preserve both life and freedom and keep our great Republic alive. They know that their sacrifice is what allows each of us to embrace life and to cherish freedom. Their love of life and freedom exceeds mine for they are willing to give their life for me. The ultimate gift to all of us. Our family is grateful for all of our soldiers' service. Thank you...forever.


Nice post.

cocdawg - I am very sorry for your loss. A true hero has paid the ultimate price here. I am grateful for his sacrifice but deeply saddened at the cost.
cocdawg - I have prayed for your family's loss. I am so sorry.

Our nephew just returned Afghanistan. We prayed (and still do) for him at our dinner table pretty much every night.

I can never thank enough the men and women who work to preserve our freedoms. I don't have proper words to express the level of my gratitude. gotwood did better than I am capable of myself.
Last edited by justbaseball

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