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Originally posted by justabitoutside:
Very impressive, indeed. Both teams had exceptional pitching. Frankly, the hitting wasn't bad, the pitching was just that good. One of the most entertaining games I've ever watched. Good pitching, good defense, good umps, good strategy, etc.

Maybe the strongest Mavs team in quite a while. We might hear some more from them before this is over.

The near-future of McKinney baseball, even though it will be diluted between the three HS's, looks pretty good.

Speculation: Alex Baker on the hump tonight.



It was nice meeting you Tuesday night. See you again if you're there any the rest of the week!

Not crying over spilled milk here.....but IMHO.......ML got a 3rd strike looking on the 3rd batter of the ninth inning that would have been the 3rd out. The ump gave him that pitch all night, but squeezed him on that pitch. He ended up walking that batter and the rest is history. It could've been a different outcome had the ump rung up that kid.....but hey....that's baseball for sure! Still a great game that I'll never forget!

People may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else??????????????

congratulate your team, and more specifically your son on that amazing play at 3rd... was he really out? hmm.. but you give it to him with that play

i am espically glad since someone on the opposing team tried to hot dog a homerun that ended up going foul... i thought that kind of showboating only happened in the major leagues..

oh well.

BTW... are you sponsered by UA? or just a model.. Wink
jb --- I think the kid was safe at first -- and I'm not sure the ball wasn't foul. I think they rewarded PantherSon for making a good play. There were a few "odd" calls tonight. Wink

It wasn't a pretty game, but our offense has been tough to stop.

Giants 4
5 innings

WP - Merck

Model for UA??? HA! (pick an old fat guy and ask him to wear your hats and shirts --- that will sell the product!) Big Grin
It was a heckuva play at third. The ball was fair, and the runner was safe. Thankfully, it wasn't a close game because it appeared the giants got jobbed on the play at 2nd as well. But with 8 errors to their credit, I doubt the Giants are complaining.

Count on both of those two teams playing better. Just one of those nights. The McKinney Mavericks layed an egg in the late game to get eliminated 10-1. Michigan threw a real nice pitcher though.

JABO -- not sure which play at 2nd you are referring to -- a DBAT kid was called out on a force play -- it appeared that the Giants SS jumped to catch the ball from 1st and was not on the bag. Apparently, the rules are slightly different than we have seen called this year in that a runner can "take out" a fielder as long as he slides into the bag, without spikes up, which he did. I thought the ump missed the call in favor of the Giants. On another play at 2nd, it looked like the DBAT player (running on the play) beat the ground ball force....but the runner was called out. Both calls went in favor of the Giants. As you said though, these plays did not have an impact on the game.

DBAT did make two errors and a few other misplays that cost them runs. The Giants are a good team, they just made too many mistakes tonight.
OP......... Missed the game last nite but from reading on here yall did your thing AGAIN.... congrats !!! I do have one question iof I may ( I hope I'm not out of line) if so just let me know.. Did he really pitch 132 pitches??? GOOD LORD what an arm. any worries about that? Do you think a high school coach would allow 132 pitches? If I may ask what was his hardest clocked pitch? I will continue to watch when I can.. Hell I will be watching this kid on T>V. one day... No Doubt !! Keep up the good work.. GO DBAT
Most HS coaches wouldn't even think twice about throwing a kid 130 pitches. Saw one kid throw 160 this spring

I know some HS coaches who would, and be very upset with a summer team coach doing this. And if they didn't, might be in the best interest for a parent to consider it. I see way too many kids going down with arm problems. Sure, in the heat of the moment things seem fine. What happens a year or two from now.
Drew's defense let him down. The DBAT offense applied the pressure. It was just one of those games. As you know, there are many things that do not show up in box scores. And don't put too much stock in the ones on the MMWS website....(they're not 100% accurate). No offense MMWS! Smile

Two of the Giant's 4 runs should have been cut down at the plate....again, no errors recorded. Another one scored as the result of a throwing error.

As was stated earlier, it was not a high-quality game from a logistical standpoint. Having said that, DBAT dominated. We have friends on the Giants and my comments aren't meant to offend anyone....they're just my opinion of the game. At one point, the score was 5-4....and #22 just missed a long home run. A few more feet and the ending might have been completely different.

All in all, it's game that both teams are glad is behind them.
Last edited by Panther Dad
Originally posted by surething:
OP......... Missed the game last nite but from reading on here yall did your thing AGAIN.... congrats !!! I do have one question iof I may ( I hope I'm not out of line) if so just let me know.. Did he really pitch 132 pitches??? GOOD LORD what an arm. any worries about that? Do you think a high school coach would allow 132 pitches? If I may ask what was his hardest clocked pitch? I will continue to watch when I can.. Hell I will be watching this kid on T>V. one day... No Doubt !! Keep up the good work.. GO DBAT


I know what you mean about the pitch count being up there. I wasn't keeping count during the game and was surprised to hear it was 132. Matt has thrown well over 100 pitches on several occasions and he has NEVER even told me his arm was sore the next day. Not even the muscles in the shoulder. He had only thrown 60 pitches in the prior 2 weeks, which was last Saturday night at a practice, so his arm was plenty rested prior to the outing.

I would have been concerned had this happened during HS because it would have still been early in the season, but with it being August and he's thrown 119 1/3 innings this entire year, his arm can handle it. I think the pitch count thing gets over-rated at times anyway. Pitchers should be able to throw 132 pitches this time of year without much problem in my opinion.

To sum this up, I definitely wouldn't want him throwing that many pitches on a regular basis, but like I said, with it being August, the fact that he's thrown almost 120 innings this year and the 2 weeks off he had prior to the outing, I don't think it was a real big deal.

The fastest pitch I saw on the Stalker that a Met scout that was there had was 87mph. He was sitting at 85-86 most of the game. The starter for Puerto Rico was at 83-85 and the lefty that they brought in the last 2 innings was hitting 88 pretty consistently.

It's funny you mentioned the DBAT thing. Matt's regular team is actually DBAT, but he wanted to play with his hometown team, the Mav's, in the MMWS this year. I think they will end up winning this tournament. They are hitting like crazy right now. There will have to be some kind of stud to come in and shut down their offense for them to lose.
With these losses for the Mavs, why so many excuses about little thing? They lost the game and ML played for the wrong team in this tourney and should have been loyal to his team. Is DBAT still the fav.?


What excuses are you referring to?

DBAT beat Puerto Rico tonight 7-3 to go 3-0 in the tourney. They play the Trombly Cubs tomorrow at 1pm. I say DBAT is the favorite after the performance they had tonight. I know the Cubs may have something to say about that though.
Just so you know, those of you who may be driving to the games at Al Alford field, the church parking lot is now closed and off limits.

The city guys do not pick up trash in this parking lot, so I was out there until around 2:30 a.m. picking up trash. The diaper was the last straw. Whoever had KFC wasn't any help, either.

This post was much nicer than the one I was thinking about posting at 3:00 a.m.

Have a good day and enjoy the baseball.

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