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Mike Terico is fine imho. Joe Theiseman is a little like Tim McCarver - feels he has to analyze something on every play. Sometimes running one up the middle is no more complicated than that.

Tony Kornheiser - he is terrible

Talks about everything but the game on the field. His commentary is innane and that is one trait I cannot stand - he doesn't seem like he understands sports. I also hate when someone preaches why someone or something ought to be important. I agree Brady is good but sometimes I think it is over done with that guy. Jim Kelly led his team down the field for the game winning field goal in the SB but his kicker missed. It will be interesting to see which team makes it to the SB this year with Adam Viniterri now kicking in Indy.
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Totally agree about Tony Kornheiser!

I switched it on last night right when the replay officials made that horrible call on the third down pass, then had to hear a stunningly vapid and repetitive argument between Kornheiser and Theismann about whether the replay "system" was a travesty or just that call.

It was the first time I had heard Kornheiser. I could not believe that he was on the air he was so bad. What are they thinking? Theismann is bad enough.... but the combo of those two is toxic. Poor Terico - he's a class act and I felt for him last night.
Originally posted by observer44:
Not sure what all the fuss is about...

...I absolutley adored the giant bobblehead races of the halftime panel...

Now THAT'S entertainment!

Cool 44

'bout time someone figured out what torqued me off about that MNF broadcast. That half time was just a choke, chunk and puke debockle.

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