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Thank you all for the kind words and for your contributions to the website expenses, but even more importantly, for your participation in making this site such a great resource. Though the admin tasks keep me fairly busy, my part in the whole picture seems pretty small compared to what all of you do to make this a living, growing, dynamic community. And of course I feel like I can never express this enough: Thanks again to Bob for starting and growing such a great site!


Thanks to the HSBBW... there is one vacant room, in some little downstate Illinois city, in some state-owned facility that houses those that are challenged in one way or another.

My lovely wife would have surely secured me residency in that facility if we had not discovered the HSBBW last summer. That cold, spartan, state-owned room still beckons, and my wife frequently shows me the dog-eared brochure...she keeps me in line... and that room does not have access to the HSBBW...cannot imagine that existence!

What's that you say, dear wife? Yes...I've seen the newest, the new linen and bedspreads aren't the cat's pajamas. Maybe I should show you some brochures!

Thank you so much, MN-Mom...your hard work pays off in unimaginable ways!

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Bumping this topic to the top......hopefully we are all dropping a few dollars in the plate, for the cost to operate this free site. I go to several sites that have changed to membership type, from free. I can only imagine how much time Julie must spend on this site. We should at least help cover the cost of the site.

Be good,

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