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You got "blasted" for claiming you can teach pitching without drills. You got "blasted" for claiming yo be able to teach pitching when you have not as yet taught anyone.

So in you're opinion if you don't teach drills you are a ****** instructer? I never said drills never can be done, I said there usually not the best thing to do when trying to build a solid delevery.

What you missed was what Coachric said in his very first post....too much swaying....

That is caused by his very first move which is sideways. Now if you make him do this even faster, he is only going to sway more, and have to fight to get his body back to the same postion on each pitch. Hence your advice would only multiply his problem.

So you must have missed my point, I clearly said at the START he is moving too slow which if you didn't know is his first two steps. So what do you tell him when he fixes his swaying problem? Do you still tell him to slow down?

How are you going to do claim you will watch him, watch video then show the right way...

How are you going to teach this if you do not believe in drills ?...Specifically ? Those of us who understand how pitching is truely taught to young players know these issues & faults are dealt with using specific drills. Each component of the motion is isolated and practiced, then pieced together.

You are going to find out what others already cannot simply tell a kid do it this way and expect he will be able to fix the problem. Even if you could get the results you want in a lesson, who is going to discover and show him the fix 3 days later when his engrained habit returns?

The problem with piecing together the delivery is IMO you're pitcher will be to mechanical and look slow. Do you want me to believe that drills magically transfer? PLEASE. What do you do after the drill is done? Do you just think that after a certain drill is done it will magically transfer to his motion? I respectfully disagree that drills help a pitcher.

Are you really serious?

Please....I have never seen anyone put themselves in such an indefensable position.

lets take it one point at a time....


"So in you're opinion if you don't teach drills you are a ****** instructer? I never said drills never can be done, I said there usually not the best thing to do when trying to build a solid delevery.

Remember this.....

"my view on drills is very different. I don't think they help at all because if it isn't exactly like the pitching delivery it will develop a faulty movement pattern and probably not transfer. The mind gets confused because you are doing different things that are not used in the pitching delivery."

Certainly sounds to me like you a one who does not believe in drills!

As far a being a ______ instructor.....

You must first actually instruct someone!
You admitted you have not done so.

and Yes, I believe from real experience, that you can not teach a player to pitch with out drill work.

You are welcome to try it, but the parents of your students will be incredibly disappointed.
I would suggest you do it for free as a start, otherwise you will have irrate parents banging at your door.


"So you must have missed my point, I clearly said at the START he is moving too slow which if you didn't know is his first two steps. So what do you tell him when he fixes his swaying problem? Do you still tell him to slow down?"

First off, you never mentioned how he was swaying. You just told him to speed up. Exactly how does speeding up correct the swaying issue?

Second, I did tell him exactly what to do to correct that problem. You abviously did not read it. I will paste it back in here for your benefit.


I was just looking back at your videos....a suggestion....

make your first move after taking your sign a small back step with your lead leg, you have a sideways move first, which means you have to make sure you come back and center yourself exactly the same way every time....that is not an easy thing for a young pitcher to do.

A small step back to allow your post leg foot to clear and turn is all you need. This keeps your center of gravity from moving side to side before you actually begin your delivery


"The problem with piecing together the delivery is IMO you're pitcher will be to mechanical and look slow. Do you want me to believe that drills magically transfer? PLEASE. What do you do after the drill is done? Do you just think that after a certain drill is done it will magically transfer to his motion? I respectfully disagree that drills help a pitcher."

This is why all those who "blasted" you know you & your approach will fail.

Drills are repetition. Repetition is how you develop a pitching delivery. There is no "MAGIC", there is only hours and hours of hard work. In the beginning, of course it looks mechanical, but in time a fluid motion develops. One which is engrain in muscle memory and repeatable even in high stress situations.

Now, since you do not believe in drills ...I ask you again, EXACTLY HOW is a student going to learn with you? You speak of video taping and showing....that is all you have said here. Then you also state that the student would have to go work on his own too. Then exactly how is the student supposed to develop if you are not there to conduct this lesson? Seems to me you are the one relying on "MAGIC". You are chalk full of opinion, all of which is based on zero practical experience.

I know Coachric would prefer that I just let you carry on unchallenged, but it scares me to think some young player or novice parent might think that you know what your doing.

By challenging you on these points, it brings out the true nature of what you believe.

This third point says it all. You completely miss the point of how to teach. Do you have kids? If so, how did you teach them to read?
I am guessing you did not just throw "The Grapes of Wrath" or selected works of Shakespeare into their playpen. You most likely started with just letters, learning the alphabet. Moving on to small words and sentences...etc. This is how we learn small pieces that come together over a period of time. How did you learn to multiply numbers?

Trying explaining your concept to gymnasts, dancers, etc. The all break things down into small manageable pieces, master each piece through repetition then reassemble the pieces back into the larger skill. Wow, I can just imagine you as a ski instructor.

Stop and think my friend, it would be a wonderful world if your concept would work, but your going to be working with young players who can not magically do what you say. Just giving a kid a ball and telling him go on the mound and throw, and then telling him lead with your hip or break ealier or speed it up is never going to produce a solid piching delivery.

If you are still checking this thread out, please keep us up to date on progress. Despite the "discussions" we have in here, we all are genuinely interested in how you make out.

One thing that never came up in all this, but does need to be said. Keep up your grades! Do the work you need to do in order to improve as a player, but never lose sight of the fact your education is the most important thing in your life right now to your family!
Nh FREE is too much for the advice this guy gives.
Arogance refers to a guy who claims this advice is his when it is not. They are not his ideas right or wrong.
I have seen guys like him on this site and a Canadian site. One guy was relating pitching mechanics to cricket and thought who knew it all.
Hoove there is good advice from several posters and they might vary slightly but Busta is the confusing element here.
I think you are wise to look at the videos that you posted. Not even all the pros have great mechanics but the ones you showed have good elements in them. The whole purposwe of mechanics is to gain control of your body while obtaining max velocity and minimizing risk to you body. Not just your arm.
I have not completly redone my mechanics (they still look pretty similar to the 1st video), but I have changed a few things to it. I have gained 5 mph or so and now I throw low 70's and can reach 75 or 76. There are still a few things that I still need to incorporate into my delivery. I've been throwing pretty much every day, and pitching 3 or 4 times per week. I havent been working out quite as much the last 2 weeks because I just got my learners permit and am taking drivers education.

As for the grades I am in all honors classes and havent gotten a B since 4th or 5th grade. My regular GPA for HS is 4.0 and weighted is 4.5.
Originally posted by Bustamove:
Grateful, sorry I didn't see you're first post. Before I come to you with advice I would like to know what the basis of you're teaching is? How do you teach kids to get from the back leg to the front leg? Do you believe the arm is the source of strength? Or is it the body? Do you videotape you're students? With Hoovedawg I noticed at the start his tempo was too slow, now I just got BLASTED on this board for saying that. But I believe people overlook that and IMO it is a key to velocity.

Bustamove, I know you won't come to me because you will be instructed to do some long toss.

Regarding your question about whether the arm is the source of strength, I don't believe that ANY pitching instructor believes that to be the case.

Again, though, I guarantee that you will improve your velocity, mechanics, awareness of yourself, ability to control the running game, command of pitches, and overall knowledge of pitching if you come to me.

Hoovedawg, keep hitting the books; I'm sure you will continue to develop.

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