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Has anyone else noticed that there aren't any names that mention the outfield on this site? There may have been a few in the past, I don't know, but all I see is infield something, catcher something, or pitcher something. Is there a bias against outfielders? Are we ashamed of the positions our sons play? Big Grin

Just curious(and a little goofy). crazy
Hustle never has a bad day.
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Originally posted by Doughnutman:
Has anyone else noticed that there aren't any names that mention the outfield on this site? There may have been a few in the past, I don't know, but all I see is infield something, catcher something, or pitcher something. Is there a bias against outfielders? Are we ashamed of the positions our sons play? Big Grin

Just curious(and a little goofy). crazy

Good questions.

Say Doughnutman, who are you representin'?

Me? I'm here for all the bad spellers.
Last edited by infidel_08
My son was an outfielder. He Played there since he was 10. Also played SS,P,C in CR/BR and Legion. He was a rare one in that RF was his favorite position because in LL he was like second infielder on the right side turning basehits into 9-3 putouts. He pulled off the 9-3 at all levels he playewd on.

When he pulled off a 9-3 in a HS game the opposing coach went ballistic on his hitter. He didn't expect it. Maybe he thought he wasn't going down the line hard enough or something. The fans on the opposite side were stunned when that play happened though.

What I don't understand is why so often, LL coaches spend so much time on IF drills that they forget about the outfield.

When my son played in all-stars, his coach spent lots of time and drills with the outfielders. By time he got to high school, he had a lot of experience and that's what he listed himself as when tryouts started. He also played CF and to a lesser extent, LF.
Last edited by zombywoof
He pulled off the 9-3 at all levels he played on.


Had to laugh. Back in the day when my son played around the field, he was playing centerfield. A solidly hit ball came through the middle. He charged and glanced up and was surprised to see the batter still trotting toward first. He fired the throw for the out. It wasn't even that close. And the batter was mad at HIM for making the throw. You can guess where the coach's ire lay :>

And pitcher's LOVE their outfielders.
Makes them that much better...

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