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As I mentioned on another thread, and for NC colleges this time:

There are 124 colleges in North Carolina, 51 with mens baseball teams (according to the College Board).

Why not try and put in your perameters and do a college search? It is right fun!

Come back and ask questions about a speciific college or university. You may have to do a little research yourself first.

I think you are asking too broad a question to get a specific answer. Go to the "Ask About Colleges" section on this website and browse through the 35 pages there.

Or, go to some of the big colleges/universities websites and click to see who those baseball teams play during the season and do research from there. UVA, VT, UNC, NC State, Elon, UNCW, UR, James Madison Univ., Duke, Wake Forest, VCU. BTW - Virginia only has a handful of D2 schools.
Nothing is wrong with UNCG per se. The field is fabulous. They have a new club house that will be ready very soon. The problem is the head coach. And that's a big problem. He just does not interact well with people, and coaching is a people-oriented profession. There is no alumni involvement because you probably can't find a handful of players that have any desire to have a relationship with him (and that's 19 years worth of players). Search this site for "Gaski" and you will find other posts from the last several years.
The following was copied from another post. You may have to search for "uncg" instead of "gaski" and make sure the "search only this thread" is not checked.

HSBBWeb Old Timer

Posted July 15, 2009 03:39 PM Hide Post
As Braves alluded to in his post, the situation at UNCG isn't the best and they seem to be treading water. Reasons:
1. most assistants at UNCG only last about 1 year and then move on. Hard to build consistency with that happening.
2. most recruiting is done by assistants, not the head coach. Again, that hurts the program.
3. Though the facilities are good, hard to gauge the commitment of the administration of the University. Program isn't fully funded (scholarships).
4. Head coach has a reputation around the state as being very difficult at times. That's as nice as I can put it.

I really don't see things improving consistently until there is a turnover there. They will have some good seasons, but may struggle to be consistent. This is nothing new. First heard about the coaching difficulties there back in 2004.
Posts: 1353 | Location: NC | Registered: January 18, 2003
It's been a decade since the Gaski-coached UNCG baseball team finished even as high as third place in the SoCon... Back-to-back miserable seasons, with twenty players bailing on the program the last two years, including last year's leading hitter, their only SoCon award winner (all-freshman team) and their only 2010 summer league all-star.

...and without a doubt, those who remain are among the unhappiest players in college baseball, trapped in a "guilded cage". A collective groan went out from parents and players alike when his contract was inexplicably renewed. A coach who never played college baseball -- he's a book learned "baseball genius", whose people skills are abysmal.
Last edited by baseball12532
The Big Mac - Please be sure you hear both sides of the story before you make any decisions. I know the UNCG program well and while many of the statements made by CrusaderDad and Baseball12532 are true, there are many inaccuracies as well and are coming from bitter parents (and maybe rightfully so). Nonetheless, there are big changes afoot at UNCG and things WILL be different in the future. We have already seen it over the summer and the start this fall.

It is a correct statement that Coach Gaski will not win any popularity contests. During the 2010 season he was mean, gruff, incommunicative, and no fun to be around. Maybe it had to do with the players and parents he was dealing with, but who knows what the reason was, it doesn't matter. The 2010-11 version of Coach Gaski seems a 180 degree change from the past. He called players over the summer to see how they doing and hosted all the players and their families for a "welcome back" luncheon the first weekend of school this fall. Coach Gaski personally led all the parents of a tour of the yet to be completed baseball clubhouse so they could get a look at the $2.5 million dollar facility even before the players did. This openness from a coach that did not want a parent, much less a player, talking to him during the season is refreshing. He even told the parents to contact him personally if they had any questions or concerns about their son or the baseball program at UNCG. It's a whole new Coach Gaski, but how long it lasts will remain to be seen. I think it will last as long as Gaski is coaching at UNCG. I am pretty sure the new athletic director had a "come to Jesus" meeting with Coach Gaski and that is root of the changes. Should Coach Gaski not follow the new AD's directive, Coach Gaski will be gone, just like the AD fired the long time s****r coach for not following her mandate. I am very encouraged about everything I am seeing at UNCG these days and am optimistic about the future.

Please allow me to clarify some inaccuracies in this post.
1. most assistants at UNCG only last about 1 year and then move on. Hard to build consistency with that happening. Not true, Jamie Athas, the lead assistant and recruiter is now starting his fourth season with the Spartans. Dustin Ijames is beginning his third season with the Spartans. They also hired Jared Santos this year as their pitching coach. Jared is a former player of Coach Gaski's who made it to the AAA level in the Marlins organization before being released earlier this year. They even picked up a volunteer coach from Delaware, so they have effectively doubled the size of the assistant coaching staff in a single season.
2. most recruiting is done by assistants, not the head coach. Again, that hurts the program. Maybe so, but this is the case at most universities. Very few head coaches are in charge of recruiting, unless they really want to do it or the school and staff is so small they have to do it. Coach Athas is in charge of recruiting, but I am sure he works with Coach Gaski on the decision making process. All I can do is speak from personal experience and my son (and his parents) spent over an hour with Coach Gaski in his office during his official visit as a high school senior. I don't see how a head coach would spend that much time with a player and his family if he deferred all recruiting decisions to assistants.
3. Though the facilities are good, hard to gauge the commitment of the administration of the University. Program isn't fully funded (scholarships). This has clearly changed since this post was entered. The baseball program at UNCG is fully funded with 11.7 scholarships. The new athletic director is making an impact. She has funded baseball (as well as all other sports) with a new emphasis on scholarship and winning. There is a new code of conduct in place for players to deal with off field issues. There is a full baseball roster - 35 players - for the first time in forever. The quality of the 2010-11 recruits - both entering freshman and transfers - is the best it has been in years.
4. Head coach has a reputation around the state as being very difficult at times. That's as nice as I can put it. That is a accurate statement, but does not tell the whole story. Coach Gaski is also the president of USA Baseball and makes many of the decisions that effect collegiate players across the country. Coach Gaski was instrumental in implementing the APR for baseball as well as the rule that D1 players have to sit a year when transferring at the same level. These are both rules that are good for baseball and a long time coming. Coach Gaski is one of the 25 or so college coahes that votes on the Division I baseball rankings each week. As with any coach in college baseball, Coach Gaski is not going to win any beauty contests and he does play favorites. His criteria for favorites is unknown, but if you work hard, listen to the coaches, keep your mouth shut, excel in the classroom, and produce on the field, then you will be one of Coach Gaski's favorites and life will be a little less difficult for you. If you complain, whine, goof off, and/or have your parents in the AD's office instead of talking to the coaching staff first, then your life will be miserable.

As for the other statements:
It's been a decade since the Gaski-coached UNCG baseball team finished even as high as third place in the SoCon. This is correct. The SoCon is rated the 9th hardest conference of the 31 division I conferences, so this is nothing new.

Back-to-back miserable seasons, with twenty players bailing on the program the last two years, including last year's leading hitter, their only SoCon award winner (all-freshman team) and their only 2010 summer league all-star. Yes, many players have left the program, as do many players who don't play. When a starter leaves, then you have something to to talk about. This is not all true. The leading hitter from the 2010 team is back for the 2010-11 season. Their all-freshman SoCon team player is no longer there. He was not mentally tough and could not handle Coach Gaski. I don't who from UNCG was a summer league all star since nothing was ever published on the baseball web site about it.

All I wanted to say is form your own opinion of every program you visit. Gain as much information as you can about the program from as many sources as possible. Listen to the advocates and the unhappy, as the truth lies somewhere in between the two. All I can say is there is a re-birth at UNCG and do not scratch them off your list just yet. The athletic director is all business and will not let this program languish any longer. The new club house will be the talk of college baseball and their playing surface is one of the top 5 in the country. The AD is funneling money into all the sports - especially baseball - as she hired a new assistant athletic director from Florida State who oversaw the baseball program there to keep an eye on the baseball program at UNCG. Watch UNCG through the 2011 season and let us both see if these changes are for real and stick for the coming seasons, or are just a flash in the pan. Best of luck in your search. It is a long and arduous process with pitfalls everywhere, but it is rewarding to see your son make it.
Last edited by ParentFan19
I will not join in this conversation for many reasons. Everyone has a right to voice their opinion so have at it. But I do have a problem with a player being named and basically called out in your post. I have no idea who this player is. I have no idea if your statement is accurate or not. But that does not matter. I think you should edit your post and remove the remarks about this player and his name. We don't do that kind of stuff on this site.
I agree about naming players and I disagree about your characterization of the All-Freshman Team player. To say anyone is not mentally tough who makes it through a year of coach Gaski is just inaccurate. The program quit on him as it did on all the players. After the "batting cage incident" last year, all three of those worthless coaches quit on the team. They were more concerned over griping about losing their jobs. Hell, they didn't even talk to my son the last three weeks or so of the season and he had nothing to do with the incident. In each of my four years associated witht the program (and longer from what former players' parents have told me), about half-way to two-thirds of the way through the season the players just do not want to be there because they can't stand putting up with Gaski for another second. During my first two years, the team kind of rebounded in the last few weeks, rallying around their hatred for Gaski. The third year, the team didn't have a chance with seven position starters moving on. Last year seemed promising to start, but when I saw we only had nine pitchers I threw in the towel immediately. Are you kidding me? Nine pitchers? How is that possible?

I hope for all my friends that stayed, for whatever reason, that things change. But, Gaski is still Gaski. If Record really wanted to make an impact she should have completed the job. You do not make a 180 degree change after 19 years of controlling everything. The only way I see this working for the better is if she let Gaski hang on for one more year, but only as a figure head, with someone else in charge behind the scene.
Last edited by CrusaderDad

I entirely agree with you. All player references have been removed. Please let me know if you have any other issues with the post. While I am not saying everything is coming up roses at UNCG, all I am saying is it is better and I am willing to give it a chance. We only have one year in the program left, so I am hoping for the best. I am not out to destroy a program and a coach, no matter how unhappy I am. Coach Gaski has put 20 years into UNCG and started the baseball program from nothing - he built the program from the ground up it and has been their only coach. Have the last three seasons been increasingly miserable, undoubtedly yes, but so far this year is different. Sure, Coach Gaski may revert back to his old self when the season starts, but we will have to wait can see. Can people change? Certainly. Does it often work on a permanent basis? It depends on the individual. I am trying to remain positive and hope my son's last year at UNCG is his best. So far it has been.

Things are clearly different from a year ago. The new athletic director is the biggest difference. Did she threaten to fire Coach Gaski if he didn't change? I don't know. Is she letting him stay one more year so he can see the club house be completed? I don't know. Is she keeping Coach Gaski for one more season so that he fully qualifies for the North Carolina University System pension? I don't know. Is she giving Coach Gaski one more chance and has him on double secret probation? I don't know. Did the athletic Director feel she was not able to fire a 20 year coach because she had only been in her job for six months? I don't know. We will never know what transpired between the coach and the athletic director, but it is none of our business. What we do know is the coach is trying to change and we should give him a chance. As a God fearing Christian, we should allow Coach Gaski to be "born again" and see if he is good to his word. As with stocks, "Past performance is not an indicator of future performance" and I am thinking this way when it comes to UNCG. Clearly, I think Coach Gaski will lose his job if he does not tow the line given by the athletic director. It's a new day at UNCG and I sad that your son is no longer on the team to see it.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion and that is what makes America great. Please feel free to bash Coach Gaski all you want based on your personal experience, but since you are no longer in the program, your opinions are dated. All I ask is that you not damage future recruiting opportunities based on past experience. Thank you and God Bless.
You closed your last comments expressing your concern for future recruiting. However, if Gaski wasn't going to be fired after last season's debacle then there are some underlying political issues that have enabled him to return.

Please allow me to point out...

There are talented, postive-minded coaches lined up to take this job and deliver the program to the level that is deserved. Few Division 1 programs have the following combination to offer a Head Baseball Coach as does UNCG:

available player talent,
quality of facilities,
conference strength,
potential for local fan interest,
favorable weather conditions,
southern city location,
quality of education,
relative cost of attendance,
and cost of living

With all of those assets and potential, are you satisfied with the job done by Mike Gaski? To whom much is given, much should be expected.... "No baseball program in America is doing less with more than Coach Michael Gaski at UNCG". This is as commonly accepted an understanding within the college baseball world as three strikes = a strikeout.

As long as he is coaching here, the program is destined for mediocrity. If you are so "concerned" for the future it seems that you might take a different approach, but I can't blame you for wanting your sons final season to be salvaged.

There are many fine young men on the team who deserve better than they have received from their leader. They all have been tested far beyond what is healthy and productive. You can't unring a bell.

Honestly, is your son a better ball player now than when he arrived at UNCG? Are you honestly happy with his progress and his experience? Some players are, thankfully, thriving after leaving their challenging experiences at UNCG behind. It is my fervent hope that things are better as I am very fond of several of the players who remain.

In college baseball, it's about having a steady stream of good players, developing loyalty in those players and having enough excitement to deliver a worthy product to a growing fan base. At UNCG, loyalty to Gaski is non-existent among the players and the Greensboro community couldn't care less about Spartan Baseball.

I don't believe you could find a player with two or more years experience from current or past rosters who would endorse the experience of playing for Coach Gaski ...and by the way, you may want to examine the giving rate to Spartan Club of baseball players who played for Coach Gaski? Did they value the experience, or would they just as soon forget that they ever played at UNCG, especially with the current state of the team?

BTW...last year was supposed to be the year that "everything was going to be different". All of my previous statements were accurate. Prior to Athas, 20 asst coaches blew through there in 19 years, the leading batting average did not belong to a starter and the school would not post the info on the summer all-star because he was in the midst of transferring.
Last edited by baseball12532

ParentFan19 you are entitled to your opinion but let be realistic! The rehiring of Gaski was a huge mistake. Do you REALLY think that he is actually going to be able to drastically change his ways? His coaching "style" or shold I say "behavior" has taking years to develop. Unfortunately to the detriment of the university, his players and his coaches. This is just an exercise in futility and a waste of many more years that he university could be using to improve the program. It is amzaing that a college program would even entertain the very though of his return after the numerous incidents that have occured on his watch.
I also would like to tell you that I have had the pleasure of coaching the player that you called out. You could not be any further off base in your "evaluation" if that is what you would call your comments. The player you mentioned is ALL BASEBALL and not only is talented but is as mentally tough as a player could be. I know for a fact that all he WANTED to do is play baseball for the university but it was the BS surrounding the coach, NOT the baseball part that lead him to leave the university. He and any other player also have the right to leave the program if they so choose. Based on the number of players that have left the program recently it was pretty comical to read your statements! The player who left wasn't the exception so I think your personal bias is showing!I for one would not want to waste my college career with a coach who is a pretty big long shot to change his ways. Best of luck to this player who I believe will be playing baseball longer than Gaski will be coaching!! Also best of luck to you and your son hoping that he did not make a mistake by staying with the coach!
FEMA has determined that the fastest way to clear the area in case of hurricanes this weekend is to hold a "Mike Gaski Appreciation Night" in the affected area. The place will instantly become a ghost town...

Hopefully, this will be his last year and the testimonial dinner would fittingly be... a table for one, just like he does on the road.... Oh no, I forgot this year is different -- he's going to actually bring the meal money that the University provides, give it to the players so they can actually eat and sit with them while they all sing "take me out to the ball game" together at the Olive Garden in Charleston.
Last edited by baseball12532
UNCG recruiting class recognized by Collegiate Baseball

I guess despite all the bad press that can be thrown out about UNCG, the head coach, and the program, Gaski seems to be doing a better job than ever in recruiting. UNCG's 2010 recruiting class (playing in the 2011 season) was rated an honorable mention along with 3 other SoCon schools.

No one in the SoCon made the top 40 and the only North Carolina school to crack the top 40 was UNC-Chapel Hill at #25. Other SoCon schools that made the list are App State, Georgia Southern, and Samford. Other North Carolina schools making it as an honorable mention are UNC-Charlotte, East Carolina, and NC State (App State was already listed). This is quite impressive for a school that supposedly has such a bad reputation that it affects recruiting.

The entire story is available on the UNCG Baseball web site.

The metamorphosis at UNCG continues, despite what all the naysayers want to think. The player roster now stands at 36, so they will have to cut someone when the season starts! That is a first. Now there are 16 - count 'em - 16 pitchers on the staff, including 4 lefties. Despite what anyone thinks or can say, I remain optimistic about the future of UNCG Baseball.

"Coach Gaski is also the president of USA Baseball and makes many of the decisions that effect collegiate players across the country. Coach Gaski was instrumental in implementing the APR for baseball as well as the rule that D1 players have to sit a year when transferring at the same level. These are both rules that are good for baseball and a long time coming."

Concerning the rule that D1 players must sit out a year when transferring, you've got to be kidding. A good thing, no!
Originally posted by the big mac:
I'm from the west coast, but I'm looking at colleges on the east coast as well.

If you know anything about a program in the state it would be great.

ex. 11.7 or not, coaches, facilities, roster size, how they handle walk-ons, program success, etc.

D1, D2, and NAIA only please.

Thanks alot.
big mac, from what you asked about the N. Carolina college baseball programs, there are several who do very well year in and year out. This is a great state for playing baseball at any level. I find the publicity that programs get in the media, via newspaper and even internet baseball news is very dormant when it comes to baseball news.

The programs I've watched over the years that seem to do well and often have their club playing at a competitive level are as follows and you will notice I will not bash a program or coach directly, LOL, anyways, but don't take what I state in context as many college programs go through change abruptly if the draft affected them or they had some atrition due to poor academics:

Mount Olive College
Belmont Abbey - new coach from fundamentally sound background
Pitt Community College
Lenoir Community College
Surry Community College
UNC-Chapel Hill
UNC-Wilmington, if you like the beach, there you go.
Methodist College
UNC-Asheville, relatively newer college coach there with a lot of experience in HS ranks beforehand
NC State - lots of experienced coaches that have been there a while or at least in the game a long while
Wake Forest - newer head coach to the program, has a lot of great baseball sense and contacts to build, excellent academic school too
Barton College
East Carolina - pretty consistent program that works and works and works, like the lil engine that could
Louisburg College - long tradition of competitive Junior College program - loved being recruited in HS by their former, great head coach that was like 32 years ago though LOL
High Point
UNC-Greensboro, great area to play golf (heck lots of areas in North Carolina to play goff!), nice facility, UNC system for academics
NC A&T - coach works it, had a good OF'er taken by the Cards there a couple years back

The other programs I didn't mention, I don't know the coaches that well or know much more about them other than maybe seeing them play on the road at one of the colleges mentioned above.

Best of luck. That's all I have now!

Thanks for accepting my friend request. My name is Tim Ryerson, I am the North Carolina Franchise owner for College Prospects of America. I work with student-athletes that want to compete at the college level. If you plan to compete in college, I can help your chances greatly. To get started I need you to do two things...

1.) Browse my website and talk about your college athletic recruiting and my program with your parents
2.) Fill out the Athlete Questionnaire on my website,

Once you fill out the questionnaire I will contact you and we can talk further about how I can assist you.

Talk soon, Tim
I would not trust UNC-G as far as I could throw them. Record just dropped their wrestling program saying it was a budget issue and then promptly gave their basketball coach a $80,000 bonus. It was a tittle 9 issue really. UNC-G is still out of line with tittle9 so baseball better be careful. Wrestling team was the most successful on campus, won the University Unity award for the 2nd straight year, had no off mat issues, one of the highest GPA's of all the sports and the program was dropped just a few days before the team left to go wrestle in the national championships! BEWARE!!!
Wow - You are quick. UNCG dropped the wrestling program over two months ago and it was publically announced on March 14th. You also might mention that all the wrestling athletic scholarships will be honored for the remainder of the athletes' career should they remain at UNCG. This is pretty good if you should decide to give up wrestling and just be a student. I don't know of many other schools that do that. Plus the coaches contracts are paid through the end of the school fiscal year.

In addition, UNCG is paying to help place the athletes in other wrestling programs around the nation, should they decide to keep wrestling. I understand that most of the athletes are choosing this path and they can start in the new school's program without having to sit out a year. This is not unlike what happened to one of UNCG's assistant baseball coaches who attended Providence only to have them can their baseball program after his freshman year. He was able to transfer to Wake Forest and then drafted two years after that.

I agree that it sucks to have a program pulled out from under your kid, but sports at the Division I level is a business, not personal. Just imagine being a baseball player at UCal-Berkeley. Last fall they pulled the plug on baseball and it was supposed to be their last season, but the team was able to go out and raise $10 million on their own and were reinstated on April 8th. Talk about a roller coaster. Budgets are affecting athletic programs all over the country and UNCG is no different.

I seriously doubt that UNCG will cut its baseball program anytime soon. They are putting more money into the program with every passing day. They provided free admission to baseball games this year to increase attendence and it worked. This was also driven by the fact that the AD had giveways to the first 100 attendees at most home games. These freebies included food, chairs, shirts, and all kinds of stuff. If you were going to cut a program, this would not be the way to do it. They also fed the baseball players before and after all home games, something that has been absent for the last few years.

Does UNCG have Title XI problems. Absolutely. They now need to drop a woman's athletic program to equal the number of offerings. This would not concern me about the baseball team, which isn't doing too bad in 2011. It's amazing what a new AD can do to turn around a coach and his program.

As for Wrestling winning the Unity award for the second straight year - great for them. The Unity award is easier for small teams, such as wrestling, to win since it is based on the attendence of the team at other UNCG Unity Sporting events (selected games for selected teams). Teams must have at least 40% of the team roster appear at a Unity game for it to count. That is harder for larger roster teams such as baseball and track & field, especially since UNCG has a full baseball roster for the first time in forever.

Don't count out UNCG baseball just yet. While we are almost out of the program, it is great to be part of a team that has had a great turnaround this season. No grumbling players, no grumbling parents (other than playing time). And BTW, a special shout out to Baseball12532 on his comment that last year/s leading hitter - who is still at UNCG - was not a starter? Where do you get your data? If you start in 41 of 52 games (roughly 80%) of the games, then you are not a starter? What does it take to classified as a starter?
D1 athletics is a business? Careful there. Businesses are in operation for one reason and one reason only. Profit. Any other reason is pure bull. Is the baseball team profitable? Has it ever been profitable? Is it projected to ever even break even? Are any sports profitable at UNC-G? Yes there is much more to it than "D1 is a bussiness." D1 Texas, UNC, Ohio State ect IS BIG BUSINESS. The mid majors and below have other reasons to have athletics and they should. The university's mission is more than profit margins of the athletic teams. One of the many factors is does it enhance the overall college experience? There, is where many of the minor sports programs live. It is an enhancement of the overall college experience.

Yes, it bothers me wrestling was dropped. A great dea in fact. I'm a former college wrestler (MANY moons ago). So, yes it hits home. But there is far more at work here than dropping the wrestling team. Wrestling is being dropped at the college level at an alarming rate, fact. Ya, know what else is being dropped at an equalling alarming rate? Yep, baseball. Why? It would take all day to go over all the factors, but a big reason is tittle 9. Why baseball and wrestling? They both have large squads of males. Both teams usually have 35-40 rostered. That is hard to balance for tittle 9. One other item baseball must overcome is cost. Baseball is an expensive sport. Coaches and equpment, fields, stadium upkeep. I do not have an easy answer to the epidemic of sports being dropped all across the nation at the collegiate level but we better pay attention. There is more to college athletics than football and basketball. Because wrestling was the program dropped THIS TIME at UNC-G is not the "alls well" sign for the other programs. Using business as your metaphor, if you work for a large company with many divisions (athletic department with many teams) and you hear the "widget" division is being shut down for budget reasons and free up cashflow does this make you feel any better about your equally revenue draining "umpalumpa" division? ALL minor sports (sports not called basketball and football) better take heed and go forward with eyes wide open. Wrestling today, who tomorrow?

As far as how the wrestling program was dropped, you were close with your recant with much of what you stated. As far as me being "quick" I referred to UNC-G "just dropped wrestling." Its a relative term. I "just" stumbled across this thread exposing the UNC-G baseball program's issues and thought it to be relavent to a potential student athlete. I know my daughter "just" declined her acceptance into UNC-G once I told her I would not foot the bill for her to enroll in this institution. Any school that would employ and stand behind an AD with Ms. Record background and current actions is not the school I want my kids attending. By the way, my son is not and will not be directly affected by UNC-G's decision to drop wrestling. As a young high school freshman he still has a dream of playing college baseball (not UNC-G).
Last edited by tarheelfan41
The player transferred (2nd team All-Conference at Belmont Abbey) this season, led UNCG at .324 in only 34 ab's. 2 of 12 players remain from the freshman class two years ago and neither have prominent roles as juniors. The 80% player you refer to hit .307 last year. In either case, what's the point?

The AD held the head coach's feet to the fire and the players have responded. Kidos to the hard-working assistant coaches and players who, when left to do their jobs, have responded with a terrific season. The changes needed were obvious to any observer and it took the threats of the AD to make the head coach "adjust". There was never a question about the talent at UNCG, just how it was utilized and how the program was run.

Several players have gone on to be productive players in winning programs. Is there some question as to whether players there actually benefit from the "Gaski experience"? Seems it's just a bit more tolerable when the team wins.

Suffice to say, if you have talent there are other choices more suitable for your baseball future as long as he is there.
Last edited by baseball12532
Opinions be what they may, you can't argue with the results. UNCG has turned their program around and I just wish we were there to see it in the future, although my son will be there for another semester/year to finish his degree. This year's team was special:

- Coach Gaski was the SoCon 'Coach of the Year' in both the coaches and writers poll.
- Finished 2nd in the SoCon regular season standings after being picked to finish next to last.
- Won every weekend series all season with the exception of Furman, Davidson, & JMU.
- Put two players on the all-conference first team and a freshman on the all conference freshman first team.
- Went 22-8 in conference play, tying the most wins in the SoCon by UNCG in the history of the program.
- First winning season since 2008 and first appearance in the SoCon tournament in three years.

I guess the recruiting class really paid off since several of those kids were key contributors to the successful season. Only one kid will not be returning, a JuCo transfer who is going back to Califorinia. He was a good player and contributed this season, but like others who are not mentally tough and can handle a hard coach like Gaski, are running for greener pastures. Several other players will not be returning next year, but will hopefully be back in 2013 once they get their grades up.

Good luck to UNCG and I hope they continue their upward trend. It was nice to go out on top. With the new AD watching the program closely, there we no off-field issues this year and a much more positive experience. Go Spartans!
Coach Gaski was fired yesterday from UNCG. My son found out from a friend that is still on the team that he was let go late Friday along with the rest of the coaching staff. Just like I thought, the new AD is not fooling around and is making a change. 22 seasons and it is over. It will be interesting to watch who comes in and how the program performs in the coming year.

This will certainly change everyone's perception of UNCG.
Last edited by ParentFan19
Originally posted by ParentFan19:
Coach Gaski was fired yesterday from UNCG. My son found out from a friend that is stillon the team that he was let go late Friday along with the rest of the coaching staff. Just like I thought, the new AD is not fooling around is making a change. 21 seasons and it is over. It will be interesting to watch who comes in and how the program performs in the coming year.

This will certainly change everyone's perception of UNCG.

Agree with every one of your points, ParentFan19.

I think many coaches will come knocking for that position. The AD ought to be able to hire a very capable head coach if the compensation level for the head coach and his assistants is competitive.

Do you happen to know if the program's scholarship allotment is fully funded? Obviously, that will make a difference in the school's ability to attract top coaching talent as well.
Last edited by Prepster
As far as I know, the program is fully funded at 11.7 scholarships. I don't have a dog in that fight any more since my son graduated after the 2011 season. I do know that the program was fully funded in 2011. Knowing the new AD, I would think she has fully funded the program and will make the coaches salary on par with other programs of that size and statue.

The AD is definitely making changes. I just read that the softball coach was let go yesterday as well (after 7 seasons). She also fired the basketball coach mid season last year and the basketball team responded very positively. Let's just hope the same is try for baseball. I also think the AD canned the men's s****r coach in 2011 too. She is kicking butt and taking names.
I agree with you 55mom. Almost think he couldn't be bothered with coaching and worried about his future resume with USA baseball. Just wish it would have made a difference with MLB scout contacts and others at the UNCG games. Amazing how many kids were drafted or contacted by MLB even without Gaski helping or making contacts on their behalf. Told many of the kids they would never be looked at and the scouts told the players that they realize they were playing for a coach with no eye for talent for the next level.

Loggin in to these types of forums can hurt doubt..but Gaski is doing that on his own! My son played there for 4 years and described it as hell. I went to every game wondering what **** Gaski would pull or how he was going to stomp on the players psyche. I don't think the coach has to be the kids best buddy or worry with "playing time" parents, but you do have to chat with them from time to time and allow them to be ambassadors for your team when you don't have the time/inclination! It's a crying shame when a team goes to administartion like they did this year and beg for a change. It's also time to make a move when the entire team (with a coach and trainer) move out of the dugout onto the runway and leave it completely empty at the last game to protest a move by the head coach by pulling a senior player out of the game. Good for the kids and have a nice life Gaski tormenting others!
Finally...Gaski put out of his misery.

As for an eye for talent (HaHa) -- he told my kid he had the 'range of a chair' during his 2nd season at UNCG.

After transferring, he was named Md's Amateur POY, was a two-time, all-league SS in one of the top five summer leagues in the country, won a (Peach Belt)conference regular season and tournament title and was just named to the Rawlings /ABCA National Gold Glove Team at Shortstop. He handled more chances per game (5.42) than any SS in America and led all of D2 in fldg. pct. (.970). For good measure hit .298 had 27 2b's and 86 rbi his last two seasons, as well. Glad you got yours, Gaski!!

Full vindication and a great week at our house!
(Peach Belt)conference regular season and tournament title

Great week at our house too! Now we can start easing off on the blood pressure meds. Good story about Gaski this year...not sure who masterminded the plot but their were some rumors of previous players involved...their names are now legends! The big draw as far as games go is the UNCG vs Tarheels game at Greensboro. Scene is 2500-3000 fans in attendance. I go in the mens bathroom and use the wall urinal. When I look down, someone had placed urinal disinfectant mint in the toilet and the holder had Gaski's picture on it. Two or three of the urinals had them in it. It was fabulous. Everyone got a chance to p*** on Gaski. The AD over baseball heard about it and went in and came out laughing his head off. They stayed in the whole game and the Asst. Coaches took them out the next day. Don't know if Gaski ever knew but everyone else did! Wonder if the Tarheel fans thought it was a recruiting ploy?! You should have seen all the men taking pics of the urinals!

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