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Hello everyone. I'm looking for a basic workout program so I can stay in shape in the month or two leading up to an elbow reconstruction surgery. Right now any intense lifting causes swelling and occasional numbness. The doctor said I could still work out and do some things but to hold off on throwing. I want to stay in shape before the surgery happens so the rehab won't be too difficult. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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Outfield prospect6,
Sorry you are having to have reconstructive elbow surgury, hopefully you are fortunate enough to have a Dr. who is experienced in baseball throwing injury's and fully realizes the tension and abuse the arms acquire when executing the unnatural act of throwing a baseball, but playing baseball is great fun,isn't it?
It sounds like you are having it operated on this Sept. or October, very close as time tends not to wait on anyone or anything, Your operation date will be here before you know it, Just where are you at with being able to do physical activity? can you do sprint work without the jarring hurting your arm? If so get a friend or even better get several friends Go out and find a golf course the are very soft and are great to jog on, map out a three mile course and keep your pace at just a high enough pace where you all can carry on a conversation, do the distance three times a week preferrably at the same time each day, and preferrably say, Mo. Wed. Fri. As you can see you would jogging in a regular cycle with only being off two days in a row, as you can see you can jog on different days but be sure to keep the same"continuity" day spread in tact, after each jog you should have worked up quite a sweat, which makes your muscles very supple and just right to do some light stretching also you want to stay totally hydrated always replenishing the fluid you sweat out, Bike shops have fluid units that you can carry and drink from as you move along.
Water or sports drinks are highly recommended over energy drinks"Propel"or"Gator Ade Endurance formula" are two to consider there are a few more good sports drinks out there also, check them out, I have some good info. too long to print out at this time, any one wanting more info. on hydration etc. let me know.
Now after you have gotten all sweaty and have really loosened up, think about going to the ball park and doing some short faster running by doing some constructive base running, on your non-jogging days leg some out from home through first base, first to second, second to third, ,rounding second and third to a fifteen foot lead, never just suddenly pull up to a stop, third to home start over and add a base each time, starting at home, complete at least two full base runs home to home, then leg it out in reverse and go home to home straight through, every base run work on good base running skills, when rounding bases do so in the shortest distance possible. figure it out, I would be very cautious with your arm and elbow, just let it rest until you get into re-hab.Let me know if you are interested in following my suggestions and if so I can suggest to you some plyometrics and other good things to do.
The weather here in Springfield, Mo. is fairly humid.
Take care of that shoulder, elbow and arm, be very patient at this time and you will be back out there playing and throwing better than ever, let me know about my suggestions and how your operation goes.
Don Ervin

If your surgeon wants you to do exercises before surgery, he or she should give you things to do. Your best bet is to specifically ask the physician what you should be doing to prepare.

You didn't respond anymore in the JM thread so I figured I would come here.

He didn't say his surgeon wanted him to exercise before surgery. He wants to-read below.

The doctor said I could still work out and do some things but to hold off on throwing. I want to stay in shape before the surgery happens so the rehab won't be too difficult.

Why on earth would you ask a surgeon what to do to stay in shape?

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