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I am a 14 year old kid. I have played baseball for 4 yrs. now and im not to talented. I have all summer long to workout my skills. I am not a very good hitter. Im pretty okay in the outfield but can use some help in the infield. I was wondering wat i should do during the summer for practice.

Thanks for all the help!
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If you are in a position where you will be practicing alone then I would suggest wall ball. Use a tennis ball or rubber baseball and bounce it off a wall back at yourself. Make it more challenging as you get better. Imagine the plays you will be making and go through the motions.

Anything else you can think of that will improve hand eye coordination, glove to hand tranfer and overall quickness can't hurt.

Take in some games and pay special attention to what goes on in the infield. How they set up, where they catch the ball and how each position player plays his spot.

As far as hitting, I would get a tee and a bunch of wiffle balls and swing every time you have the chance. Make a game out of it to see how changes in your swing and your stance will change your results.

Ask for advice whenever you have questions about particular parts of the swing and fielding.

Good luck and have a great summer!!
Last edited by deaconspoint

My son used to do a game called “Hot Shot”. Place two balls in front (four or so feet) of a fence and space them so they are diving distance if you are in the middle. Have someone hit ground balls to you (hit sharply) anywhere between the two balls – not just the extremes but straight at you as well. Your job is to make sure no ball reaches the fence – at least knock it down. When you do catch the ball come up in a proper throwing position. It’s a lot of fun and you can have competitions between you and teammates.

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