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According to a D1 college website, they have signed 22 new players in 2010, with the possibility of adding a couple more. The 2010 roster had 8 seniors, 6 players went to the draft (one of which was a senior)which means 13 players graduated or were drafted. What happens to the 10 or so players who are no longer on the team. Is it typical to lose this many players when a new coach comes in? Do players leave on their own or do their scholarships not get renewed? Has anyone had any experience with this or insight to give?
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Welcome to the world of college recruiting, it happens at times when new coaches arrive and it also happens with some programs even when the coach is not new.

You need to do the research of what type of turnover the rosters have over time, how many freshman don't make it to the Sophomore year, how many recruits they bring in each year, how many players do they have in each position, do only a limited amount players who make the 35 man roster get significant playing time, etc.
My son went to a DI with a new coach. Many players quit. Very few of those that had signed showed up. Roster ended up with only about 25 players.

My son did not stay. Left, went JUCO and will be going to a different DI this fall.

I think a lot of the players and especially the recruits do not like the idea of going into a situation with a coach they have not even met and when they do not know if the coach has any interest. New coaches sometimes want to bring in their own guys. Its a tough situation.

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