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by "nail" I meant "precisely determine", and did not intend to offend anyone to the point where this post is deleted

Hey Bee> - You keep posting that someone is deleting posts all over the site. Rather than using inuendo to impune people, why don't you send Julie a pm to find out who has removed the posts you speak of and then work it out with them? I assure you it was not me as I think people can still derive value - even when you post like a moron.

One thing to keep in mind and it might explain your present dilemna is that the creator of a topic can be their own moderator. Thus, if they decided to delete their original post that started a thread and you also posted in that thread, then your brilliant observations will also unfortunately be deleted.
by CD: I assure you it was not me as I think people can still derive value - even when you post like a moron
do appreciate the legaleze, I'll take you at your word Smile

other than busting your chops for baiting a new webster who was trying to be helpful last week, I don't believe I mentioned you in any of my posts including the PM to MnMom.

btw, what is inuendo? (layman's terms please)
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by Coach Merc:
From my understanding this is the last mid year transfer opportunity without having to sit. Players will be allowed to transfer without penalty until the August 08' date that makes everything effective.

Sorry Coach,
That is incorrect. They have to have completed a full semester at the school before the rule comes into effect.
Last edited by CPLZ
from BA: "Since players will not be able to transfer without sitting out a year starting next summer, Polk is advising all players who are unlikely to make his 35-man roster to transfer in between semesters, the last chance to transfer freely"

the new rules language & Aug 2008 effective date is a bit confusing ..

agree - the deadline looms near Frown
Last edited by Bee>
Even players who were told to stay are leaving because of the misrepresentation told to them at Mississippi State. Coach Polk's only apology is that it is the NCAA's fault and for that he is sorry. Some of the boys told to leave do not have another place to play because they gave that up last year. Some are leaving to play at other schools even though they were asked to stay. Hopefully the new rules will stop the hoarding and misrepresentation to players so that future players don't have to go through what the players at MState have.
According to PGCrosschecker, here are the commmitments from schools with seemingly large recruiting classes...

Arizona State .........16
Central Florida........12
North Carolina.........11
North Carolina State...10
South Carolina.........10

Of course these numbers are freshman commitments and don't include JC transfers...and, I believe these are self reported to PG, so the list if far from complete.

According to

Washington State.....10
Oregon State.........11
Last edited by CPLZ
Originally posted by ARMYOFONE(RET):
Rosters have to be down to 30 by 08/09 season, and 27 by 09/10 season. That's 30/27 "counters". Not sure how that affects non-counters....i.e. walkons whether recruited or just coming from the student body.

Not rosters, scholarshipped players will be 30 then 27. Rosters will be capped at 35.
To specify that: (a) there shall be an annual limit of 11.7
on the value of financial aid awards (equivalencies) to counters
and an annual limit of 27 (30 in 2008-09) on the total
number of counters in baseball at each institution; (b) an institution
shall provide each counter athletically related and
other countable financial aid that is equal to or greater than
25 percent of an equivalency; and (c) an institution shall declare,
by the day prior to its first scheduled contest in the
championship segment of the playing and practice season, a
squad of a maximum of 35 student-athletes who shall be eligible
to participate in countable athletically related activities
during the remainder of the championship segment.
I assume your question is the same as your original oneon the previous page.

It doesn't affect non counters like walk ons. This is a reporting requirement by the schools to the NCAA. Since BB money is for 1 year and cannot be taken away until the full year for which it was given is finished. It is important to under stand that once reported and if a BB player who recieved countable BB money if that player was cut the coach loses a roster spot.
This also doesn't stop over recruiting and or limit walk ons.

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