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Does NFHS specify the number of scrimmages allowed?
An educated man went to visit a Zen master. He wished to learn what the Zen master knew. The master invited him in for tea and listened as his visitor told of his outstanding education. As the visitor talked on and on about his long and valuable education, the Zen master began pouring more tea for the man, until his cup was overflowing and the tea was spilling onto the man and onto the floor. “Stop,” the man said, “My cup is already too full; it cannot hold anymore.” “Yes,” said the Zen Master.
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Originally posted by coach2709:
Yeah that's not real clear as to what you can / cannot do according to their handbook. I would just email someone in charge at the state association and ask.

They have a "frequently asked questions" handout that's 24 pages and never answers the question that I have. You're right, check with the HS AD, the Section Admin people, or the state. Someone smarter than us will know the answer.

Please post it if you find out.
Got different answers from section rep and AD, just trying to figure which one is correct. AD says 3 above the 20 game limit, rep says unlimited. The devil is always in the detail, or in this case, the definition of a "contest". Rep may be saying unlimited with the understanding any above the 3 would count against the game schedule.

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