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Questionnaires and camp brochures can come pretty much any time. 2B was a rising sophomore when he got his first questionnaires. The cover letter says something like "the NCAA forbids us from contacting you directly but please complete this questionnaire for our records." Then on September 1 of the junior year, they can get direct emails from coaches that indicate that the player is on their recruit list. "We like how you handle yourself on the field and would like for you to consider X University as a top choice." Then on July 1 between the junior and senior year is when coaches can call them directly.

The rules are more specific than what I just wrote, dead period, quiet period, etc., but that's the quick and dirty version. You can do a search here on "recruiting timeline" and get more specific info. There are some true experts on this site.

We're now in the post-July 1 phase. Only one call so far, but hey, it's a call. As they say, it only takes one. It's a fun time. Smile Wherever you are in the process, enjoy every minute!
Last edited by 2Bmom

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