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A topic entitled "16U scout team?" has been moved to the moderation que, meaning that no one can read it at the moment. This was done because of several complaints, along with one threat of legal action - which I guess means legal action against me, the owner. I always love when that happens, since I and the other moderators volunteer our time to provide a free site.

So many great people here, really nice parents and coaches that I have truly enjoyed getting to know, but it only takes a few poorly chosen words or keystrokes made in anger, to make things pretty ugly.

But anyway...

The trouble that happened about a year ago here is not going to be replayed. This forum CANNOT be used to wage public vendettas or battles, whether they be between parents, or coaches, or baseball teams, or businesses, etc. I spent hundreds of hours last time trying to investigate, sort out who did what first, whether they had understandable provocation, putting a lot of thought into answering e-mails and PMs, etc., which cost me thousands of dollars of productivity in my real job, which was a hardship to my family. I can't afford to put in those hundreds of hours on this situation again - I'll delete posts, close threads, or suspend a member or two if I have to, or I'll ask moderators to feel free to do so. I'm really sorry if that sounds harsh, but please remember that moderators are volunteers and most cannot spend all of our time doing this.

CoachB25, if you are available on Friday, please feel free to do what you do so well... Clean up that thread and re-open if you wish, or leave it closed if you think that's best. Even feel free to delete this notice if you wish to take a different action - you know I trust your judgment completely.

Thank you all for your understanding. Anyone who wishes to PM me or CoachB25 on this topic is of course welcome to do so, but please be constructive.

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MN-Mom, thanks! Sorry I've been absent from the site while all of this is happening. My girl is in a softball clinic is St. Louis and so, I was trying to be a Dad.

I will go read some of these threads and do what I have to do. BTW, HOW CAN ONE PERSON GET SO MANY PMS? LOL! Thanks to all of you that sent them and your obvious desire for both protocal and for keeping a level-head. Also, thanks for letting me in on the background of these disputes. I've wondered why so many people have such a dislike for each other. NOW I KNOW!

It isn't always easy to get along with everyone. First of all, there are so many opinions out there. I suppose we can all be adults and respect those opinions, so that isn't a problem. We all live in different parts of the state, are from different conferences and of course we should be able to act as adults and get past that as well.

Travel is another issue, but again if I want my kid not to play a lot of travel and you want your kid to play a lot of travel, we can just have our kids live their lives and we can be fine with it.

There is however one area in which I have grave concern that may not ever come to a peaceful end...and I'm not talking about strife in the Middle East. Quite frankly I don't think you can ever expect peace between Cubs and Sox fans (not to mention the Card fans) when White Sox fans are so unreasonable.

It seems to me that all Sox fans should be required to attend sensitivity training sessions before they are allowed to post on this site. Ohterwise we will never get along.

Julie, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING and I'm sorry things ever got to this point again.
Last edited by FastballDad
I say we all get together and do something good like donating to the Chicago area special Olympic basketball team that had their uniforms stolen or send something over to the struggling baseball organizations in Louisiana that are still suffering from Hurricane Katrina. I will be the first to send a donation and refrain from mudslinging.
We have a unique perspective on the merging of travel ball & high school baseball, we have much to offer. We have some great people with experience and knowledge that could be beneficial to the kids. Let's stay on track with baseball related issues, for the kids sake.
This is just a reminder of how quickly things can escalate.
This tragic event occured at a youth baseball tournament over nothing.
.Husband Killed In Youth Baseball Brawl
AKRON, Ohio -- A woman whose husband was killed in a brawl at a youth baseball tournament has filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the man convicted in the case.
Akron Youth Baseball Coach Sentenced In Assault Conviction
A youth baseball coach convicted of assault in the beating death of another man was sentenced Monday.

Richard Haught, of Cuyahoga Falls, was found guilty on Friday of assault, but was acquitted on involuntary manslaughter charges.

Haught's sentence of six months in jail has been suspended. He has been ordered to serve 60 days in the Oriana House, an agency that helps people overcome drug addiction.

Haught was accused of beating Robert Abrams with a baseball bat during a tournament last July. The beating, which was prompted by a fight over a $5 parking fee, led to Abrams' death.

Her husband, Robert Abrams, 40, was working in a concessions stand at the Akron-area tournament when a brawl broke out in the parking lot on July 1, 2005.

The fight started after some parents demanded their $5 parking fee be returned because their team had already paid a $65 dollar gate fee that included parking.

Richard Haught, 46, of Cuyahoga Falls, was convicted of assault and placed on probation. The jury acquitted him on a charge of involuntary manslaughter, which carried a maximum five years in prison.

Witnesses said during his trial that they saw Haught punch Abrams in the head, causing him to fall. Haught testified that he may have pushed Abrams when he ran into the crowd during the fight to save a coach's wife who was about to be hit with a bat.

Haught managed a team in the tournament.
Tr the mark is a reference to graffiti, you can write on the walls there. It's a historic landmark. If you assistance with the travel expenses PM me and we can talk about it, some of the guys have free air miles to burn.
Just joking about the seating arrangement for gods sake lighten up a little.
"I come only if Beenthere and I sit next to each other at the same table and he and soxnole pay my plane fare

Last edited by Ibach
Tr, OK if something changes let me know.
DT Chicago is a great spot to visit in the winter, the mag mile is lit up and every square inch has an interesting restaurant or establishment. At Gibsons you are pretty much guaranteed of seeing someone famous, even during the week. I personally like the spots in Bucktown, Lincoln Park and Wicker park, off the path a little but memorable, be sure to visit these neighborhoods if you make the trip.
There is a little antique store on Belmont that has priceless pictures of Gehrig, Ruth and others from visits to Chicago, the family that owns the store bought the negatives from a collector and will reprint for about $40 a shot 8x11 and these make for great pics in a great room or den.
Tuzi, You may find this interesting. Last year during the board wars, we invited Sean from PBR to a get together/dinner in Chicago. Why, because he was one of the only people to actually listen to what we had to say and not back us into a corner and put people on the defensive. Sean in the end could not make the dinner, but he did open a line of communication, I think that says a lot about the guy.

*Nobody puts TrHit in a corner.

Some of you should get that.
Originally posted by Ibach:
Tuzi, You may find this interesting. Last year during the board wars, we invited Sean from PBR to a get together/dinner in Chicago. Why, because he was one of the only people to actually listen to what we had to say and not back us into a corner and put people on the defensive. Sean in the end could not make the dinner, but he did open a line of communication, I think that says a lot about the guy.

I don't know SD but I know people that are close to him, or have met him at his showcase events. They say that he is a good guy, and that is good enough for me. I don't know why you think that I would find it interesting that he agreed to meet you for dinner, or talk to you. IMO, your statement was simply a back-handed compliment for yourself to demonstrate to the forum that you have some credibility with someone that the forum respects.

I still think it is a great idea that someone try to pull something together. It will be good for you to attend, and good for all of us that have been waiting to meet anyone from our very own Chicagoland TBS staff for the last 2.5 years.


*Nobody puts TrHit in a corner.

Some of you should get that.

Who is this being addressed to? Not me, I know chapter 4 like the back of my hand.

"Spit out the bone"
Last edited by Tuzigoot
TuziGoot, That's a great idea, set it up. Instructions are, to not engage anyone posting here in a public dispute. You can contact some of the people we have worked with for references, Allan Simpson at Baseball America, Sarah Corbett New York Times Magazine, Andrew Bennett, Home Box Office.
Management has also had contact with the principals at Perfect Game and other outlets. You can PM for additional info..The constant and unrelenting negativity of some that post here, is and has been the catalyst for much of the digression. How about starting 2007 with a new approach, like trying to get along. Look forward to meeting you.
Last edited by Ibach

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